The fast dispensation of Justice is must !

The fast dispensation of Justice is must !

It is a tipping point indeed!

  1. Introduction: It is an established fact by now even among the die-hard critics of the government that the present government under Shri N. Modi is doing an excellent work with complete honesty steering the development Agenda along with spreading the net of Financial Inclusion ahead with the desired push, efforts and commitment at a much faster pace which had been totally missing in last 67 years before it. The man, our PM is leading the country from the front with personal example working 16-18 hours a day without taking a holiday or leave so that the order of governance could be set right in the country that got worsened over these years. He is making consistent efforts to the last mile with his cabinet of ministers relentlessly so that India regains inherent strengths & the past glory in tune with the present time to take a place what it deserve globally. He has succeeded to reignite Brand India in the world in such a short span of time to a level that is not only unprecedented but also in a direction that India is looked upon with positivity for doing business with ocean of opportunities by the best financial institutions the world over and the best global businesses.

He had brought back a stage where Indians are respected around the world and they can now keep their head high as they can proudly say that my country India is moving in the right direction. It is a matter of great pride for India on this planed and side by side a great amount of satisfaction that finally the country got a leader as was needed to steer the country out of mess. He has shown a clear vision that how he is going to shape India economy with launch of various needed initiatives such as Digital India, Make in India, 100 Smart Cities, AMRUT, Jan Dhan Yojna, Clean India, targets for renewable energy at 170 GWe along with expansion of grid capacities & length of transmission lines and how such programme could be supported by providing desired manpower trained through an another most ambitious scheme, Skill India in order to harness the fruits of demographic dividend. The PM’s vision & thoughts on terror, climate control & environment protection, creation of International Solar Alliance (ISA), efforts towards attainment of equality in the world and international co-operation have been appreciated by the world leaders. On the other hand his call of surrendering of LPG Gas connections those who don’t need subsidized gas and popularizing wearing of Khadi has brought an awakening in India among masses. The start of social security schemes and the efforts towards opening a bank account has seen a historic success. He has provided a direction towards farmer’s welfare through Crop Insurance, incentivized fertilizers & diesel and provisioning towards heavy investments in strengthening of Rural Economy in this year budget.

The biggest investments in building national critical infra in highways, railway modernization, converting ports in to highly efficient & profit making entities in maritime business and as a back bone of supply chain systems in the country, sagar mala initiative and opening of waterway in hinder land, real estate bill, incentives to real estate developers in 45 sqm & 60 sqm houses( though a monetary limit should have been attached to this scheme otherwise the builder / real estate developers will make fast bucks in cities where the cost of such small areas is very high) and the latest bonanza of building 2.5 crore houses in rural areas / villages at an investment of 01 lakh crore by providing an incentives of 1.2 lakh in plains & 1.3 lakh in hills is going to be the biggest game changer in infusing spurt in rural economy as that shall contribute to add in efforts strengthening overall economy of the country. The PM’s directives to all the ministries recently that any grievances at any cost must be addressed within 60 days is another hall mark of his governance model what he has envisioned for India. So, there is still so much to add here in this growth story of India in such a  short duration of 20 months by the present government and direct push by the PM, but would like to bring that there are still some issues those needs to be paid top most priority such as penned down below. If these issues are dealt with firmness, with speed & scale needed at the earliest it shall enhance the government credibility in the public to a level never before and that shall not only propagate country in the right direction & for finding a place globally but make sure that the government is retaining power in 2019 & beyond and also in states with a decisive majority in upper house as well because country needs it with utmost urgency. It is tipping point that India must address it with seriousness and the firmness needed with all out efforts.

  1. Speed Trial at Fast Track Courts: India has witnessed in abundance in the past after independence that its people have been frauded and the tax payer money has been siphoned by the crooks in to creating personal assets & building empires & businesses within the country and outside. The government has been cheated by a nexus of certain category of people in place of power in the past and its financial institutions have been robed with deliberate intentions making best use of inadequate & fast delivery judiciary system and week & corrupt governance and the insiders ready to be the part of such heists in government money at a cost. The credibility of judiciary is under question mark today as it made headlines in news papers recently. There is so huge number of pending cases in various courts of the country running for so many years which makes impossible to dispense justice and it is well known fact that Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. The assets value gets eroded with delays during that period and culprits do not get booked in time as they are making use of appeal provisions at different courts and soliciting the best legal support in their favor with the power of ill gotten money in their hand by resorting to adjournments & delaying tactics on silly grounds, hence, tilting law of the land in their support. There are so many cases against corrupt politicians, government officials and businesses but they do not see a light of the day or justice for many years due to the reasons just stated, hence, it has encouraged this phenomenon to increase rapidly and the corruption has become the biggest issue in India and a common man had lost all the hopes till this government came to power and Shri N. Modi was chosen the PM of the country. NPAs of about $ 08 to 10 Bn caused in the time of happy days of previous government have surfaced and the value may go up further. There are the cases in DRT of the order of about 05 to 06 lakh crore. It is not end of the story as 26 banks (Public Sector Banks / PSBs) have also lost about Rs.30,873 crore to frauds in four years from 2011-2015 and these loses / frauds are of Rs. 1.0 lakh or more. The CBI, which is investigating such cases have registered some under the sections of IPC besides the Prevention of Corruption Act, indicates the involvement of insiders in most of the cases. It has been found that in most of the cases the disbursement was done without getting the necessary documents and the beneficiary disappeared from India also in some cases. In another cases it has been found that conspired with officials at the banks, some people fraudulently & dishonestly obtained credit facilities on the basis of fake collateral securities and obtaining loans against fake papers has been found the reason in many cases. The investigators have found conclusive evidences towards the involvement of insiders. The Telecom & coal block corruption cases have come to the notice of public and they know very well who did it & got benefitted out of it, that’s why the public voted for a majority government at the centre. There are PSUs where the government / tax payer money is plundered by few corrupt individuals. Energy discoms have taken huge debt and running in to losses as money has been siphoned by this most dangerous syndicate / nexus of politicians, bureaucrats and businesses. I would like to state that there are about 1246 (number is just mentioned to give a figure & it may change on ground reality so it is for an example only) political families in this country those were running States & Country in the past but with power centre in few or one as heavy weights heading various political parties with hand in gloves with equal or more number of corrupt bureaucrats, government officials and private business players / promoters. The case of Air India is a glaring example that how a pride of India doomed to such a debt ridden entity. Why 22,000 crore package disbursed by UPA-II to bring back Air India out of losses failed and how this money has not been accounted for is known to everyone in the country. The connivance of politicians, bureaucrats and businessman have been responsible for creating & leveraging corruption to such a level where a person borne in this country feel helpless that nothing could be done against corruption and one can’t survive being honest. This is the biggest fear and tragedy for the people of this country.

But everyone knows that it could be reversed one day by initiating efforts on war scale by adhering to the following though this government has already stopped corruption at high places, hence, achieved a great amount of success in that direction but a lot to be achieved to restore faith in public / common man to a complete satisfaction level and for the betterment of economy and well being of all the classes:

  1. Set up sufficient number of fast track courts especially to deal with criminal cases, financial frauds & corruption / black money and resource them with adequate infrastructure & trained manpower needed within next 06 months whatever may be the cost as it shall be a fraction of frauds caused in the past. If our banks can write off 44,000 Crore as bad debt in the form of NPAs in one year and again the government can further support banks with a budget provisioning of 25,000 crore the tax payer money than why can’t we incur an expenditure of 10,000 or 20,000 or 30,000 crore or even higher amount on such a initiative of setting up sufficient number of Fast Track Courts though it may not be needed more than 500 Cr so that no case takes more than 06 months at any court and during appeal. These court should run 24x7 hearing with change of staff in case of sorting out all the financial frauds & corruption cases and criminal cases within 03 months in any court and during appeal. If any legislation needs to be brought to this effect should be brought in with inputs of best professionals & interaction with public, social entities & NGOs. I am sure the public pressure shall compel opposition also to pass such a bill in Rajya Sabha. So, not having majority in Rajya Sabha (Upper House) shall not stop such a bill as it is going to be supported by the masses of this country on a call from the PM. I am sure if such an initiative is exercised not only the corruption will go away but the government shall be elected by the public repeatedly which is the need of the hour as we need this government to function at least next 20 years. All such courts should have CCTV coverage during hearings and equipped with Digital records of the cases. This one single step is enough to stop corruption, ensuring efficient governance and punishing the culprit at fast speed for dispensing the justice in time and taking the country ahead on a path of desired progress and required GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) along with GDP.
  2. The promoter of KF left the country is certainly an issue among the public and it needs to be sorted out with the fast speed ASAP. There are plenty of money laundering / corruption cases in the country as per news papers against the Vir Bhadra Singh in HP, Lalu Yadav in Bihar, Chagan Bhujbal & Ashok Chawan in Maharashtra, the Sahara, Sharda and Pearl Group scandals frauding investors and converting black money in to white in real estate & other businesses. Diverting funds from the businesses where loans were taken from the banks in to other entities in other countries in tax havens also needs to be investigated. So, there is a need to increase the recruitment of honest officers & inspectors in investigating & regulatory agencies of the country and set up fast track courts with honest judges of highest integrity at whatever expenditure is needed to unearth all the cases of frauds as stated above as the nexus / syndicate of powerful needs to be broken in order to bring complete faith of the public in systems, governance and democracy. It is the best time as the PM can do it with his government as some work has already been done as Bankruptcy Bill & Insolvency Code is awaiting passing in the parliament. The scheme to get black money back in to the systems is already in place though it needs little more teeth to make it as effective to the need of the hour.
  3. Investigations in other cases of NPAs has to commence at a very fast pace so that public gets confidence in measures taken by the government. The list of defaulters / willful defaulters be made public.
  4. There is a need to run consistent campaigns in Social Media / News to bring out the work of honest government officials, bureaucrats and the good work of ministries done / carried out in last 20 months. The PM’s efforts to improve IAS matrix by appointing them in Delhi in to main schemes / initiatives / programme run by ministries / PMO after passing out from the academy is one such example where these young officers understand in the beginning of their careers itself what it takes to contribute towards nation building with honesty, commitment, truth and transparency. Ethics, integrity, morals, honesty, character and a pursuit / passion towards nation building should be made hall mark as part of KRAs in all the government jobes, PSUs and even in private entities at all levels. The selection process in all the government jobs, admissions in specializations and in everything is to be made transparent & on merit. It shall go a long way brining the country back to a level it deserves as majority of Indians are hard working, intelligent, honest, committed, have character, confident with perseverance, truthfulness and simple in approach and ready to sacrifice for safeguarding the honor of the country at any point of their life.
  5.  Again I would like to stress that Indian Judicial Systems has to reform with highest amount of integrity & accountability to the people of this nation at all levels with fast dis pension of justice as highlighted above with the consensus of GOI through parliament with the approval of the President and taking the opinion of the Highest Judicial Body / Apparatus functioning in the country at present. 

Jai Hind


