The Incriminating Coffee Table - An Intelligent Disobedience Story

Janine recently proved that anyone in an organization can execute intelligent disobedience, given the proper support. Janine is an office administrator for a financial advisory firm on the east coast of the US, which recently moved to a new office facility. She served as a coordinator for the move. Part of her responsibilities was to coordinate the distribution of old furniture they would not be using in their new facility. The partners in the firm had first choice, as the owners of the furniture assets.

Janine set an agreed-to deadline for the partners to claim any furniture they wanted for themselves, prior to the staff making requests. Well after the deadline had passed, Judy, one of the office support staff, claimed and took home a small coffee table. That’s when things got interesting. Read the rest of this blog entry: #intelligentdisobedience

I am amaze and inspired. Intelligent disobedience.



