India News Highlights December 2019
the last month of the year and sadly a bad one for india.
the entire month was dominated by the aftermath of the CAA bill.
personally i believe that this is a positive law and good for the economy as well for the society from a cultural perspective.
unfortunately the opposition is creating a ruckus just to try and prevent the government carry on further development in the country.
the entire nation has come to a halt.
well not really. but this protest has to some extent damaged the momentum in everyday life as well as the business atmosphere.
it is sad that a party like the congress is engaging in an ugly activity like this.
the bjp government has finally generated a tempo. and the congress party is a huge setup and ought to behave responsibly.
on the other hand looking at the statements made by the top three leaders in the party one gets the impression that they are not too keen on disrupting the climate in the nation.
conversely it seems that a couple of ex-ministers have succeeded in pressuring the gandhi family into launching protest campaigns.
but then its nothing new. it has been the biggest weakness of the congress party since history.
they always succumb when a group of ministers beg them on a certain aspect.
an extremely lenient leadership when it comes to internal party policy making matters.
old habits die hard and one does not learn from mistakes. its a universal phenomenon.
it was unfortunate to see pranab mukherjee warning the government on the issue of hard steps.
is it ever possible to carry-out any positive reform through a soft approach ?
definitely a regrettable statement by pranab mukherjee in particular because he is an immensely respectable politician.
then of course chidambaram as usual trying best to somehow defame and insult the bjp government purely because he cannot get over the fact that he is no longer a minister and will never be in future ever again.
the crux of the matter is that this protest has to be stopped at any cost.
no matter what kind of force required - this campaign should be crushed immediately.
or else on one hand it brings an extreme sense of insecurity in the common man's mind and on the other hand it produces an immense worldwide doubt about the stability in the indian system.
to top that the local business is suffering. what will the americans think about india ?
obviously more than 75% of the indian population is in favor of this rule. so how dare anyone raise a voice against the government ?
it started from the north east. but who cares about goons ? the majority of the male north east population is basically hooligan.
they have the audacity to curtail inflow of indians from all over the country inside their domain.
their men simply kidnap, demand ransom, loot or sometimes even kill (anyone from other parts of india) the one who wishes to settle down personally or establish a businesss inside their boundaries.
but being very clever, when the male population from their states comes to settle down in delhi, their modus-operandi changes to the opposite.
here these ruffians have no other choice but to disguise themselves as simple beings.
but in total contrast they start torturing their own women for not-doing or doing anything depending upon whatever these gangsters want or not-want.
more or less their style is the same what a haryanvi imposes on a female member in his own family.
pure obedience or else torture and violence in case of an inter-caste marriage.
then they form the students union which is camouflaged as a noble foundation for helping the minority in their community.
in reality it is a group of assailants looking for opportunities and excuses to cause physical agony towards women inside their own community.
all said and done. it is the governments duty to squash this CAB protest because of the reasons already mentioned above.
some people these day are scared to the extent that they step outside their home only if absolutely necessary.
first of all there is a severe shortage of cctv cameras in residential colonies. to top that half are probably non-functional.
the masses are defenseless in this situation.
it is easy for any politician or someone with deep pockets to eliminate any tom, dick or harry just out of revenge - be it for a major or a minor issue under the umbrella of a mob attack.
this protest can act like a tool for disguising a murder for sure.