Index of species invasiveness

Index of species invasiveness

How to quantify the invasiveness of a species? One could formulate two indices, one being descriptive and the other being mechanical.

  1. The descriptive index of invasiveness

Intuitively, if two sister lineages originated in Area A and if Lineage X has remained in Area A for millions of years whereas Lineage Y has quickly expanded beyond Area A and occupied a much wider area, then one might say that Lineage Y is more invasive than Lineage X. This would suggest an index of invasiveness for comparing between sister lineages. Designating the distribution area of Lineage X and Lineage Y as A_X and A_Y, the index of invasiveness (I_inv) for the two lineages can be expressed as

??_??????.X=??_X/T, and

I_inv.Y = A_Y/T

where T is the divergence time between the two sister lineages (Xia 2024). There are several complications with this simple index, especially with measuring the distribution area when sample sizes differ between Lineage X and Lineage Y. My program PGT (Xia 2019) has been updated to accommodate such complications.

2. The mechanical index of invasiveness

Many factors contribute to species Invasiveness, including dispersal/hitchhiking capability, phenotypic plasticity (or adaptability in general), sociality (that helps to build nests or houses and weapons), etc. A mechanical index of invasiveness would seem much more difficult to formulate.

In studying invasive species, I would suggest to use the descriptive I_inv as the dependent variable and dispersal/hitchhiking capability (D), phenotypic plasticity (P, or adaptability in general), sociality (S, that helps to build nests or houses and weapons), etc., as independent variable, i.e.,

I_inv = F(D, P, S, ...)

When one looks at the list of invasive species, it seems that a species with a small I_inv could not survive/reproduce well even with human-facilitated dispersal, whereas a species with a large I_inv can often spread rapidly in a new location.

Xia, Xuhua. 2024. "Phylogeographic Analysis for Understanding Origin, Speciation, and Biogeographic Expansion of Invasive Asian Hornet, Vespa velutina Lepeletier, 1836 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae)" Life 14, no. 10: 1293.

Xia, Xuhua 2019 PGT: Visualizing temporal and spatial biogeographic patterns. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 2019, 28, 1195–1199


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