As we approach July 4th and Independence Day here in the USA, I reflect on my journey to living here in Las Vegas in 2023, the post-pandemic era, economic and social dis-order and challenges all around us, and after 7 decades of my own evolution from times of old that you may well not remember. I am a British woman, entreprenologist, mother, grandmother, designer and concept maker, connector and seeker of opportunities and "conversation game changer" and on a mission to bring authentic harmony to you.

So this celebration day, July 4th, is rather fun for me as it is Independence from the British rule that claimed a stake in America's history. Now I have no thoughts of retribution, I see history as a long journey of lessons. Some great and many not so great. It's what we do with this reflection that matters?

Wars rage, struggles roar, anger and violence against those who can't raise against it. My own country, the UK, has as much dissonance as every country as does the USA to different degrees of need and resolution. So the world news appalls us regularly and we need to be independent-minded to thrive.

In honor of this Independence theme, I would like to appeal to your sense of uniqueness and individuality and to claim your own stake in this world - not necessarily through financial independence (although that is good if you are so) and not necessarily about your academic credentials - see your independence through your courageous character, your good moral fiber, your multiple experiences - "the good, the bad and the ugly" as Clint Eastwood portrays.

So why have I headed this Newsletter with a collage of men?

I met every one of these men and interviewed them in 2018. In the rallying call of #Metoo movement, I was intrigued to know what men think about their life as men. I referenced this and earlier research in my last newsletter . If you haven't had chance to read yet please do.

Over all these men shared their passions and their vulnerabilities as men. It was a beautiful experience for me when they each said how honored they were that I asked them about them and not in the context of women. That was as we came to the end.

I asked them "What advice would you give women to manage men?"

Simple, straight-forward, they were stunned and then delighted. "I've never thought about that. "

Summary of all these men said was "we are straight-forward, simple in our approach, we don't want women to smother us, mother us, or treat as a threat___ (because other men have abused them)__ please accept us as we are "

My "take" on all the interviews was an overwhelming sense of men's core value of singularity, need for completion in their thinking, and an overriding task/action mode. It is true, in my experience and in researching other studies, that men have the capability to think NOTHING - often called the "nothing box" - and women find this really hard to accept as women think and feel all the time!!!

I am so grateful for these men and for their sharing and I plan to invite them each again to share an update interview as much has happened for men and women since 2018. If you are a men and would like to join this tribe of wise men, please apply

I believe we are at a major crossroads in the affairs of equality, liberation, enriching lives and businesses. Having pursued equality, me-too status, and survived COIVD lockdown, women have not gained full equality status and indeed the United Nations claim gender equality has gone back 300 years!

I personally won't be around for that and nor will you, so I suggest we do something now.

“For everything there is a season, and a time for very?purpose?under heaven: a time to be born, and a?time?to die; a time to break down, and a time to build up, a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak.”
King Solomon

If you are willing to be part of the story, to shift the mindset and the glory...

If you are keen to move the dial beyond EQUALITY and DIVERSITY to HARMONY and COLLORATIVE ACTION - then there is an option, a new narrative that support all that these men shown in my collage indicated they desire. They say "we want a peaceful productive, authentic harmony with women - and as long as we (men) get the job done in our perspective - we will be wise, kind and resourceful! "

Can women make this deal work? I believe so, as I have worked with women professionals and entrepreneurs for over 30 years in the UK - in Malaysia and now based in the USA, I work with Africa and Asia. Therein lies the story for next week's Newsletter when I will report on the many hundreds of sessions, presentations and client company transformations that have lead women to a more harmonious and healthy success with men..

I am a global citizen, my passion is people, my mission is harmony. Now is the time. You count, your leadership counts, and the transformation I propose is in alignment with your natural style and perspective. You only need to ask "what really counts?"

The HOW will arise when we each know who is around the table with us and define the rules to enrich all.

“Many of the things you can count, don't count. Many of the things you can't count, really count.”? Albert Einstein
"It's a time for us all to speak with the power of authentic harmony in our hearts - to seek this by knowing ourself, and then digging deep within to honor those who's style or words, actions, perspectives and experiences are different to ours - and do so with love".
Dr. Pauline Crawford - The Conversation Game Changer


Get to know your archetypal core patterns, then you can learn the GPS LEADERSHIP CODE of this map shown below.


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As a visionary British leader, Dr. Pauline Crawford is the Founder and Chief Vision Officer of Corporate Heart International, President of the Rotary Club of Global Impact, and Program Director for the International University of Entreprenology. Additionally, she holds the esteemed position of G100 Global Chair for Positive Masculinity. Dr. Crawford is recognized as an accomplished international speaker and author of "The Power of Authentic Harmony." Her transformative expertise has garnered success with clients from various sectors, including world-renowned companies such as Barclays, British Telecom, eBay, Innovation Norway, Marriott Hotels, Coutts Bank, and HP Consulting. She has also worked with numerous law firms in the City of London and served as a Visiting Lecturer at London Metropolitan University. Having expanded her reach to ministries in Malaysia and currently based in the USA, Dr. Crawford continues to make a global impact through online presentations reaching Africa and Asia. Her contributions solidify her reputation as a global influencer in multicultural settings and corporate environments.

Dr. Pauline Crawford is known as the "Conversation Game Changer" in her approach as a Leadership, Performance, and Communication Consultant specializing in harmonizing diverse behavioral issues and enabling leaders to foster a heart-centric, inclusive culture for thriving business results. With a mission to combat conflict and unlock the full potential of men and women working together, she has dedicated her expertise to cracking the leadership and life code that has marginalized women in business roles and hindered professional performance among male leaders.

Through her pioneering approach, known as Gender Dynamics Intelligence, Dr. Crawford empowers male and female leaders to prioritize harmony, collaboration, and authentic communication, resulting in remarkable synergy and sustainable growth. Her strategic guidance enables businesses to cultivate cultural excellence, nurture people-centricity, and create an environment that fosters innovation and continuous development. With a profound understanding of the dynamics between genders, Dr. Crawford's work brings about positive change, empowering individuals to thrive personally and professionally while impacting their industries.

Barry Letzer

Co-Founder, C.H. Revitalization Group Inc.

1 年

I am in a 43 year marriage, wherein we made a committed choice to make LOVE, our 'career' and do whatever was necessary to live as fully in that mode as prudently possible. So, in all these years, what we discovered is that 'relationing' is almost always based upon what we saw growing up and then modeled again...and this is where most find fault with each other in the move to mate. Life is a weave and that makes Love a many threaded fabric, which we are always sewing up to bring us comfort from the storms. What is going on today in the Public Square of Gender, is a move to find that comfort in ways prior 'models' didn't quite showcase well. We see so many now foraging for form that functions according to their own sense of a self in motion in a world gone haywire. We found no matter 'who' you be, there is a lot of WORK to do in Becoming...! That's why it is incumbent upon each of us to simply be honest about our frailties and faculties we use to navigate this life. Those are the 'features' we adorn our lives and loves with and quite often, these remain hidden from view. When we seek out a mate, we are seeking a form of our 'Better Selves', and often this is what leads many to relationship demise. Be ready to "Train Each Other"

María Adriana ~ The Genius Journey? Structures for Success

Eliminating Workplace Ego Expert | Sustainable Culture Change | HPT | Quantum Coach | Creator of The Genius Journey? Structures for Success | Chilean Musician Storyteller

1 年

Wonderful words and I agree a million per cent about authentic harmony Dr. Pauline Crawford - The Conversation Game Changer I'm so glad to have discovered your wonderful work and change making.

Martin Christopher Mongiello

CEO at a foundation, museum, inn, & school. Global CMO, 14X author & in 19 other books, speaker, former White House Master Chef & Camp David GM. Hotelier, Producer, Director, streaming expert, Ai, DX, CX, UX, EX.

1 年

Thanks, Pauline!!! And for other colleagues, let's link at the first level (#1) this Fourth of July! Happy 4th and don't be scared, I'm just sharing our recent success of funding five loans for small businesses in LATAM and South America. They are finished and have their cash that they needed, so that's awesome and done! But, would you mind celebrating with me? Gimme a LIKE ?? and let me know you endorse changing the world for a better place. Its encouraging to me, as I'm no one special. Sincerely, Marti

Tim Bowman

Author of The Leadership Letter weekly column; Consulting Expert with OnFrontiers; advisor and mentor on leadership and public service; retired U.S. Army and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Officer.

1 年

Thank you, Pauline, for a very interesting piece, and for those who don't have the ability to think of NOTHING, I urge you to try it, for clearing your head can be very refreshing, and help you to solve those vexing issues running around in your brain. For some, it takes practice, but it can be done.

Phumza Dyani

Africa Sales & Marketing, VP - EUMMAS Women's Forum, Board Member, GCPIT Top 100 Global Women in Leadership Award, PMI - SADC Lead, G100 Mission Country Chairperson: Positive Masculinity

1 年

Great work Dr. Pauline Crawford - The Conversation Game Changer , I love the passion you have for this work.


