India will be developed nation by 2047
India as a developed nation
India will be a developed nation by 2047, announced PM Modi on the day of India’s Independence Day celebrations.
What is the definition of a developed nation?
A developed country – also called an industrialized country- has a mature and sophisticated economy, usually measured by gross domestic product (GDP) and /or average income per resident.
Developed countries have advanced technological infrastructure and have diverse industrial and services sectors. Their citizens enjoy access to quality healthcare and higher education.
Well, this may be a simplistic way to understand a developed country.
In addition to GDP, we can say in layman’s language that the developed country has well connected rail, road and fast moving commuting facilities; best of vehicles; modern buildings with high class amenities, state of the art medical services even in villages; all conveniences of comfortable living; luxurious life style; best of modern education and so on and so forth.
Most of these things fascinate almost each of us, in particular the youth. That’s the reason why most of youngsters visiting USA or any other country for education, never return back and choose to settle abroad.
Yes, we do need a developed nation having all the facilities as stated above as also alleviating poverty from the country.
At what cost?
There is a price to pay for everything.
In the name of infrastructure development, there is huge amount of civil work being carried out resulting in playing with nature at a maddening pace.
Rains have played havoc in the mountains of Uttrakhand and Himachal Pradesh this year- all result of cutting of trees and mountains.
Are we not heading towards ecological disasters?
In a developed economy, people have more money to spend, more consumerism, more littering and less of emotional attachments, family systems, failures of relationships.
Countries like Bhutan with least infrastructures, hard life in the hilly areas but simple life style are the happiest topping the Happiness Index.
Most of the developed countries like the USA have 25% of the population undergoing depression.
People have suicidal tendencies as they lack family systems and are working as machines to cope up with EMIs payments month after month, year after year.
So as a developed nation where are we heading towards?
Merely on GDP terms?
The World Happiness Report published by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network of the United Nations considers a total of 6 factors in order to create the list of the happiest countries and rank all the global nations accordingly. The parameters are here as follows:
The saving grace
What can save a developed India from such disastrous situations and rank India high on Happiness Index as well?
·????????The family system
·????????Education – not just the education helping earning livelihood but also related to the humanitarian aspects of life obtained from epics, literature
·????????Balance of ecological system and conservation of natural resources
·????????Corruption free society and strict compliance of laws of land with prudent and time bound justice system.
·????????The religious and spiritual practices do play their role.
And last but not the least, a story to guide us through-
One day, a rich dad took his son on a trip to village.
He wanted to show him how poor someone can be. They spent time on the farm of a poor family.
On their return from the trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”
“It was great, Dad.”
“Did you see how poor people live?” the father asked.
“Oh yes”, said the son.
“So tell me, what did you learn from the trip?” asked the father.
The son answered: “We have one dog, they have four.
We have a pool, they have river.
We have tube-lights at night, they have stars.
We buy foods, they grow theirs.
We have walls to protect us, they have friends.
We have television, they spend time with family and relatives.”
The father was speechless.
Then his son added:
“Thanks, Dad for showing me how poor we are.”
Moral of the story :” It’s not about money that makes us rich, it’s simplicity, love, compassion, friendships, values, family that makes our lives rich.”
I am simply pondering over the vision of India as a developed nation and wish that our nation combines the best of GDP related growth with humane aspect of life!