India poised to progress
A nation/company progresses depending on the quality of its leadership. All African nations became paupers due to their corrupt socialistic leaders. Now winds of change sweep across some states like Rwanda. China embraced market economy and is on the road to a big leap forward. India too had inefficient, self conceited political leadership (Nehru) who followed the footsteps of a failed USSR economic policies. Later his descendants served their own interests and enriched themselves.A change is happening now; Modi, a selfless, efficient, hardworking, politician is at the helm of the affairs of India. He has oiled up the entire government servants, made his own ministers and politicians work for the nation and its people. With his relentless efforts and determination, India seems to be poised for a quantum jump. Are we on the road to developed nationhood? Anything is possible with such a an impeccable, sincere leadership and incessant efforts.