India First

The ultimate test of a man is not where he stands in comfort but where he stands at times of challenges. COVID-19 is the global challenge which will reveal our true leadership quotient at all levels. This is the time where all levels and kind of leadership ranging from organizational to personal will undergo the litmus test of their respective potential in adverse conditions. The complete government machinery has risen to the occasion and stands tall in collective fight against the existing crisis.

 When the world super powers are reeling on their knees, India under the able leadership of our Honourable Prime Minister has stood firm with strength and unflinching support of 130 crore Indians standing behind in solidarity by all means. It is a classic example of world-class leadership, where in a country with so much of diversity and federal structure has put its foot forward in unison and shown to the world that united we stand when it’s being India first. I can recall the image of our prime minster with one of the strongest political mandate underneath and appealing on national TV to 130 crore people, pleading to its citizens with folded hands for compliance and proactive measures to tackle the global pandemic. It shows strength of character, concern for its people and faith in nation’s abilities. It takes a far-sighted vision to foresee the onslaught of pandemic and enforce proactive measures to announce Janta curfew, mandated timely lockdown and capacity building for the upcoming challenges.

 As prime minister of the largest democracy in the world he has gone an extra mile to help the country in distress. Brazilian President Jai Bolsonaro has conveyed his gratitude and acknowledged the good will gesture to the legend of lord hanuman brining Sanjeevani to Lakshman as a life savior in epic Ramayana. These initiatives by the prime minister has proved and endorsed the belief that India has a crucial role to play in changing global order and globally inclusive leadership domain. It is a unique example of global leadership abilities and his outreach across the continents. The country stands united behind our Prime Minister with firm resolve to fight the global crisis where as the top leadership in world powers are shaking and national resolve seems fragmented.

The Prime Minister clarion call to the nation to observe the lockdown and unquestionable faith of the people of India in its compliance is a reflection of his universal acceptability across the political, social and religious spectrum. His doctrine of keeping “Nation first” has brought people under one canvass and strengthen his arms to fight the global menace. For our Prime Minister the safety, health and welfare of the countrymen comes first, always and every time. All the states have followed the directives and advisories of Government of India in letter and spirits. India has never witnessed such close view of cooperative federalism in its history. On one appeal of honorable prime minister the PM CARES FUND has been growing exponentially with valuable contributions from all sections and strata of society. It has been a humbling experience to see young and aspiring sportspersons auction their medals and trophies to contribute in this fight. Old men and women donating their lifetime savings is an inspiring facet of personal and national leadership.

 All crisis comes with some important lessons for future. The real heroes are the wide spectrum of corona warriors who are fighting in the battlefield to ensure that we stay safe, healthy and be with our families. Administrative machinery, police, health officials, social workers are on toes to ensure that we all are safe and comfortable only because they are working in unsafe and uncomfortable work environment. Let us not forget to convey gratitude to these heroes in our respective spheres of life. It is relevant to mention that as the union cabinet minister of the GOI  I closely monitored 20 districts of Rajasthan which also include the epicenter district Bhilwara. During my daily feedbacks and interactions with district administration and counter COVID machinery I found them one step ahead of the crisis in their planning and execution. Statistics shows that it was a herculean exercise to contain the outbreak. Around 3900 survey teams were constituted which surveyed 4.5 lakh houses, screened 23 lakh people, isolated 18000 people and tested them in just a span of three weeks.

It could happen because everyone believed it is our national duty, and we must walk the talk. We also have seen some ugly scenarios and bad examples during the is unfortunate and undesirable, and we must take it as a challenge and support the administration and strengthen our Prime Minster in tackling this Herculian challenge. The pain and concern in our PM’s words and eyes is quite evident which we must feel and read in its context. It is high time to feel our national duty and rise to the occasion and everything we do to be filtered through the prism of NATION FIRST.



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