Independent Thinking
It's time ladies & gentlemen! To embrace INDEPENDENT THINKING! There's so much confusion out there ii's scary. Don't follow any man/woman blindly. Do you own due diligence, and research ideas, to come to your own conclusion. Never underestimate how wrong you can be. College is a great place for independent thinking. To challenge yourself, challenge the teacher, & to challenge ideas, Always practice active listening too, before we give our answer to what ever the subject is. Herd mentality is a non growth strategy. What if the herd is wrong? What if the leader of the herd is going off of a cliff? Be the LEADER. Carve out your own way, to your own destination. Time will bring you wisdom. Enjoy the journey. Think in ways that even challenge yourself. Sometimes silence, and patience will advance your thinking to the next level. Growth can happen when we just sit back and examine.
Stay encouraged!