The Indestructible Foundation of Truth: A New Day Dawning
Andrea Skhy, MSW
Thought Leader, Social Media, Author, Investor, Peace Builder, Mover&Shaker
So like me, you thought imperialism was dead.?The mother country had ended her unscrupulous pursuit of expansionism through the appropriation of peoples and countries via military incursions. Royalty had gone to rehab LOL and was willing to now grant independence. Really? Well let’s see.?Our forbears left her realm due to exploitation, taxes without representation and the overbearing actions of the King; that really is true. The cost in human capital was immense. I would however like to apologize to the indigenous peoples of America who lost lives and land to our national pursuits. Thank you for your contributions without which we might not have become a nation. We admire your reverence for life in all its forms. The divine vision that inspired the creation of this nation was a singular one, to which passionate devotion held steadfast despite monumental challenges.
Against all odds, they made it here, and in time, after hard won battles, installed a government that would allow them to live in peace as free men.?What did the mother country do? They simply co-opted our government, House, Senate and Executive office to start the whole thing all over again. The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 declared the US treasury bankrupt. Roosevelt then converted the country, against our knowledge or consent, into a public trust of the Federal Reserve Bank, financial collateral for the public debt! The referenced article gives a more thorough understanding of just how the American people were swindled. But what kind of racketeer would traffic their own kids on the open market and fool them for almost a century, suggesting they had a country all their own, the pride of the world, when the country was bankrupt, the deficit astronomical, with every intent of destroying the citizens, as did King George? Cutting the umbilical cord when they left Britain, seemed entirely necessary! But unbeknownst?to them the same characters were running the show.
The false government would then start the drug trade sedating the populous, profiting from their use of drugs, sending our funds over to the Vatican who were running a sick sex ring of child trafficking, dismemberment, organ harvesting, and sacrifice to their Satanic agenda while officiating as saints!?Talk about evil! Plundering our economy, killing us intermittently with patented plagues, sending our boys to war, polluting our air, water, soil, crops, education, dispensing onerous legalese-laden policy that no one understood, but that profited?them with a constant state of emergency, illegal surveillance, censuring of protest, regulation of the internet, loyalty of law enforcement, total wrecking of the economy repeatedly, using religion to keep you compliant and peaceful, with clearly every intent to annihilate?you! After all there would always be another crop. The parents were willing to destroy the child at any cost. “The Child” has lived through some seriously disturbed stuff! Never having a home for long, on each occasion derailed by parents via all sorts of machinations. The game was rigged, the parents always the winner, the offspring always derailed.
Homeless, destitute, drugged, raped, plundered, rendered jobless, trafficked and then blamed for not taking responsibility and putting out the bad parents was the lot of “The Child”.?Talk about an imbalance of power and savagely misplaced guilt!?They were the guilty ones always, but the child was the one treated as vagabond, neglected, terrorized, used.?Unreal!?Now we are even told the Constitution doesn’t work when the Constitution is the only safeguard to protect from this nightmare but which they have discarded and labeled inadequate. There are no words for this level of?psychopathology!?Nothing has changed, has it? In fact, technology had only facilitated their level of profit?and sabotage.?Things can now be done in seconds rather than years.
Criticism, Defensiveness, Contempt, Stonewalling - J. Gottman’s four horsemen of the apocalypse. How do these apply in this government-citizen relationship?Criticism?certainly applies, the whole argument being that Americans are just looking for a handout, and are stupid and foolish! We are after all just beginning to see how exploited we have been.?It appears there has been an unspoken oath on the hill to NOT inform the American people of what’s really going on.?I remember dating someone (J.R.) for quite some time. In fact, an engagement had occurred. But then, almost a year into the relationship I was told he felt he was cheating on someone he had been seeing prior, and with whom apparently he had not ended the relationship, unbeknownst?to me.?It was shocking to say the least, the dual relationships running on parallel tracks, which reminds me of our current governmental situation. I ended the relationship as obviously he was not finished with the ‘former’ nor capable of honoring the ‘present’.
The latter three horsemen seem quite true likewise, for our government has yet to acknowledge any semblance of?truth, dispensing instead defensiveness of the posture they have taken. Contempt?is regularly doled out with insensitivity to our intelligence?and ability to see through the duplicity, and stonewalling, providing no real responses to our queries or protests against violations of our persons and well being, all falling on deaf ears. Surely, we are at an apocalyptic end. It really does need to end. Politics in America has unfortunately become that of paid actors. It is beyond shocking! As for the American public, I think they are finally realizing the “theatre” and waking up to their power to effect change, totally destroying the matrix.?
Love does not mean ignoring things because they are too uncomfortable to address or discuss. Furthermore, to deny, dismiss, or ignore the problem, is to do great harm to self. Self love is the greatest antidote against incursions that would rob you of liberty, dignity and life itself! It is time to see things as they are, to recognize that they will only get better when we remove the elements that do harm. Things can only get better if we take a stand to reject the mockery of our Constitutional Republic. To continue as usual, thinking it will get better, is sheer and utter naivete. Things will only get better when we insist on expelling the harmful bits and restoring the original design.?Spontaneous remission is a fool’s dream.
We must act as is in the best interest of ourselves and our country. January 6th?was not child’s play.?It was a serious attack on our government and it’s viability led by none other than a President himself! Nor does Executive Privilege apply to block evidence of a coup! When we waffle on decisions that are clearly so important to our safety and integrity as a nation, how can you possibly expect things to get better? You were told there is a god who has our best interests at heart but clearly we were sold fool’s gold and now it is time to dispense with both!?This is our world and our lives that must be made a priority, and actions taken to eradicate all threats.?It’s like entertaining the devil and thinking he will leave when the party is over.?He didn’t come just for the party, he wants to take your house. Fat chance! Put him out and shut the door! It is our house! No compromise… It’s autonomy versus authoritarianism, freedom versus tyranny.?As America goes, so does the world. We will not bow.
There is a war going on in the heavens. Your heart and will are yours alone to govern. But you must choose to believe your goodness makes a difference, (it does!) and then act.?Indifference only emboldens the adversary. Make your choice to align with all that’s pure and true, ask for divine help and protection and know it is given. You have nothing to fear. It is all a mirage. Do not be intimidated by the madness around you. Trust that you have friends in high places and friends close by. Take a stand and stand your ground. What if we all got up and said NO. Do you not think things would change for the better? One individual’s stand may get noticed, but you can’t dismiss a 334 mil collective.
It is high time we took our power back from this viral’ governmental overreach, trying to rob of our divine rights, life itself, and property!?I would suggest we all calmly stand on January 6th?in place wherever you are, aligning our intentions with goodness, justice and truth, to show our disapproval of the attempt by former President to destroy our Constitution, the very one he claims to defend…(thumbing his nose at the electoral college). In fact there are “Vigils for Democracy” being held nationwide in your local cities. They have fooled us for long enough and perpetrated the same crime that led our forbears to the new world. They followed us here and covertly took our country from us! The Crown, the Vatican, the Federal Reserve. The child will not be destroyed by the parents! It is our country and we’re taking it back!
Neurons encode information with electrical signals. As you will see in the movie The Matrix, artificial intelligence (AI)?decided we were a ready source of energy, after they were blocked from the use of solar energy!?(Greenhouse effect?)?A horrendous battle ensues against the machines who have been farming infants for bioelectric fuel while keeping adults distracted in a simulated reality where they are highly controlled.?It culminates with humans being freed from this matrix by an “unplugged” fellow named Neo. It would appear, our government has been running a similar program of distraction and exploitation with us the unwitting participants in this war against ourselves.?Prior to the 2020 election, there was much talk of elections being rigged and corrupt, though in the history of America’s elections, no such exaggerated?effect had been shown true.?But through the power of suggestion, a President managed to get multiple recounts, all the while making bogus claims of having won by a landslide, screwing Americans over at their expense!?This was a made up story (simulated reality), far removed from the true reality of things! COVID anyone?
Furthermore with the January 6th?coup, his supporters risked their lives at the Capitol, following his call to action to take their country back, then were left high and dry to the judicial process with their leader planning for his next presidential run. (Surely you understand unless that is prohibited, it will be worse the next time around.) They were used, discarded, then indicted?for following the pied piper, promising many things and failing to deliver, leading you on with a mirage!?You will notice that in the matrix, agents such as Smith are part of law enforcement and are sentient beings NOT human, designed to eliminate threats to the system. If, as Immanuel Kant theorized, humans learn about their world through language which can be easily manipulated to mislead as elections clearly show, it is then critically important to pursue truth so as not to be self deceived. Do you recall that on university campuses in the previous decade only in certain contained locations, could free speech be expressed?!?The next step with the pandemic was to destroy the whole fabric of social engagement and dialogue via social distancing. The illusion which you see is a mere invented reality, hardly aligned with truth!
The world has been overrun by a mad sentient lot of nonhuman predators who have been robbing us blind for centuries. You were drugged, fooled, exploited and then blamed (imagine that!) for their scheming, toxic, homicidal behavior, all the while telling us we were foolish and stupid.?Well, guess what?!?The jig is up.?NO MORE ARTIFICE AND LIES.?This is our country which you stole and which you will repay. We are NOT collateral for a debt you accrued with endless wars, all at the sacrifice of our own sons and daughters.?You will vacate our premises at once and stop this pernicious predation of our land, property and persons.?We are sovereign Americans?and we demand you leave!
Video clip: The Matrix - The War Between Man and Machine?(Blu-ray Clips, Youtube)