Colonel Dilip Prasad SM
Colonel (Retd) in the Indian Army | Ex Director with Home Department Govt of Bihar | NLP Coach | Life Coach | High Performance Coach | Author
1.???????? Republic of Maldives (Maldives Islands), is an independent island?nation in the north-central?Indian Ocean. It consists of a chain of about 1,200 small coral islands and sandbanks (some 200 of which are inhabited), grouped in?clusters, or?atolls. These coral atolls are built up from the crowns of a submerged ancient?volcanic mountain?range. All the islands are low-lying, none rising to more than 6 feet above?sea level. Barrier reefs protect the islands from the destructive effects of monsoons. The average annual temperature varies from 24 to 30 °C. Rainfall averages about 2,130 mm per year. The atolls have sandy beaches, lagoons, and a luxuriant growth of coconut palms and tropical bushes. Fish are in abundance in the reefs, lagoons, and seas adjoining the islands. Adequate sea turtles exist and are used for their oil, a traditional medicine.
2.???????? People. The population of Maldives majorly belongs to the Maldivian?ethnic group, which comprises various people who have settled in the islands over a period of country’s history. It is generally believed that the first settlers were Tamil and Sinhalese people from southern?India?and?Sri Lanka. Traders from Arab countries, Malaya,?Madagascar,?Indonesia, and?China?visited the islands through the centuries. The official language is an Indo-European language called?Dhivehi (or Maldivian). Arabic, Hindi, and English are also spoken.?Islam?is the state religion. With the exception of those living in?Male, the only relatively large settlement in the country, the inhabitants of the Maldives live in villages on small islands in scattered atolls. Only about 20 of the islands have more than 1,000 inhabitants, and the southern islands are more densely populated than the northern ones. More than one-fifth of the total population is under 15 years of age. Life expectancy is about 74 years for men and 79 for women.
Strategic Significance
3.???????? Maldives' strategic location in the Indian Ocean, along key maritime routes, continues to make it strategically significant for both India and China. As a result, both countries are likely to closely monitor developments in Maldives and vie for influence in these regions. Located at the southern and northern parts of this island chain lies the two important sea lanes of communications (SLOCs). These SOLCs are critical for maritime trade flow between the Gulf of Aden and Gulf of Hormuz in West Asia and the Strait of Malacca in South East Asia.
4.????????India?and?Maldives?share?ethnic,?linguistic,?cultural,?religious?and?commercial links?from the past. The relations have been close, cordial and ?? multi‐dimensional.?India?was?among?the?first?to: -
(a)?????? Recognise?Maldives after its independence in 1965.
(b)?????? Establish?diplomatic?relations?with?the?country.
5. Maldives’?proximity?to?the?west?coast?of?India?(barely?70?nautical?miles?away? from?Minicoy?and?300?nautical?miles?away?from?India’s?West?coast),?and?its?situation?at?the?hub?of?commercial?sea-lanes?running?through?Indian?Ocean?imbues?it with significant strategic importance for India.
6.?? ??India? has? a? pre‐eminent? position? in? the? Maldives,? with? relations? extending? to? virtually? most? areas.? The? importance? of? India’s? strategic? role? in? Maldives? is? well‐ recognized,? with? India? being? seen? as? a? net? security? provider.? ‘India? First’? has? been? a? stated?policy?of?the?Government?of?Maldives?(GoM).
7.???India’s?relationship?with?the?Maldives?is?free?of?any?politically?contentious?issues.? The? one‐time? claim? of? Maldives? to? Minicoy? Island? was? resolved? by? the? Maritime?Boundary?Treaty?of?1976?between?the?two?countries,?whereby?Maldives?has?recognized? Minicoy?as?an?integral?part?of?India.
8.????? India’s prompt assistance during the 1988 coup attempt,?led?to?development?of?trust?and?long‐term?and?friendly?bilateral?relations?withthe?Maldives.?The?immediate?withdrawal? of? our? troops? when they? were? no? longer? required? assuaged? fears? of? any? Indian?dominance?or?territorial?aspirations.
9.? India? was? the? first? to? assist? Maldives? during? the? 2004? Tsunami? as? well? as? the? water? crisis? in?Malé? in?Dec? 2014.?These? three? incidents? had? established? the? advantages? of? India’s? proximity? and? capacity? to? come? to? Maldives’? rescue? in? distress? as compared to any? other? country? and? are? widely?acknowledged?by?the?government?and?people?of?Maldives.?India’s?swift?dis-patch?of?30,000?doses?of?measles? vaccine? in? Jan? 2020? to? prevent? an? outbreak? in? the? Maldives,? and? India’s? rapid? and? comprehensive? assistance? to? the? Maldives? since? the? COVID‐19? pandemic? began? has further reinforced? India’s?credentials?of?being?the?first?responder.
10.?? PM?Modi?was the only Head of Government / Head of State to attended? the? inauguration? ceremony? of President Solih on 17 Nov 2018.?He?also?held?bilateral?discussions? with? President?Solih?just?after? his? swearing‐in? ceremony,?in?which,? he?conveyed?India’s? aspiration? to?work? closely? for? the? realisation? of?Maldives’? developmental? priorities,?especially? in? areas?of?infrastructure,?health?care,?connectivity?and?human?resource development.
11. Foreign?Minister?and Minister? of? Finance,? Minister? of? Economic? Development,? MoS? for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Secretary paid an Official Visit to India in? Nov?2018.
12.? ?President?Solih,?after?assuming?office, paid?a?‘State?Visit’ to?India? in?Dec? 2018,? during? which?India? announced?a? financial?assistance? of?US $ 1,4 billion which included?US$?50?million?as?budgetary?support?to?GoM,?subscription?by?SBI to?GoM’s?Treasury?bills?of?US$?150?million,?the?Currency?Swap?Agreement?for?US$?400?million?and?8?infrastructure?Projects?under?the?US$?800?million?Line?of?Credit.?India?also offered?additional?1000?training?slots?over?the?next?5?years.
13.??? In Jan 2019, the Defence Minister Mariya Didi visited India along with her delegation,?during? which? the? Second Defence? Cooperation? Dialogue? was? held.? Since then, she? has? visited? India? on?many occasions including ?for?DEFEXPO?in?Feb?2020,?IOR?DM’s?conclave?in?Bangalore?in?Feb?2021?&?INA?Koc-hi?as?Chief?Guest?at?Passing‐out‐Parade?(POP)?in?Nov?2021.? Additionally: -
(a)?????? India has trained over 1500 Maldivian defence and security personnel in the last 10 years, meeting around 70% of their defence training requirements.
(b)?????? Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopters was gifted by India to Maldives in 2010 and in 2015.
14.??Former?EAM?Late?Smt.?Sushma?Swaraj?visited?Maldives?in?March?2019?and?met? President? Solih,? the then? Speaker,?MDP? President?Mohamed? Nasheed? and? Ministers.?Several?agreements?including?LoC?Agreement?for?US$?800?million?&?MoU?for? grant? assistance? for? High? Impact? Community? Development? Projects? (HICDPs)? was? also? signed? during? the?visit.?India?also?gifted? 2500? LED? street?lights?and? 2?lakh? LED? bulbs to? Malé? City? Council.? EAM? also? announced? the? grant? of? INR? 50? crores? to? Maldives? for? important? bilateral? projects? related? to? the? socio‐economic? development,? particularly creation of infrastructure?in?the?education,?health,?etc.?Under?the?grant?18?projects?were?appr-oved,?out?of? which 15?have?been?completed?and?inaugurated.
15. PM?Modi,?on?his?first?overseas?visit?after?taking?oath?of?office?for?his?second?term, visited Maldives?on?a?State?Visit?in?June?2019. ?PM?also?addresseda?session?of?the? newly constituted? People’s? Majlis.? Various? MoUs? were? also? signed? viz: -
(a)? MoU?on cooperation in the field of Hydrography.
(c)? MoU? on? establishment? of? Passenger‐cum‐Cargo? service? by? sea.
(d)? MoU? for? cooperation? in? Customs’? capacity? building,
(e)?MoU? between? Maldives? Civil? Service Commission (CSC) and ? National?Centre?for?Good?Governance?(NCGG).
(f)?Technical? Agreement? on? exchange? of? White? Shipping? Information? between? IN? &? Maldivian? National? Defence? Force? (MNDF).? Both? the? leaders? jointly? inaugurated? MNDF’s? Composite?Training?Centre? (CTC)?facility?in?Maafilafushi?and?Coastal Radar System (CRS) by? remote? links.
(g) Both? sides? agreed? for? resumption? of? the? Colombo? Security? Conclave? (CSC),?an?NSA? level? trilateral?mechanism? (India‐Maldives‐Sri? Lanka)? on?marine? security? and? constitution? of? a? JWG? on? Counter? Terrorism.? PM? also? announced? supporting restoration of Hukuru ? Miskiiy?in?Malé.
Elections in Maldives
16. Parliament and Council Elections. They run under the first-past-the-post (FPTP) majority system where voters vote for only one candidate. This system is also known as the simple majority system or plurality system. In this voting system, the candidate with the most votes in a constituency is declared elected. Examples of FPTP in India include direct elections to the Lok Sabha and State Legislative Assemblies. In the electoral race, the candidate who is ahead of others and crosses the winning post first is the winner.
17. Presidential Elections. It is similar to France, where the winner has to secure more than 50% of the votes. If no candidate wins over 50% of the vote, a second round is organized. Only the two candidates with the most votes qualify for the 2nd round. The candidate with the absolute majority of votes cast is elected. Blank or spoilt votes are not taken into account.
18.?????? Former President?Abdulla Yameen?of the?Progressive Party of Maldives? (PPM) had announced his candidacy for president. However, due to his sentencing in 2018 to 11 years imprisonment for corruption and money laundering due to his connection to the?Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation scandal?he is ineligible to appear on the ballot. PPM's vice president?Mohamed Muizzu?purportedly ran on his behalf as a nominee of the?Peoples National Conference ( Maldives), which he also joined before the election. Abdulla Yameen opted to support Muizzu's candidacy after previously calling for a boycott of the election.
19.?????? Former Minister of Defence and National Security,?Mohamed Nazim?of the?Maldives National Party?announced his candidacy for president. The?Jumhooree Party?announced that they will put forth candidates as well.?Ilyas Labeeb?of the newly formed?The Democrats?nominated himself as a candidate for president. Independents?Ahmed Faris Maumoon, son of?Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Umar Naseer and Hassan Zameel also announced their candidacies for president. This presidential election had the most recorded candidates since the first direct contested election in?2008, where six candidates participated.
20. Campaign. A key campaign topic was the Maldives' position with respect to?China?and?India. The incumbent?Ibrahim Mohamed Solih?campaigned on an "India-first" policy, aiming to strengthen ties with the Maldives' geographical and cultural neighbour. On the opposite side,?Mohamed Muizzu, adopting the slogan "India out", called for Indian military personnel stationed on the archipelago to leave, while campaigning for closer?relations with China. This kept in line with the policies of former president?Abdulla Yameen, founder of the?People's National Congress, under whom the Maldives joined China's?Belt and Road Initiative. Muizzu also campaigned on freeing Yameen, who at that time was serving an 11-year prison sentence for bribery and money laundering, pushing for the former president to be transferred to house arrest. Jailed on the same island where he arrested several of his political opponents, Yameen had requested to be moved home for health reasons two weeks prior to the election's second round.
21. Result. As no candidate received over 50% of the vote in the first round, the top two finishers, Muizzu and incumbent Solih, moved on to a runoff. Mohamed Muizzu, born 15 June 1978 is the?President-elect of the Maldives. He is due to take office on 17 November 2023. He was a long-time Housing Minister and the serving?Mayor of Malé?before being nominated as the?People's National Congress'?candidate for the?2023 presidential election.
Impact on India
22. In the run-up to the elections, Muizzu’s coalition had taken a strong position against India's influence in the Maldives. Post his win, to an extent, he toned down the rhetoric. The sticking points in the India-Maldives relationship are at subsequent paragraphs.
23. The presidential elections in Maldives turned into a referendum on which regional power, India or China, has the most influence in the country. Both India and China have been engaged in a tig-of-war to gain influence in Maldives. Muizzu has previously accused Solih of allowing India an "unchecked presence" in the Maldives and "threatening" the country's national security. While the previous government had a friendly relationship with India, Muizzu's party, the People's National Congress, is considered to be heavily pro-China. To make matters worse, Muizzu in his campaign warned that he would remove Indian troops from Maldives and balance the trade relations that were heavily tilted in the favour of New Delhi. The President-elect had also alleged earlier that India's military presence in Maldives was aimed at building a dockyard under a bilateral agreement and hinting that it would impact the sovereignty of the country.
24.?????? Muizzu's declaration came as a serious blow to India as the President leans towards China in terms of trade and investment. Muizzu’s main campaign theme was about an alleged threat to the Maldives’ sovereignty by some Indian military personnel on an island, part of the party’s yearslong “India out” strategy. His party's leader and former President Abdulla Yameen pursued a heavily pro-China strategy by building a free trade agreement with Beijing and participating in President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road project (BRI). Muizzu, the former mayor of the capital Malé, supervised a $200 million project sponsored by China.
25.?????? The Maldives leaning towards China will put it at odds with other countries who are battling the rising aggression by Beijing authorities in the continent and on the South China Sea. Under ex-President Ibrahim Solih, India invested more than $2 billion in infrastructure in Maldives in partnership with the Solih government, and cooperation between New Delhi and Malé has increased in other sectors of military training and security.
26.?????? Maldives holds great importance for both India and China, as it lies on the way of cargo shipping lines and is considered a gateway of geopolitical influence over the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), which has witnessed a growing belligerence by China in recent times. It is, however, unpredictable with rampant crime and corruption in domestic politics.
27.?????? At the same time, India’s active presence in the Indian Ocean archipelago will force Muizzu to strike a delicate balance between Beijing and New Delhi. Muizzu, tapped into the anti-India sentiment [during the campaign], will certainly will try to distance his government from India to some extent, but this does not mean that he will jump onto the China bandwagon.
28.?????? India’s interests are much broader and deeper across the Maldives. In the security sphere, India is building a new coast guard base near Maldives’ capital, Malé, and they also have various projects around the Maldives. ?While it remains to be seen what actions Muizzu will take to fulfill his campaign promises under the "India Out" slogan, India’s deep involvement in Maldives will make Muizzu feel "restrained and act cautiously.
29.?????? Traditionally, India views Maldives as part of its sphere of influence in the Indian Ocean, and under outgoing President Solih, who adopted an "India First" foreign policy since coming to power in 2018, New Delhi has kept a small group of soldiers in the country for "humanitarian purposes."
30.?????? In addition to the regular military presence, India has provided Maldives with defence-related facilities and equipment in recent decades, including a military hospital, a coastal surveillance radar system, and the Greater Malé Connectivity Project, a $500 million infrastructure project connecting Malé with several nearby islands.
31.?????? However, Muizzu’s party has voiced concerns about the two countries’ elevated security ties. The argument that Muizzu’s party puts forward was that India was infringing on Maldives’ territorial integrity by stationing 75 Indian military personnel on one of the islands. Despite growing scepticism toward India in Maldives, Muizzu will have to consider other factors, such as infrastructure projects supported by India, when he decides how to manage Maldives’ relationship with New Delhi. This will have a sobering effect on him when he takes over the office.
32.?????? While India has enhanced cooperation with Maldives over the last five years, China has been expanding its presence in the Indian Ocean archipelago since 2010.
33.?????? Beijing funded a number of infrastructure projects under its Belt and Road Initiative, causing Maldives to owe $935 million in sovereign guarantees to Chinese companies and another $600 million to the Chinese government, according to figures shared by Maldives Foreign Ministry in 2019.
34.?????? Since Muizzu will likely focus on reviving economic ties with China, his government should carefully weigh the risks and benefits of such an attempt. To what extent Muizzu will reopen the floodgate to major Chinese infrastructure projects, since Maldives is still highly indebted, any additional amount of debt that the country takes on will be a real problem for them. China would, however, like to capitalize on the domestic political change in Maldives. China will not only try to recover its lost space but also consolidate its security and economic presence in the country.
35.?????? Following Muizzu’s victory, Chinese leader Xi Jinping congratulated him, stating that he attaches great importance to the development of bilateral relations between Maldives and China and stands ready to work with Muizzu to carry forward the friendship.
36.?????? Mr Mohamed Muizzu is a Western educated engineer, who served as a minister as well as mayor of the capital Male. He contested in place of former President Yameen, who was in jail during the elections. Yameen has now been shifted to house arrest at his behest. It is expected that Muizzu is unlikely to take drastic measures that alter relations with India. Once practical realities come to the fore in governance, he may realise the potential repercussions of undermining relations with India. Taking India for granted would have its price too.
37.?????? Developments over the last two decades have shown that China has steadily encroached and made gains in India's backyard. For India, losing goodwill in the Maldives can prove costly, especially in the light of the Chinese strategy of?'String of Pearls'. Despite the anticipated challenges that India may encounter due to the evolving political landscape in the Maldives, it is crucial for India to stay committed to its priorities and continue its efforts to drive development in the archipelago nation. Developments in Maldives are therefore not to be taken lightly. After Hambantota, India can simply not afford the formation of a Chinese base.
38.?????? Maldives & India hold strategic importance to each other. Maldives has an important role in India’s maritime security owing to its location. The India-Maldives relations are primordial. India has remained an unfaltering ally to the Maldives, which is evident from the numerous times it has come to aid the Maldives like Operation Cactus in 1988, India being the first country to provide humanitarian relief during the 2004 tsunami, providing the country with drinking water during the water crisis of 2014 and uninterrupted medical supplies and vaccine roll-out during COVID-19.
39.?????? After election of Muizzu as President of Maldives, in a departure from convention, he will visit China, ahead of India, from January 7-12. His first foreign visit was to Turkey. Notably, he departed from a long standing convention by not visiting India on the first official visit.
40.?????? Govt of Maldives said it would not renew the Hydrographic Survey agreement made with India. Maldives has also formally requested India to remove the Indian troops from the island nation.
41.?????? Now, a deputy minister of Maldives, has made derogatory remarks against PM Modi. Muizzu, if mature, must come clean and sack his deputy minister in the interest of two nations.
42.?????? A row has erupted between India and the Maldives after the Indian Prime Minister, Modi, visited the Indian islands of Lakshadweep to promote tourism.
43.?????? The visit was perceived by some in the?Maldives as an attempt to draw tourists away from the archipelago in the Indian Ocean, whose economy is heavily dependent on tourism.
44.?????? Three Maldivian ministers have been suspended after making derogatory comments about Modi on social media, describing him as a “terrorist” and a “clown”. The Maldives foreign ministry said the comments – later deleted – were made in a personal capacity and did not represent the official government view.
45.?????? On 07 January 2024, India’s ministry of external affairs summoned the Maldivian envoy over the insults and one of India’s largest travel platforms suspended flight bookings to the islands. Many people in?India?have pledged to boycott travel to the Maldives in response to the comments, which were condemned by the former Maldivian prime minister Mohamed Solih as “hateful”. The largest numbers of visitors to the Maldives come from India and Russia. Tourism accounts for almost a third of its economy, according to the World Bank. Relations between the two countries have become more turbulent after the election of the Maldivian president, Mohamed Muizzu, in September. He is seen to have better relations with China and had fought an “India out” election campaign promising to lesson its influence over the archipelago and remove dozens of Indian army personnel who had been posted there.
46.?????? Muizzu, amongst the controversy has neither dismissed the ministers nor condemned them. He is continuing to make a five-day visit China this week. He ?has yet to make an official visit to India since he was elected, a departure from previous prime ministers that many have seen as a snub. The visit is likely to come as a blow to Delhi, which sees the strategically placed Maldives as critical in its attempt to lessen China’s influence in the Indian Ocean region.
47.?????? Muizzu should avoid damaging the long standing relationship between India and Maldives. The people of Maldives made a decision to elect Muizzu but the decisions thereafter will be made by the Govt under Muizzu. Hence, the importance of clear understanding of the voters.