IncSys - Memorial Day Message - Celebrate, Honor, Remember
David Miranda
Recruiter Specialist & Program Manager for Power4Vets/Powersimulator and NERC CEH Training Account Manager at Incremental Systems
As the month of May comes to an end, we take a moment to pause and to reflect on our United States Armed Forces with great pride so that we can Celebrate, Honor, and Remember our countries fallen. In reality, we should be thankful every single day of the year, but the last Monday of May is the official day where we all come together to honor our fallen veterans.
Memorial Day is an important day in America, because it is a day to Celebrate, Honor, and Remember, those who gave their lives to protect our country. We at IncSys and the PowerData team, encourage everyone to take time out of their weekend to unite and observe our appreciation to all of our Armed Forces Service members who have devoted their lives so that we may all may live in freedom.
Many of us today take for granted the freedoms that we have in this great country, but our Service members in our Armed Forces are on the front lines, ready and willing to help support and defend, and at times, sacrifice their lives for the guarantee of rights, liberties, and pursuit of happiness to every citizen in this great nation. There is absolutely no greater sacrifice than giving one's life for their country.
We cherish the memory and pray for the peace for which our Armed Forces members have laid down their lives and we mourn with the families and friends of those we have lost, and hope they find comfort in knowing their loves ones died with honor.
I encourage each of you to pause and reflect on those that have given their all in defense of freedom.
Please take a moment to watch the you tube video clip provided,
Called: Psalm 23.
God Bless,
Robin Podmore on behalf of the IncSys and PowerData Staff
IncSys President