Independent, Staff or Public Adjusters

Independent, Staff or Public Adjusters

Okay so you own a commercial business, home, vehicle or other Real or Personal Property. You file your claim and wait (and wait) for the carrier to reach out to you. Depending on the carrier and the size and type of the damages using a Staff Adjuster may be the perfect fit for you. However I would strongly suggest again depending on the size and type of damages you also research using a Public Adjuster. I have invested over 40 years in the Claims Profession, mostly as a staff and then as an Independent. Never did Public Adjusting but meet and worked with many that were on that side of the equation. More times than not and looking back I would still strongly suggest that you at least review and discuss you situation with a Public Adjuster (or more than one). Review their results and reviews to be sure you are getting someone you can feel comfortable with handling ALL the things that you will be asked to do by your Carrier. For the most part Staff Adjusters and Independents are looking out for the interests of the Carrier (or the hand that feeds them) while the Public Adjuster is and should be invested in your results. Just my opinion and does not carry any actual documented facts or actual real situations, just a lot of years handling a multitude of insurance damage claims.


