Energy Slavery & Azadi! (Freedoms) Keynote at #JNU SIS School of International Studies #Delhi University
MakRand Bhoot
Sustainability Solutions Consultant: Climate Resilience ESG Green Buildings Design LEED Smart Cities Planning SDGs Architecture CSR VisionZero viz Informal Economies Open for a challenging Job, Project/Partnership
Energy Policy Seminar at Jawaharlal Nehru University Special Lecture: March 15, 4 PM, Committee Room @JNU Convention Center, New Delhi, India
World runs on electiricty today and world wars for power: oil, coal, control of land.. Slavery :: Energy horses, cows, Men- Women-Children were! motors, machines of yesterday powering plantations, water pumps as dipicted in the image : the muscle machines i.e. motors run by Coal-Oil-Electricity Today!! Slavery : Security : Futures.. Nature ..Energy.. Climate Change.. : Slavery played the central role during the American Civil War. The primary catalyst for secession was slavery.. EQUALITY is the ENGINE for SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT fueled by FREEDOMs
'Energy Managers' for a State, City or Industry, Office or Home need to consider factors that I'd try elaborate, update here time to time - your candid critic comments and contribution very welcome - makrand
on the onset I'm advocating Conservation not convertion : Renewable Energy: Minimizing Storage and Transmission reducing Grid-Electric Power towards 'Use At Source' directly as is (eg Turbine for Pumping, Solar to run DC motors where ever possible- eliminating batteries- and with ingenuity -an enormous portion of our peak energy demand can be offset : as a solution for the planet Self-Sustaining Systems respecting Law of Energy Conservation (click on link or
Batteries in the phone in your hand, laptop on your desk or the Electric Cars - the size, heat, radiation, accidents, toxicity, recycling disposal problems besides batteries are energy storage devices only- the charge still coming from fossil fuel power plants- the pollutions kept at countrysides or peri urban regions may be out of sight and out of site yet its exasperating climate change - exponentially scaling up Smart Phones, Computers and Cars: recycling and disposal need be intrinsic part of City/State energy policy .. direct charging from Local Solar PVs and Pedal Power need be encouraged via research and innovation funding. We have designed and built many buildings with HVAC heating, ventilation and air 'cooling' by Solar PVs without (expensive inefficient) battery or (toxic and cumbersome) DC-AC inverters - simple direct motors running machines fans and pumps .. examples follow
Power Pricing Provides A Picture of Perversity in Policy
Blackout in New York City. Chaos ensued.. But the nature of the disruptions far from simple... PBS’s American Experience chronicles and deconstructs that intense experience. “Blackout,” It’s a cautionary tale about class divisions that explode from an unanticipated spark. Trump Towers Dimming Day Lights.. New York City Summer Power loads top 30,000 megawatts, Usage typically peaks in late afternoon. The all-time record peak was 33,956 megawatts reached July 19, 2013. One megawatt typically can supply 800 to 1,000 homes in New York or 2400 to 3000 Homes in New Delhi September 2016, street lights were installed in Navsari Nagapalika of Gujarat, the bill for August 2016, prior to the installation of LED streetlights was ?5,03,516 .. after installation, instead of the 50% "Deemed Saving” it went up to ?5,97,865. Thereafter, in all successive months, the bill never went below ?5,03,516...
People without Housing :: Housing without People
reviewing Electricity/ utility meters- vacant apartments consistently billed zero or minimal consumption.. and its not just the 'Ghost Towns' as pictured here in Manchuria ..
Approx 1 in 6 ..a significant number of apartments remain vacant .. luxury or low income housing, metropolises or countryside.. 1st world or 3rd world countries, including overcrowded congested cities like Tokyo, Mumbai, Shanghai, Dubai ..
ENRON : Andersen > the Smartest People .. the Smart Cities
Enron and Andersen turned out world's (most fraudulent after) largest smartest corporation trading Energy - manipulating power plants to speculate Peak Power Demand Units Pricing - critical lessons for #Smart #Cities #Managers jumping in the bandwagon - how hype and greed could destroy entire state's economy
See also Makrand Bhoot's LinkedIn Pulse Post (click link Energy Speculation, Enron, (Dabhol, India) Peak Demand Offset, LEED, Conservation Kilowatts ... more to be added - standardization and solutions of Transformers, Direct Solar BIPV, Nagging Nuclear Power, Battery Problems (Storage & transmission issues) pondering on power panacea
Michael Bloomberg truly remarkable in his philanthropy propelling arts to urbanization.. what nations could never come to agree (Climate change, emissions.. ) cities can and Mike Bloomberg is the Mayor of the planet taking leadership and funding where its needed .. local traffic transit ..public places he has brought together good teams.. one of the limitation IMHO his Smart leadership team very urbane .. Dan Doctoroff, Rohit Aggarwala.. I'd include Shawn Donovan and even Vishan Chakraborty.. all New Yorkers all involved in mega projects with top leadership.. and although some remote connections they are products and become parcels of high end Metropolises and fail to fathom the vast in between the world of Urban Ghettos such as Bronx or Newark and Dharavi & Kiebera... Toronto Waterfront Development by Sidewalk Labs or the BIG U proposal to save Wall Street from Sandy style 'Tsunami' .. big infrastructure big money for swift small time ideas .. here are some small ideas rooted in that in between ..
Yes the Great NYC Tidal Turbine in past 15 years have (at East River) spurred innovation yet sized as super trucks .. the tides still tears these gigantic devices apart like toy trucks .. whereas the toy like turbines are very effective in peri-urban and rural regions to fulfill the energy needs responsively and attuned to nature ...
..the matter of BIG SCALE and incongruous irresponsible mega systems is part of the problem .. small stuff has no margins lucrative enough for corrupt agents of change .. all across the globe appropriate SCALE has not been in vogue ..
MORE TO THIS SHOCKING INCIDENT : PEOPLES PERSPECTIVE serious matters - during solar/wind plants by mega corps total disregardard for local people and nature - also after completion - NO maintenance and abandonment - how many reports of any running Solar/ Wind Farm after 1 year of their operation? Any reports of exploitation when wide forestation, land grab, displacement all goes waste because of these companies making their profits and running away (like fancy malls in small towns that destroy local small businesses and then they close down leaving vast youth unemployed and local economy destroyed) Maharashtra already parched dry and farmers are silently killing themselves - in that perspective - these villagers are no different than college students burning vehicles for protest - or do we know better??
SOLUTIONS, SUGGESTIONS every energy solution:) has a problem
Establishing Building Labs/Workshops in New York, New Jersey, Mumbai and Raipur working with Metropolitan Corporate Clientele as well as Rural Informal Economies .. over the years these solutions, suggestions are derived from field implementations + 15 years of experience as USGBC LEED (Energy & Environmental Efficiency) Accredited Professional .. following link lists specific Energy Credits Criteria
Industry and Cities guzzle Energy for Consumers who turn it in pollution & waste contributing to Glocal Climate Change that Municipalities & Agencies failing miserably to contain so blame & shame citizen ..
returning all the packaging back to retailers (all the printed plastic & paper) may encourage the industry to curb contamination and waste at source? embodied energy saved is manifolds more efficient than renewable energy and a conserved kilowatt is exponentially efficient than a non-renewable kilowatt.
LEED resources offer practical insights and everyday/life long tools
Direct Current Motors Eliminate Storage Batteries Losses and Power Transmission Problems and above all best to offset Peak Demand Loads during Summer Afternoons. This simple viable solution has 'practice apathy' problem besides power suppliers lobby - easy education and proper policy shall entirely eliminate future 'BLACK OUTs'
Not Every State or Power Grid offers Net Metering - not so much technology but it's a largly a policy problem .. 4 Time Square or Clonde Nast Towers - with a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Power Generator - considered a technologically advanced work place in the world - was unable to use its own generator to save itself from New York city Blackouts!
Large wind turbines today are too cumbersome and inefficient for the cost and toll it takes on the environment to justify the projects .. accidents and maintenance problems plague the venture as efficiency reduces drastically - not just the power generators high up in the air but also the tower foundations below the ground/water level remain problematic till date yet hidden from public perception
- the above image is to offer you an idea of the scale how enormous the construction of a wind mill is .. comparatively the energy output never ever gets to even a fraction of the estimates - this necessitates having diverse energy portfolio consider building a 40 stories building in the middle of your towns lake - the cost scale and complication of building a 10 Megawatt wind turbine. A 10 MW gas fired plant far more efficient yet every solution has problem.
Not Electricity but Mechanical Energy harnessed from Traditional Wind Mills - for example here - corn grinding... similarly water pumping and such functions need no conversion in Electricity first - hence this is to to consider Energy not just as Electricity
Patented in 1880s Electric Bicycle (see images as follows) or 2016-18 google winds (see the Youtube video above) how a traditional wind mill could be improved for modern means. FUNDAMENTALLY ITS ALL TURNING A WHEEL SO LETS REINVENT:)
SCALE : Small is Beautiful :) and EFFECTIVE ENERGY SOLUTION - this is the main reason I'm writing this blog - by now you know what my effort is - to look at mega infra innovations programs and projects and make them work for the most underprivileged by working hand in hand at ground with zero capital.
Lets look at a girl's bicycle - it's a motor - generator, fan, pump, and could make several uses - i'd keep on updating these examples and please feel free to suggest, comment, critic, tear apart or appraise
Electrical generators or dynamo are the machines used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. They are based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. A dynamo is used to induce current in fewer amounts and a generator is used to induce electric current in large scale.
It should be noted that the name generator is actually a misnomer, as no energy is being generated by it but is only converted from one form to another. A generator or dynamo converts kinetic energy into electrical energy.
Smaller 'UNIT' Scale keeps large power projects manageable and mitigates environmental consequences - here a Energy Farm is a real farm and power plant supports real plants!
- such clean covered shaded secure USABLE AREA beyond the planning-zoning is extremely valuable yet time and again its seen elaborately engineered solar frames and wind tower structures without consideration for the ARCHITECTURAL and/or PUBLIC SPACE ..
Further the Solar Energy would not be consumed here at the site - it'd need transmission over 100s of kilometers to be utilized - there is considerable loss besides cost of connecting to a grid.. at this point let's consider energy storage
Let such POLICY drive the PROJECTS.. Water a precious commodities consumed in maintenance (cleaning) of solar photo-voltaic panels world over .. where engineers/managers learn such practices?? infrastructure offers functional architectural shelter - PLANNING DESIGNING BEYOND THE THE WATTS COULD SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGE THE ENERGY LANDSCAPE
Fixing, repairing badly broken, damaged, vandalized solar panels is easy and efficient yet maintaining, repairing and disposal of storage system batteries transmission grid remains cumbersome, complicated, expensive rendering such mega projects lay waste
#Tesla #ElonMusk too sexy for the system .. Car/Auto batteries never gonna be smarter than your phone batteries.. and then they need be charged - so if your Electric car is charged by city grid - from coal, oil, gas non renewable, polluting power plants Electric cars would continue to create havoc on the countryside Hyped Tesla Batteries never better than our Smart Phone batteries .. many problems persist
EV's Automotive Driver-less Vehicles are great for the cities - no emissions, no insurance - yet the countryside would get dumped with toxic battery waste - rural areas deforested strip mined - Electric Vehicles and Trucks still NEED Electricity to charge - as the coal-oil power is doubling in the Trump-Brexit-OBOR era - the pollution would be beyond cities yet further doom- devastation of the planet- earth would escalate - FORCING MIGRATION TO CITIES -consequences are irreversible
A bicycle is also a energy, power, transport, pollution SOLUTION! Turning a wheel = motor = fan = pump = lighting = sports = recreation = fitness = freedom = O-O
JNU SIS Seminar on Energy Policy, Energy Security
Prof Dr Sanjay Bharadwaj
Energy is prerequisite for country’s growth and development and therefore holds a crucial place in country’s economic growth. There exists a wide range of inherent asymmetries in energy resource endowment across nations. This consequently becomes the main driver for search of energy resources both domestic and across borders, competing to control resources and finally indulging in bargaining, negotiations and even conflicts. Owing to the scarcity of energy resources and its consequent competition emerging out of insecurity of assuring consistent supply of energy source , energy security becomes the major issue of concern for foreign policies .across all nations .
India has experienced eight percent economic growth in the past decade suggesting 6.5 percent growth in the demand for energy. Given this level of growth rates , energy demand is expected to rise consistently drawing the attention of policy makers towards the issue of energy security. The concept of energy security comprises of three main factors availability, accessibility and affordability of energy resources. The notion of energy security takes into Maccount not only the supply aspect by making available the essential infrastructure for energy access but also the demand side of consumers , their pattern of energy consumption constituting their energy needs so that the energy security ensures the ability to react to changes in supply and demand disequilibrium . The the normative questions like of whose security is in concern when it comes to both domestic and international policy framework and by what means ( which energy source) it can be resolved
To meet its energy requirement of the given growth rates India requires a consistent supply of hydrocarbons like coal, oil and natural gas which are already in short supply. Unfortunately the supply of natural gas initially expected to alleviate energy insecurity remained insufficient in supply. Inadequate availability of hydrocarbons along with decline in coal production forces India to remain dependent on oil imports and consequently increase its import bills .
India imports approximately 70 percent of its oil , most of it is from Middle East. International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that India’s dependence on oil imports will grow to 91.6 percent by the year 2020. In addition demand for hydrocarbons is rising globally compelling India to ensure energy security , establishing energy security as one of the biggest challenge face by India. Moreover , till now India has not formulated any energy security policy or contingency plans to fall back on at the time of crises . It is crucial to note that it is not even a member of IEA established after 1973 crises to protect its members from future disruptions in energy market
Owing to the current issues of climate change, the growth needs to be addressed in terms of decarbonised growth bringing in the use of renewable sources of energy. Environmental concerns coupled with inadequate supply of hydrocarbons and natural gas, India now aims at a diversified basket of energy mix of both conventional and non-conventional sources of energy. Consequently , a comprehensive energy policy comprising of regulatory framework is required to gradually facilitate energy transition formulating decarbonised energy regime in India .
In this context of energy security in the times of energy transition, the outcome of this conference is expected to yield a comprehensive information related to energy security, laying down sustainable policy choices to address all the current issues related to energy security in India.
This one day seminar of Energy Studies programme of SIS on “ India and Energy Security “ provides a forum for the presentation of new advances and research energy security scenario in India. Energy Studies on “ This seminar would not only build a bridge between the faculty and students enrolled in energy Studies Programme , SIS but also promote knowledge accumulation through the research contributed by the eminent researchers, exposing the students to a wider knowledge base .
The seminar invites Questions/Comments on the following sub-themes.
? Introduction to Energy and Energy security
? Conceptual Discourse on Energy security
? Type and Forms of Energy: Renewable and Non-renewable Energy
? Geopolitics of hydrocarbons
? Challenges and scope of energy Cooperation
? Role of India in Global Energy governance
? Energy transition in India
? Decarbonising Policies in India
? International Energy Regime and Energy Security : A case study of India
? Technology transfer , International Cooperation and Innovation in India
? Energy Efficiency and Management in India
? Energy Security and Political Economy
? Energy Efficiency Policies in India
? India and Energy Poverty : A case for energy security
Batteries are only Storage Devices .. they are not sources of power .. Tesla batteries still need be charged - and that energy may come from Solar or just your regular power outlet - from the Coal Fired Plant or Nuclear ..
Several Topics That 'Energy Managers' for a State, City or Industry.. Office or Home need to consider I'd try and add here time to time - your critic and contribution welcome
For feedback -Write in comment area below - your area of interest /inquiry shares very welcome
Founder & Principal Ideator "68 COURTYARDS" Architect / Academician
7 年HI Makrand, Wish I could be there. Best wishes on your presentation.
QMS assessor at LRQA
7 年I worked in BHEL. Following needs attention 1. Optimum use of installed capacity. 2. Improvement in distribution system and incentive/ dis-incentive for poor availability of energy at customers' end. 3. Effective use of non-conventional energy by using / installing pump storage systems. 4. Effective use of grid for transfer of power from one region to another both from the point of view commercial success and technical necessity.