Independent Sourcing Advisory for your Fuel Cells adoption; PATHWAYS to Net Zero, Energy Transition, Decarbonisation
Background:? Dramatic increases in food prices!? Significant depletion of agricultural lands and farmlands!? Solar PV accounted for 4.5% of total global electricity generation, and it remains the third largest renewable electricity technology behind hydropower and wind.? According to International Energy Agency (IEA) [ ], global solar deployment has reached 720GW.? This chart from Statista shows the increases in food prices [ ].
The 联合国粮农组织 Food and Agriculture Organisation chart shows the dramatic decline in agricultural and farmlands reduction over the past 5 decades.? The 世界银行 World Bank chart shows the even worser reductions in forest cover over the past 3 decades.
Note: All Copyrights and IP of the many references here are acknowledged. No intent to plagiarize. Only used for reference purposes.
This attached Sustainability report from 谷歌 Google reveals they consume a mind boggling 2600MW of Solar and Wind power, i.e., 15,000 acres of land lost [Clean Energy: Renewable Energy Milestone - Google Sustainability ].? There is a chart in the report which shows the energy of other Hyperscalers and Data centre providers such as 微软 Microsoft, Amazon Web Services (AWS) AWS, 甲骨文 Oracle, IBM IBM, Equinix Equinix, etc.
The need for Alternative Clean Technologies, which deliver continuous power and more:
According to IEA, ~15 Gigatonnes of GHG emissions are due to power generation.? The conventional “clean energy” such as Solar power and Wind power should be encouraged when they are deployed on arid lands, roof tops, car park tops, etc. Deployment on agricultural lands and farmlands must be discouraged to avoid food price inflation.? The conventional “clean energy” has <20% efficiency and only deliver energy.? The current geopolitical tensions mean that there is an urgent need to reduce dependencies and build resilience for BESS in the Supply Chain [Tensions grow as China ramps up global mining for green tech - BBC News ].?
About Fuel cells:
Unlike Solar power, which is uni-functional, Fuel cells can be deployed for a variety of applications, including power generation, combined heat, and power (CHP), and combined heat, hydrogen, CO2 and power systems.? The choice of fuel cell technology depends on factors such as efficiency, emissions, and specific project requirements. ?You can choose Fuel cell technologies based on the type of fuel used and the volume of CO2 emissions that can be Prevented, Reduced or Avoided.? Here are some of the Common types.
Hydrogen Electrolyser Fuel cells:? Electrolysers can be used to convert Water or any Methane Gas [Natural Gas, LNG, LPG, Biogas, Biomethane] into Hydrogen.? Hydrogen can then be used to produce Energy or used in Transport systems or to support the production of other chemicals and/or used directly in Industrial processes. PEM [Proton Exchange Membrane] and Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC) use water and Energy to produce Hydrogen. Electrolysers require significant amounts of Electricity.? When Solar or Wind power is used, land depletion occurs.? The only emission from usage of Hydrogen is water vapour.
Alkaline Fuel cells:? Alkaline fuel cells consume hydrogen and pure oxygen, to produce potable water, heat, and electricity. They are among the most efficient fuel cells, having the potential to reach 70%. The production of hydrogen using conventional renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, is not yet commercially viable on a large scale. Storage and transportation of hydrogen is also very costly, with complex engineering and materials involved in keeping it contained.
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel cells [PEMFC]:? Proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC), also known as polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells, are used for transport applications, as well as for stationary fuel-cell applications and portable fuel-cell applications.? They need only hydrogen, oxygen from the air, and water to operate.? HT-PEM Fuel cells however can work with Natural Gas.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells [SOFC]: ?SOFC technology can be used in a wide range of applications for both domestic and industrial sectors, from distributed power/CHP generation to light traction vehicles.? Apart from Hydrogen, they can work using a variety of Methane based gases.? When used for Combined Heat and Power using Methane based gases, the electrical efficiency is higher and CO2 emissions are lower.
Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Hydrogen Fuel Cells use Hydrogen to produce power.? Additional equipment can be deployed to leverage the high heat.? The biggest challenge is the area of land and cost of producing Hydrogen using conventional renewable energy such as solar and wind.? Heavy emitters in the Steel, Chemicals, Cement and other industries may well be able to provide true renewable power from Waste Heat Recovery Systems[ Independent Sourcing advisory to bring Coherence and Optimise your WHRS-based Decarbonisation | LinkedIn ].
Reformed Methanol Fuel Cells [RMFC]:? Methanol Fuel Cells use Methanol, eMethanol or BioMethanol to generate energy.? ?The emissions reduction, when using RMFCs, are substantially greater than Methane based Fuel Cells.? Also, CO2 emissions from RMFCs are pure and can be used in Methanol reactors to produce eMethanol to create a VIRTUOUS CYCLE. There is a great opportunity to combine forces for #alternativefuels alongside Oil and Gas Climate Initiative | OGCI
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells [MCFC]: MCFCs uses an electrolyte of alkali metal carbonates, operates typically at 650 °C, and is best suited to hydrocarbon fuels such as natural gas, coal gas, or biogas. The high operating temperature enables such fuels to be fed directly to the MCFC stacks, leading to conversion efficiencies greater than 50%. CO2 from MCFCs is Beverage-Ready too!? ?
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells [PAFC]: PAFCs were the first to be used commercially. This type of fuel cell is typically used for stationary power generation.?
Ethanol Fuel Cells [EFCs] are on the horizon but the intended applications are limited to low-end Electric Vehicle [EV] transport purposes.
About Fuel cells applications:
Each type has its niche, and informed decisions lead to sustainable energy solutions.? Let us delve into some of the applications here.
Fuel Cells for Power Generation: AFCs offer Quick start-up, low emissions, and reliability. ?PEMFCs offer High efficiency, quick response, and low emissions. MCFCs and SOFCs offer Fuel flexibility, low emissions, and durability. RMFCs offer lower emissions than MCFCs and SOFCs and have comparable stack lifetime.
Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Fuel Cells: PEMFCs, PAFCs and SOFCs can provide both electricity and heat.? The power capabilities and the heat on offer are different, which also depends on the Fuel that is in use.? The Fuel Cells are highly reliable and efficient and typically require less maintenance.? The stack life and frequency of stack changes differs across the providers.?
Combined Heat, Hydrogen & Power Systems [CHHP]: ?The benefits are Zero emissions, efficient cogeneration, and potential for hydrogen production.? The water can be recycled back to produce Hydrogen.
Combined CO? Heat and Power [CCHP]: ?There are Fuel Cells, which can operate using different Fuel sources, operate at high temperatures and can capture CO?.? This pure CO2 can be readily used in the Food & Beverage industry as well as in Industrial processes.? Alternatively, this CO2 can be used to produce eMethanol.
Fuel Cells for Transport: Usage of Hydrogen Fuel Cells eliminates emissions.? Significant tax incentives are offered in many countries for retrofitting.? Hydrogen Fuel Cells are best used with Heavy Duty transport.? Usage of Methanol Fuel Cells can reduce CO2 emissions by more 50% and avoid other emissions that arise from usage of Diesel, for example.
The Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry - FIPI published this report
Today, the cost of producing grey hydrogen (through SMR - Steam Methane Reformation) in India is between $1.92/kg - $2.43/kg assuming delivered natural gas prices of $9/MMBtu and $12/MMBtu, respectively. INNOVO has partnerships with excellent Electrolysers production companies as well as Waste to Hydrogen and Waste to Syngas production companies who can deliver "Greener than Green" hydrogen.
Benefits of Fuel Cells
·??????? High Electrical efficiency
·??????? Continuous Heat & Power
·??????? Low or No emissions
·??????? Low land footprint; no food price inflation or poverty
·??????? Energy Transition Facilitation
·??????? Avoid or Pay for lesser Carbon credits and offsets
BloombergNEF BloombergNEF expects Carbon Credit prices reach an impressive $146/ton in 2030 and $172/ton in 2050 [Carbon Credits Face Biggest Test Yet, Could Reach $238/Ton in 2050, According to BloombergNEF Report | BloombergNEF ( ) ].? The business case is definitely there to switch to truly renewable energy like Fuel Cells.? #carboncredits #fuelcells #hydrogen
安永 EY, in its publication, says credits and offsets are Essential, expensive and evolving [ey-net-zero-centre-carbon-offset-publication-20220530.pdf ].? This incentivises the accelerated push to greener sources of energy which do not create food price inflation and poverty.
According to S&P Global S & P Global, strong demand from corporate buyers helped push European Guarantee of Origin (GO) certificates to all-time high prices [Record high certificates prices bring renewable energy buying in focus | S&P Global Commodity Insights ( ) ].
The IEA is beginning to acknowledge that Fuel Cells can offer greater emissions reduction than Solar and Wind power [Since they are only 15% efficient and the rest come from dirty power].? [ ]. [Realising methanol’s potential as a motor fuel – Analysis - IEA ].
Beyond the significant savings from lower land footprint [<One hundredth] compared to Solar & Wind power, there are other major savings too as per the evidence in this article [When used for Combined Heat & Power needs, Fuel Cells offer a superior business case compared to Solar and Wind power.? 2016-total-cost-ownership-model-low-temperature-pem-fuel-cells-combined ( ) ].
World Steel World Steel Association (worldsteel) World Steel Dynamics sees Hydrogen based iron-making and steel-making as the future [Fact-sheet-Hydrogen-H2-based-ironmaking.pdf ( ) ].? Green Steel World
European Parliament sees a significant potential for Hydrogen to decarbonise the Steel industry [EPRS_BRI(2020)641552_EN.pdf ( ) ]. European Parliament
European Commission views Hydrogen as an energy carrier with great potential for clean, efficient power in stationary, portable and transport applications [Hydrogen and fuels cells for transport - European Commission ( ) ]. European Commission
According to Methanol Institute, RMFCs deliver even further superior business case [Jim-Boettcher-Oorja-Fuel-Cells-Final.pdf ( ) ].? Methanol, being liquid and therefore offering ease of transportation, offers a much easier Energy transition compared to the gaseous fuels. Methanol Institute Methanol Institute
Data centres consume up to 10 per cent of all global energy production.? Data centres do not typically have land availability.? Low land footprint and continuous clean energy are needed.? [Insights | Data centres – the world’s greatest energy guzzlers ( ) ].? With ever increasing AI consumption, energy consumption is increasing dramatically.? Data center magazine forecasts are staggering without taking into account the latest GenAI triggered consumption increases [AI Boom Will Cause Data Centre Electricity Demand to Double | Data Centre Magazine ].? Reuters says AI is even more power hungry [Power mad: AI’s massive energy demand risks causing major environmental headaches | Reuters ].? Telefonica estimates that Digital technologies account for 10 % of global energy consumption in addition to the other Telecom industry consumption of 3 % [Impact of technology on energy efficiency - Telefónica ( ) ]. Aurecon Reuters Telefónica
Why Independent Sourcing advisory to assist you?
Not all Fuel Cell capabilities are alike.? There are >60 Fuel Cell providers.? The maturity levels are different.? The execution timeframes vary.? The stack life and maintenance costs are different.? They may serve a single purpose or multiple purposes. The commercial models are cost plus to fixed price to a combined commercial & financial maturity model of offering their Fuel Cells through PPA [Power Purchase Agreement], HPA [Hydrogen Purchase Agreement], CPA [CO2 Purchase Agreement] and/or HPA [Heat Purchase Agreement] models.? Their implementation capabilities range from just their technology implementation to complete systems integration. Structuring your engagement with the Clean Technology providers requires attention to detail such as:
·??????? Request for Information and Proposal [RFIP] questionnaire.
·??????? Mutual Value Discovery [MVD] sessions
·??????? Evaluation criteria
·??????? Technology portfolio selection and integration
·??????? Implementation and Programme management
·??????? Pricing & commercial terms and conditions
·??????? Ongoing operational costs and liabilities
·??????? TCA [Total Cost of Acquisition] and TCO [Total Cost of Ownership]
·??????? Business case and Investment case
You need an Independent Sourcing advisory who brings in a pivotal perspective and is an expert in facilitating the introduction of clean technology suppliers, helping you with the right long list, assisting you with collecting information that demonstrates neutrality and yet a Bias for Climate Action such that it helps you achieve your Net Zero goals profitably. Your Independent Sourcing advisor can help you with:
Clean Tech Packaged bundles: Develop and implement comprehensive Fuel Cell programs that may include other technologies and services that deliver higher value.
Technological Adoption: Leverage advancements in Fuel Cell technologies and in conjunction with other clean technologies.
Immediate Action: Prioritize energy efficiency alongside other projects.
Investment management: Following the completion of the Sourcing advisory process, Joint Ventures can be established to offer:
Power Purchase Agreements
Hydrogen Purchase Agreements
Heat Purchase Agreements
CO2 Purchase Agreements
Combination of the above
Investments will be sought after an MOU is established for the Captive Purchase Agreements.
In summary, Fuel Cell systems offer a win-win scenario: reduced emissions and economic benefits. By leveraging the right Independent Sourcing Advisor, you too can tap into this potential to contribute to a more sustainable future.
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Laurent Donnat Thanks for your support ??
Dr Stephen Bater Thanks for your support. May I ask you a question. Many organisations use #dieselgenerators as a backup. How do you see #fuelcells enhancing safety, health & wellbeing with low to no emissions, and mental health from reduced noise levels?
Michele Bewsher Thanks for your support
Susanne Ekstr?m Grateful for your support
Sihame E @Sihame E. Grateful for your support