Incremental Improvement
Robert DeVivo
Systems & Business Consultant | IT Project Management | Business Analysis | Digital Transformation | IT Change Management | Personal Development
Achievement is something that is more readily attained through continual improvement. In effect, doing it incrementally - starting with small, manageable steps that eventually lead you to "where you want to be."
Start out with "where you are," then determine "where you want to be," and finally plot the steps that "monitor your progress to get there." The last step is important -you need to continually check to see that you're making progress toward your goal.
I didn't mention this at first; however, I will now - it doesn't matter what you're trying to achieve - it can be improve a skill, change your behavior, improve a relationship, help in solving a problem - just about anything.
The "key" once again is doing it incrementally and checking on your progress. Doing too much too fast doesn't work - you'll only end-up getting frustrated. When you start small -with steps that are achievable - it instills a belief in yourself that you can improve. You won't doubt yourself - you'll feel energized because you'll see yourself gaining momentum toward your goal.
Once you've decided on the approach; that being, taking small steps toward your goal - it's time to decide on what you want to improve upon. And, then - each and every day ask yourself what you can do "that day" to get closer to your goal. Ask yourself questions like: "What can I do better today than I've done before." It doesn't have to be a major breakthrough, no - just another "small" step toward your goal.
You need to keep reinforcing the understanding that improvements take time. You have to devote yourself to continual practice - a commitment to getting a little better each day - and, then - over time, you'll find yourself getting closer and closer to your goal.
In closing, it's not a bad idea to "spread" the idea of incremental improvement to almost everything that you do on a daily basis; thus, not limiting it to one or two specific pursuits. Doing this builds your self-esteem and self-confidence which will eventually lead to more and more positive results. Look for opportunities to improve - you'll find them - they're all around you.