Independent Celebrity

We all are celebrity in our lives. When we do brilliant and achieve remarkable, we become a Celebrity. An independent celebrity carries a persona  of greatness, honor, self-mastery, rising above the popularity contest, outright courageous, who transforms to execute. When we become passionate about truth and stand for excellence, life turns out extraordinarily great with precious blessings like compassion and bravery.

Acclaimed Ethics

We get connected with people following certain ethics and norms. When we get interested in other’s idea, starts following depending upon how quickly we get influenced, and become a follower. Owning a higher purpose, acclaimed ethics are dedicated to create an own higher self. It’s a continuous creation of our persona. We always have a choice to choose between great and average.  To enter into next level of greatness, we need to intersect with everyone. We learn from everyone as each person knows something more than us.


What do we have to make life worthwhile. Are we being swift and practical? Do we have mental preparedness to look around the corner? An affiliation of humility and self-awareness depends upon how consistent we are with what we say, what we do and our values. Whatever we focus on, gets our energy. When we focus on our purpose, our energies get immediate connection with them. When we focus on financial growth or growing our wealth, it starts growing. When we make peace with what we already have, it attracts and increase peace.


The ideas that lead us, are they clearing our path to attain our purpose or does they need change of direction. The energy and intensity of our purpose that we set, is not only about an achievement or a destination, it is about the journey that shapes our being. What do we consider wealth? What ways do we follow to create and sustain wealth in our life.

We live in an abundant universe. Opportunities are present everywhere and appear for us numerous times in a day.  Healthy friendships by being sincere & true friend, keep promises, speak kindly, lift someone’s spirit up, positive affirmations, apologizing, donation, occasional treat to our team, planting trees, encourage children to do new things to develop great confidence, usage of natural solar energy, leave a surprise note or postcard to loved ones, be courteous at foreign airports & restaurants are among those few opportunities that create a wealthy life and goes a long way. Elevating the lives around while stepping on to success principles is what makes us leading a great life.


Does our thought process give us a fine reputation to live up to? What is our thinking pattern? The authentication of our thinking patterns develop our vision and then put the vision into strategy. High quality thinking patterns make us leaving a mark in the universe. These thinking patterns get us on steep learning curve. It also brings profound social change. Our inherent attributes help us in adeptness and maintain control of new path to bring social change.


An accomplishment of different tasks is the swiftest way to create worldly empire. By letting our different roles define us, our versatility grip the desire to achieve our purpose. Our purpose calls us to do what matters. We play different roles when being on board with NGOs and corporates. Our innovative mindset which includes all of our core and new initiatives must strike the correct balance between our efforts and new growth.


How far do we live our beliefs? Our beliefs drive our life. Each day we have a choice to be a good follower with execution of our beliefs or just a bystander. A person who is rooted in oneness realizes all humans are equal.  We get adequately empowered to the mainstream of our life. Our beliefs is our most valuable asset. We gain experiences of everyday life, when we are true to ourselves and true to all around us, with honesty and congruency. An execution to right mindset and practicing actions permit us to admire our full potential that we did our best.

   Make the sky your empire, it always grow when it walks.



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