Inculcate A Strong Bias To Action
Shubham Behl
I’m building scalable backend systems & solving real-world problems | SDE | Developing next gen Engineers
Learning Outcomes :
As the Wise people say
We have a saying
" Kal kare so aaj kar aaj kare so ab ,,
Pal me parlay hoygi bhoiri karega kab ??? "
Do it now don't leave it at tomorrow because tomorrow you will leave something for another tomorrow
Meaning we all Know Do we even apply that ??
NAHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why ??
Why is it?
We do not understand the cost of inaction & it costs us dearly
Can you think of an idea that you thought is a great one & doable but never started it?
Can you think of ideas you had that you never did to eventually discover someone else implemented & changed the world with it?
Recounting my Mistakes
This happened to me numerous times when inaction cost me great opportunities back when CS GO (a game) came I predicted that the next evolution of CS GO will be CS GO with character abilities and was just happy with that but when the Valorant game was released it made me think I had the same Idea but ideas are of zero values until executed
I also started my youtube channel called " Apun ka teacher " being inspired by the movie Munnabhai MBBS itself & At that time youtube was new and only a few people were even teaching python which was a fairly new language and I was able to get about 80K views in a month on it I did not work on it consistently & my inaction caused me to lose something that had a potential to be great while my contemporaries like Aman Dhattarwal started at that time but with consistent hard work paved the way to success
Looking back feel bad because my inaction & nativity caused me some great opportunities
But why am I recounting this all ???
The simple reason it taught me to give my 100% to things choose how to take action and when to choose inaction
It taught me to give my 100% and that failing is a feeling that is closer to success than any failure
I want to share how you can learn and apply my learning and failures in an intelligent manner
Identify your problem
The bias to inaction is strong because of a few reasons common to all of us -
Philosophy: It all starts here
There is a philosophy I follow and I derived it from
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” - master oogway
?“You are too concerned with what was and what will be this causes a lot of grief and baggage of future and past on this very moment.
Actionable to Philosophy
My Philosophy states that the time that is past cannot be changed, The future I have little control over it only by means of my karma or action I take in present now but if I spent my present and keep on thinking about the future I never lived present but feared future. It's good to have a long-term vision but it does not mean abandoning the now and keeping on thinking about the future.
You must understand that to apply it you must tell yourself you live only this second and control the present fully plus this present is gonna be pass soon and not livable while the future is again unknown this moment is not gonna come again hence take action now.
Visualization of the philosophy
To visualize it I see these 5 minutes in my mind as a green line and rest time past one as gray and future as gray I can only live control and change these 5 minutes now so why not do that
"Every day is not a new hope every second is a happy new second cease it as you do for a happy new year all the time is a happy new time its never gonna come back will move forward but you are can't skip the present to that future The journey is in between " - Shubham Behl
Combined Philosophy
I combined two learning life is the moment you live now this minute and it will clean slate every minute hence you are growing older and losing life every second just choose Action or inaction any way you want
Actionable (Strong Bias To Action )
Use Visualization -
Solves problems like Changing Focus from one problem to another, motivation
Declutter -
Solving problems like The cold start problem, Having too many ideas, and Changing Focus from one problem to another
Focus 2 rule -
Use Death -
" Life is long for long-term goals but short for short-term goals so run at
your own pace & peace " - Shubham Behl
Understand the Cost & reward of Action & Inaction -
" If you don't understand the repuercussions of Action yet learn more till
you do until your only action is to learn that " - Shubham Behl
Motivation -
There are a thousand kinds of motivation the one that works for me is
Fear of regret - Better take action and fail than never try and regret is what i believe but I understand what that action outcome looks like in both success and failure
You can be motivated by money , just the journey to complete the idea like artists do , you can do it for satisfaction, do it for pride , do it for validation but whatever there should be a strong emotion attached to it that keeps brining you back to it
Emotional binding -
I wanted to go out walking every day I binded the action of walking in the morning with an emotion of joy & calmness you may ask how I did that binding
I like music and that too sufi and calm music I while walking did listen to music for the first 10-15 mins of my walk then turned it off for the rest of the walk so that this feeling also gets associated with walking
As I did it every day so did this feeling of calmness slowly automatically got associated with walking
That is all hope it helps
All these helped me patiently write this article and guess what my reward for writing this is writing this also after it playing some CS GO
Meet you at the next one !! Apply this