India Green Energy Transition ?
India Green Energy Transition

India Green Energy Transition ?

Green Energy Transition in India ?

Event by?Sudhir Kumar

Thu, Aug 24, 2023, 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (your local time)

Dear Friends, I conducted a live event on 24 Aug 23 from 08 PM to 09 PM and it was attended by 69 professional from around the world and I am extreamly greatful to them and some of them also forwarded feedback.

So, let me repeat here what I spoke that India has a very ambitious initiative in place towards Green Eneergy Transition. The Honble Prime Minister of India,Shri Narendra Modi along with the President of France during COP 26 envisioned ISA and it has now been joined by more than 130 countries and the activities related with ISA are being administered & coordinated from India headquartered its office at Gurugram in Haryana State which is just adjacent to New Delhi in NCR. India pledged 175 GWe of renewable eneery by 2030 and to achieve its part of target of SDGs and it is heartening to inform that India achieved its SGD goals those were to be fulfilled by 2030 in 2022 itself, so, 08 years in adavnce. India has also enhanced its target of renewables to 475 -500 GWe and moving towards it with all the efforts under a mission mode. india has also declared that it shall achieve #NetZero by 2070 getting rid of all the fossil fuels and green house gases release from India.

India besides having renewable Energy Tragets to fight climate change also have other programme dedicated towards Green Energy Transition. That are Nuclear Energy targets to be achieved by 2035 are 10 more PHWRs with 700 MWe each with indigenous technology and an extension of 500 MWe PHWRs technology, 03 more with Russia collaborations of 1000 MWe in addition to 06 that are being constructed and 06 with EDF France at Jaitpur ,each advamced reactor of 1700 MWe, so, India could accelerate its production of 6700 MWe capacity as of now out of 22 operational reactors to 22,500 MWe by 2035.Besides this FBTR, with Thorium is going to be critical this year and this technology shall exploit huge deposits of Th in India and if an ambtious programme towards this also gets in place India shall have Nuclear Energy as an important part of its Green Energy Transsition Persuit.Even India is working on Advanced SMR technology that shall also support such efforts siginificantly.

Private investments in Green Hydrogen Production shall turn around the table in fevour of India and it shall a global hub for Green H2 Production. Nuclear Energy, agreen energy source shall be used in production of Green H2. The global investments pouring in for green H2 production in India and it shall make that Green H2 shall be contributing nearly 30% of Green Energy Transition Initiative of India. The Government of India has announced an ambitious PLI scheme to support Green H2 production.

Blending of 20% Ethanol in Petrol, EV manufacturing and GoI support to EV and manufacturing of Batteries in India is also supported through calibrated PLI schme.If manufactuiring of Nickel-Iron batteries with processing of needed minerals from imported ores takes place in India then india shall be a Global hub for manufacturing of EVs as cost of batteries shall go down and so is the cost of EVs. Even government push to EV is accorded highest priority and a scrapping of Diesel & Petrol Driven vehicles is already in place and an eco-system is being developed and some compnies are already in place and has started functioning and it shall be a pillar of Circular Economy Transition of India towards making India a self-reliant nation at the earliest.

The Government of India push for Metro Services, electrification of entire railway lines and the construction of dedicated freight corridoors are part of GatiShakti in order to improve internal supply chain connected with Global Supply Chain and it is making difference in reduction of use of fossil fuels.

With all the efforts & policies towards India green Trnasition shall achieve #NetZero not by 2070 but I am sure it shall be by 2055-60.

Sudhir Kumar

ESG & DEI expert, AI,Cyber Security,Digitalisation & New Age Skills,Nuclear &SMR, Socio-Economist & Geo-Politics Strategist,Bestselling Author,Independent Director, Out of Box Thought Leader & Motivational Speaker

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