India Has Moved On From Colonial Hangovers: Have You?
Soumitri Das
LinkedIn Top Voice | Luxury Real Estate Expert | Propcore CEO | Strategic Advisory
India’s colonial hangover refers to how the country’s culture and heritage have been ignored, marginalised, or forgotten as Indians adopted Western ways of thinking and living over the last century or so. India has always had its own very rich cultural background and history, but many Indians from the ruling class have thought of it as backward or inferior to Western culture—and thus worth ignoring. For centuries, the rest of the world has looked to India for inspiration in art, music, spirituality, and fashion. Our country’s rich history stretches back at least 10,000 years, making it one of the oldest civilisations on Earth and inspiring countless poets, writers, and artists over the years. The catch? Most of us weren’t particularly proud of Indian culture until recently—until we developed an identity independent of Britain and other colonial powers. But now, we are finally ready to rediscover ourselves, indulge in the pleasures of our own heritage and traditions, and celebrate them with confidence and pride. India’s colonial hangover is finally over.?
What do we mean by "colonial hangover"?
When we say "colonial hangover," we mean the lingering effects of centuries of British rule in India. Even though the British left India over 75 years ago, many Indians still feel more comfortable with Western culture than with their own. This is especially true when it comes to quality and luxury. For years, we've looked down on anything Indian-made as being inferior to imports. But times are changing. We're starting to see the value in our own culture and traditions. And that's a good thing. Quality and luxury used to be the purview of imports. Nowadays, it's easy to find high-quality clothes at an affordable price without having to deal with foreign exchange rates or international shipping costs. There's also been a renewed interest in indigenous arts, crafts, and practices like yoga and Ayurveda—practices that have long been overshadowed by Western medicine (even though they can work wonders). People are discovering the benefits of traditional knowledge systems more and more. It's a positive sign of how much we've come to embrace our culture.
Speaking in one's native language is the new cool.
It seems like only yesterday that speaking in one's native language was considered old-fashioned and uncool. But now, in an era of globalisation and increased cultural awareness, speaking in one's native language is the new cool. And it's not just cool, it's also empowering. By speaking in our native languages, we can connect with our heritage and culture more deeply. And as we become more comfortable with our own culture, we can also be more open to other cultures. In some ways, this does mean trading Indianness for contemporary styles. However, the tradeoff is worth it for us because Indianness is part of who we are anyway.
Our native language deserves to be learned and spoken with pride. We owe it to our forefathers who developed and refined it over the centuries. As of today, the Indian constitution recognises 22 major languages of India in what is known as “the 8th Schedule” of the Constitution. They also happen to be the major literary languages in India, with a considerable volume of writing in them. They include, besides Sanskrit, the following 21 modern Indian languages: Assamese, Bangla, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kashmiri, Kannada, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Santali, Sindhi, and Urdu. Originally, only 14 languages were included in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution. Bodo, Dogri, Konkani, Maithili, Manipuri, Nepali, Santali, and Sindhi were added later.?
Indian dress is the new luxury and style statement.
It wasn't too long ago that Indian dress, culture, and heritage were something to be hidden, a sign of backwardness and poverty. How times have changed! Now, Indian dress, culture, and heritage are the new luxury and style statement. Quality and luxury are no longer the purviews of imports, but homegrown Indian brands. We're finally embracing our own culture, and it feels good! In today's fast-paced world, everything old is new again. The global village where people around the world know about and wear clothes from Bollywood films has given way to a resurgence in Indian designers at home and abroad—designers who create clothes with painstaking attention to detail. "It may take us two hours just to pick out one button," says designer Arpita Mehta (born in New Delhi), while discussing her company, Arpita Mehta Couture. Designer Nida Mahmood agrees and adds that she would rather make fewer designs per season than compromise on quality.
The 1980s saw an influx of young designers such as Rohit Bal, Suneet Varma and Tarun Tahiliani -all alumni of London College of Fashion or Central Saint Martins College in London-bring their contemporary Western styling back to India. While we might never see Audrey Hepburn wearing saris, there's been a sea change in attitude. From Deepika Padukone turning heads on the Cannes red carpet for wearing Varun Bahl for Aamaya by Gauri & Nainika to Angelina Jolie paying tribute to Mumbai by donning Anita Dongre for Desi Look 2012 during promotions for her film Kung Fu Panda 2; Hollywood is getting more comfortable with Indian styles, and so are we.
Traditional Indian food is the new cool.
For many years, Indians felt embarrassed by their traditional food and culture. We wanted to distance ourselves from anything that was Indian, and instead adopt Western styles. But times have changed, and we're finally embracing our own culture. Traditional Indian food is a great way to show your cultural pride and connect with your heritage. It's delicious, healthy, and an important part of who we are. So next time you're feeling proud of your culture, tuck into some traditional Indian food! And when it comes to Indian cuisine, don't limit yourself just to curry - explore the full range of dishes that India has to offer. Explore the new cuisine coming out of India too - fusion cooking is popular here at the moment, so there are lots of new dishes available that mix together various ingredients. You might not know this, but vegetarianism is quite common in India. You'll find people eating everything from lentils to dal to aloo chaat (a dish made up of potatoes mixed with different spices). The thing about Indian food is that it changes depending on where you go in the country. If you're travelling through Rajasthan, you'll be sampling spicy curries made with mutton or chicken. In southern India, seafood plays a big role in what people eat - including kingfish, prawns, crab, clams and squid. In Mumbai and Gujarat, you'll find biryani dishes consisting of rice cooked with vegetables and meat.
Visiting Indian heritage sites is now seen as a luxury.
In the past few years, heritage tourism has evolved dramatically and now visiting Indian heritage sites is regarded as a quality experience. Heritage tourism has gained popularity over the past few years, and for good reason. It gives you a chance to learn more about our own culture and history. It is a unique and special experience to visit an ancient Indian heritage site and experience the history and culture first-hand. People who value luxury, quality, and authentic experiences are especially drawn to this trend. So if you're thinking about visiting some of India's most iconic heritage sites, now is the time!
Finding missing heroes in textbooks is a discovery.?
When we think of Indian heroes, the first names that come to mind are probably Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru. But other, lesser-known figures have made significant contributions to the country over the years. India is a country with a rich history, and its heroes are legion. From scientists and mathematicians to artists and social activists, countless unsung heroes have made invaluable contributions to the nation's progress. There has been a deliberate attempt to selectively erase them from our school textbooks. Come learn about their fascinating lives and their significant contributions to India!
India became synonymous with authentic
Today, India is one of the world's most dynamic economies and is home to some of the most innovative companies and entrepreneurs. And as our economy has grown, so has our confidence in our own culture. We're no longer content to imitate others but are instead creating our own unique style. These days, being Indian is chic. From fashion to food, more and more people are interested in embracing our culture. And it's not just because it's trendy. There's something about the authenticity of Indian culture that resonates with people. It's an expression of who we are as a society and how we relate to each other. It may have taken us a while to figure out what was best for us, but now that we have, it feels good. So feel free to get inspired by our newfound self-confidence and share your own stories.
When India gained independence from Britain in 1947, we were determined to prove that we could be a modern, industrialised nation. We adopted Western styles to distance ourselves from our colonial past. But over time, we've come to realise that there's value in our own culture and traditions. In recent years, we've seen a resurgence of traditional Indian fashion, art, and cuisine. And it's about time! It's taken us long enough to realise that we don't need to apologise for being Indian.