Many thanks to writers of Indus Valley report which made me go back to blackboard to think over it.
Education is the most important thing our country needs to emerge as a global leader. Hence understanding of the levels of education should be a priority. IMO here are 7 different layers of education environment across India.
- Village/town with no school : A village close to my village.
- Village/town with primary(1-6) school : My home-village Chenwan.
- Village/town with primary(1-6)+ secondary(7-10) school : My hometown Rafiganj.
- Village/town with primary(1-6)+ secondary(7-10) + senior secondary(11-12) school/colleges : My hometown Rafiganj.
- Village/town with primary(1-6)+ secondary(7-10) + senior secondary(11-12) school + One Degree college : My District Aurangabad.
- Village/town with primary(1-6)+ secondary(7-10) + senior secondary(11-12) school+ Many Degree colleges. : Place where I got my +2 Gaya/Bodh Gaya & Patna.
- Village/town with primary(1-6)+ secondary(7-10) + senior secondary(11-12) school+ Degree colleges + Tier 1 Job offering corporates : Mumbai