Independence Day - 2020 Sight and a Vision
Zen Benefiel
Servant Leadership Advocate | Transformational Coach | MA Org Mgt | MBA | 30+ Nonfiction Author | Thinkers360 Top 10 - Coaching | HD 5/1 Generator | RSA Fellow | Spiral Wizard | ENTJ | Polymath | Harmony Hustler
Life and living are truly amazing experiences in the current situations we face. Remaining free of being pulled this way or that is the most challenging and offers a residual bump in happiness from my perspective.
Why? Before I answer that question, what do you think? How could one find happiness in such a confusing and confounding time? Is there a secret sauce or am I just out of my mind?
In a very practical and pragmatic sense, this too shall pass. How it passes is up to how we handle the situation collectively, not what we let happen to us through some ill-fated attempt to manipulate and marginalize a public with fear-based propaganda that only further divides an already fragile public.
If we step back and look at how populations and civilizations have been controlled and manipulated in the past, certain obvious behaviors, characteristics, messages and strategies are exposed. We see things in a new light, free of shadows and surreptitious actions.
We don't want to believe it, especially while we're being herded like cattle into social distancing and fearing each other instead of becoming fearless and addressing the situation like critical thinking adults ought to do, like we've been taught to do as free and independent thinkers who care about people and planet. Does the latter describe you at all?
It is certainly most challenging to stop the momentum in your own head, still your mind and admit you've been duped. People often would rather die than admit they were wrong. If we do our own investigative work, we'd find the situation is much different, much less catastrophic, than we've been led to believe. That's a big pill to swallow for some.
The Constitution of the United States has been torn asunder, ignored and violated by a greedy, power-hungry few who own media channels, corporations and lawmakers. That's a fact. What are we going to do about it? How can we transform this current untenable situation into one that serves us, restores the freedoms and facilitates the reformation of our country? Can we each become a leader of our own life?
I did a TV show in the 90s, peering into the depths of what keeps us afraid, angry, ignorant and immobile. I'd had some catastrophic events in my own life and I sought answers, which led to more questions. Most Americans seem to be in the situation today.... stuck. Instead of getting unstuck, attending to personal growth, they turn to arguing about things that really don't matter and further descend into chaos and confusion. We can do better.
From a structural standpoint, though, the chaos has to happen for a new order to emerge. What is that new order, though? It certainly isn't a new facade on an old and worn out system of profit over people and planet at any cost. For nearly all my guests, a series of breakdowns led to a major breakthrough. The patterns are ubiquitous in transformation.
Today, and heading into the July 4th weekend celebration, perhaps we can consider what it took to find freedom from tyranny initially. The bravery and courage it took. We're right at the point where we ought to recognize the tyranny that immigrants fled from initially has come back to haunt them. We are not afraid of the truth, are we?
The mess in Washington D.C. is so great, and the control so widespread, that we really don't have any idea what the truth is anymore. Media moguls just won't let that happen. That's another fact. So, what do we do? Perhaps focus on community or local situations that could really use our help? When we take care of the local challenges, the efforts ripple through the to the larger concerns.
My adoptive father, a genuinely caring man and stalwart Mason in our community, shared great wisdom with me as a youth. Of course it took years to understand as I matured. One of the salient points that is so poignant now was, "take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves." It creates habits, patterns of service to others that I've found to be some of the strongest values one could ever aspire toward, let alone achieve.
I've been touting a 'soular revolution' recently. I'm sure it sounds absolutely insane or naive to many. The science is intact, though, as we now know how attention, intention and action affects our environment, up close as well as at a distance. So many have left the world momentarily and come back with new understanding. It's the little things that matter.
Most will admit that we each have a soul, though we have no idea how much mass it has or how vast its consciousness extends into the finer realms of creation. I'd offer that the point of light within us (referenced often) that is indeed connected to the Great Light (we traverse back and forth during lifetimes) is the 'point' of all of this. That 'still, small voice is one of those 'little' things that make a profound difference when we listen and respond.
This soular revolution comes from within, beyond our conscious thinking, and inspires unity, resolution, and transformation of people, places and things that are maligned to the natural order of our lives and world. The misadventures and violations of universal law and order is haunting this world, not some evil force. These were the small things, the attention to detail, we've missed that has turned into a global challenge we all face now.
It's our doing. We can change it. We have to decide to do so, together. All the arguing, finger-pointing, obfuscation and resistance to the Spirit within you is tantamount to this continued tragedy of humanity's well-being. Are you willing to look within and make necessary changes? Awake and aware is what we need to achieve as a citizenry, as a country and as a world. There is a greater, more healthy and secure reality ready to emerge, provided we choose to give it our attention, intention and actions.