Kaushik Chatterjee, ERP?,SCR?,RAI?
Assessing energy & sustainability
Based on ENERGY STATISTICS INDIA 2024 handbook.
The case for coal remains strong in INDIA due to abundant domestic coal reserves and large energy poor population
India's per capita electricity consumption is much lower compared to global standards
India's natural gas reserves are inadequate with respect to its huge population
India has a large renewable energy potential from various sources
Some of the states with higher population but lesser renewable generation can optimize their waste to energy potential
Decentralized renewable energy has shown growth in last 3 years
Off-grid renewable can be a potential game changer going forward
The eastern region of India lags behind other regions in installation capacities
A shift towards more renewable sources seems the case in electricity generation
The refining sector seems efficient in terms of crude throughput and capacity utilization(>95%)
Except KG basin, no significant oil and gas discoveries in recent time has led to a big disadvantage to India in terms of energy security
For natural gas, to achieve a share of 15% at the end of decade from the current 6.8 % is a humongous task considering the limited indigenous reserves available along with the increasing demand of energy to cater to the vast population
The increase in electricity supply supports the rising consumption
The increasing trend in wholesale price of electricity is a challenge for consumers
The energy consumption is showing an upward trajectory with coal and crude oil being the dominant energy sources
Coal has a dominant share in the electricity sector
High Speed Diesel Oil (HSDO) rules the industry & transport sector
Electricity consumption is increasing with railways and EVs are potential candidates for further increase in electrification
India's per capita energy consumption has increased but is far lower than global standards
From sustainability point of view, the energy intensity shows a decreasing trend
The way forward