India Can Do it - Innovation based startup's promotion in Amritkaal!
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In 2050 quantum and edge computing alongside other cutting edge technologies and drone ecosystems will drive rapid advancements in computing power revolutionizing various sectors.
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam’s Contribution In Indian Innovation Space
APJ Abdul kalam, a renowned scientist, researcher, innovator & former president of India , also known as Missile Man is known for his contributions in Science & technology especially developing Indian Missile projects and playing significant role in developing the first indigenous satellite launch vehicle. Under his leadership India achieved remarkable breakthroughs in missile technology including the Agni and Prithvi Missiles. As a president, Kalam promoted the advancement of National Nuclear weapon programs. Kalam also devised a long term action plan to achieve economic growth through technological developments in India. He played a pivotal organizational, technical and political role in India’s Pokhran-II nuclear tests in 1998, the first since the original nuclear test by India in 1974. In recognition of his contributions to ballistic missile development and launch vehicle technology he was dubbed “the missile man of India’ by the media. According to him science is about converting challenges into opportunities in a scientific manner and he believed that “innovation is born out of cultural excellence”.
View On promoting local artisans, students in science and technology
Local Artisans represent the cultural, traditional and artistic values of our country. Their work is a testament to our rich culture, crafts, art, values, tradition and heritage. Their work helps in revival of certain lost and important Art and craft of our country also promoting natural resources, preserving environment and highlighting importance of eco-friendly and simple products that should be preferred in present era of modernization where we are losing touch to our basics and our roots.
With the growing influence of westernization, synthetic and artificial things, quick, easy and machine made products our local artisans are losing their grounds and importance playing a long term bad impact on our culture and environment both. Local artisans usually thrive on local resources and promoting their work and products shall pave a way to revival of usage of local resources leading to balance and stability of environment as well. But due to lack of resources and lack of access to technology our local artisans are not getting the right platform and impetus to promote their art and craft. They need to be provided an access to digital platforms and e-commerce tools to enhance the visibility and access to their work and products. By selling their products online they can reach a significantly wider audience and expand their customer bases beyond their local community.
Our local artisans need to get familiar with industrial technologies to scale up within their means by growing in accordance with the demand and prioritizing quality. This implies careful growth involving lower risk and wastage. The challenge faced by artisans is scale, quality, marketing and demand. So right knowledge of related technology and access to digital markets can help resolve the issues and motivate them to work and produce more. Incubation training in association with institutes of technology e.g. IITs, IIMs and NIFTs can help in making our local artisans a successful entrepreneurs through mentoring, exposure visit, knowledge sharing and all kind of technological assistance required by local artists to improve their quality, enhance the market network, manage their finances using various software and tools. Convergence of Skill development department with various other departments/institutions whose schemes can help benefit local artisans by providing right machinery, equipment’s or technological support helping to grow and revive their skills and develop quality products is the need of the hour.
Our youth being the future of our nation, It is important to motivate and encourage students into the field of science and technology right from the school time and build their interests in the field of science which is possible by sharing inspiring stories of people who have worked in the field of technology taking nation to heights through development e.g. APJ Abdul Kalam, through live demonstrations of interesting technological developments, projecting science as future and making it interesting for students by inviting scientists, innovators to schools and colleges and making them interact with the students.
There are several initiatives and programs that support students in science and technology like Foundation for student science and technology (FSST), Department of science and technology. In India department of science and technology plays a key role in promoting science and technology, The science and engineering Research Board (SERB) that offers various programs to students in S&T, The STEM, a program that aims to provide students with advanced knowledge and application of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. By promoting interdisciplinary approaches like STEM education, enhancing teacher self-efficacy and empowering students with problem solving skills we can inspire students towards the field of S&T.
It’s important to make students understand that by studying S&T they can make life easier and more comfortable for humans, have a better understanding of world around them, explore universe, uncover new discoveries and expand their knowledge of the natural world, apply scientific knowledge to create tools ,devices and systems that can improve our lives. Both, Our Youth and science is our future. Their amalgamation is important for progress and development & for a better INDIA.
Indian Innovation space in next 25 years
India is poised to become a leader in the adoption and development of emerging technologies in the coming years. Technological advancements in different fields/areas are a priority for the nation. Some of the key areas in which India is expected to see growth in technology include AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (Machine learning), Quantum computing, cybersecurity, science and technology collaborations, Nuclear energy, Nanotechnology and green revolution.
The Indian government has taken several initiatives to promote innovation and technology like GENESIS( Gen-net Support for innovative Start Ups), Center of excellence on gaming, VFX, computer vision and AI providing mentoring, tech support and funding for startups in gaming, animation, VFX, computer vision and AI fields, AIRAWAT (AI research , analytics and knowledge dissemination platform), NIDHI ( National Initiative for developing and harnessing innovations) which aims to build an innovative driven entrepreneurial ecosystem, TARA(Technology advancements for rural areas) providing long term support to voluntary organizations in rural areas to provide technological solutions, AIM (Atal Innovation Mission) aiming to create a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship across India e.g. Health tech, Fintech and Edtech etc.
In 2050 quantum and edge computing alongside other cutting edge technologies and drone ecosystems will drive rapid advancements in computing power revolutionizing various sectors.
Article Written by
Anissa Nabi JKAS Officer, State Project Manager, JKRLM, Fit India Ambassador.
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