Incredible physical transformations are possible with the application of sound scientific principles...

Adaptation to Existing Exercise Programs causes lackluster Fitness Results. Program Modification is needed to break through Training Plateaus. 

By Greg Sandora, NESTA Advanced Certified Personal Trainer. 

The topic of adaptation to exercise is an interesting one. Its ramifications are often overlooked by both beginning and seasoned trainees. It's typical to see a flock of highly charged newcomers join local fitness centers at New Years Resolution time. 

New trainees are provided with a program and follow it for several weeks. At first, the results seem spectacular. Evidence - trainees muscles are sore. They experience lameness from using muscles they didn't know they had. Every movement seems fresh. The body responds to the routine by communicating a symphony of aches, pains and soreness. Front desk gym staff and well-wishers assure - this is part of weight training.

 Lofty goals are set to get the body that's been imagined. Thoughts - this year will be different fill their minds - they vow to stick to the fight through thick and thin! 

The first weeks' efforts result in newfound strength gains. Trainees who began with a 20 lb. Bicep curl can (after 6 weeks) manage 40 lb. Benefits in other areas are similar as all body parts on a comprehensive program get their share of the bounty. Note: Strength gains come first. Noticeable changes like shaping and toning take longer. 

Then it happens, the disappointment, further gains seem elusive and/or challenging to maintain. The hoped-for new body doesn't show itself. The process feels more like lifting groceries up three flights of stairs than the endorphin high promised. 

Standing on the winner's podium at the 2020 Tokyo games, to the sounds of our National Anthem, and the roar of an adoring public, seem harder to achieve than imagined. Some would say, outright impossible, despite forced positive thinking and affirmations. The trainee once bursting with enthusiasm decides to throw in the towel or wait for next year - or even try no carbs for a while. 

Carbs aren't the enemy!

Why does this happen to people? Why is it so difficult to change the look of the body for the better? Why are the dreams of the summer beach body dashed within the first few months of a gym membership? Why is it that millions who flock to the local gym in January never make it to April? 

Recently during an appointment at a local gym, the center happens to be moving, a lady next to me quipped about the movers, "How would you like to do that all day? You sure wouldn't need the gym!" Here lies the problem, people believe that hard work alone will yield impressive physical results and create lasting body change. It sounds right, but it's wrong.

If hard work alone could produce a consistently improved physique, then every lumberjack and construction worker would look like a Mr. America!

 If dieting alone were enough, then everyone who ventured to eat less would lose only fat and keep it off. We all know this is not the case. What people don't realize is why it's not so. Ignorance is not bliss, Americans need to be more active and motivated to stick with their exercise routines. Our Health Crisis could be lessened if an effort were made to educate every American. 

Kids need to be taught in school how and why the body does what it does with food, and the perils of inactivity. A massive effort could improve our National Health. We could be the envy of the world within one generation. Reversing the spiraling mess we are in. Folks, this is not an option. We get together and reverse this trend, or we suffer the consequences in health problems and the associated medical and emotional costs. 

Why when we exercise, do we not make progress we would like, and end up frustrated and discouraged, even with years of hard work? The answer: The Body is a Survival Mechanism, and in its own miraculous fashion adapts to a certain level of activity. 

Once used to its level of activity, no further progress is realized -Period. I know this is hard to believe, and you're shaking your head in disbelief right now, but it's the truth. 

I have seen people invest years with very little to show for it. I have been in this game for over 20 years and most of those years with a National Franchise Fitness Center. I've seen the wasted effort with my own eyes. I have also seen people make remarkable progress and some crucial distinctions and strategies that make the difference.

 Read on, and I will explain how you can get amazing and consistent results. For example in the case of the lumberjack, for the first couple of weeks, the ax seems heavy, and every muscle aches. He notices his arms getting thicker, and his shoulders and back look a bit broader. But, soon he acclimates to the workload and stays about the same. Sure, he's sore after a days work, but nothing like those first few weeks. 

Ten years of hard work later and still no noticeable improvement over what appeared in the first few months. Sound familiar? Apparently, his body adapted as a survival necessity to a task repeated often enough that survival of itself and therefore the species is assured.

 This adaptation to stress is a survival necessity and ranks way above looking good at the beach. In the case of our New Years Resolution Dieter, the first few weeks see great results as the body rids itself of bloat and water weight mixed with yes a little fat loss. The weight loss then slows to a halt the body reset and further progress very difficult. 

If only we could decide the bodies order of priorities, then every 90-year-old could have a six-pack, every high school kid a pair of 20-inch guns, no need for the billions America invests in diet therapy in an anything-goes world regardless of the metabolic cost. Americans gorging at the troth want bodies they see existing only at newsstands, the stuff of science fiction - fabrications of Hollywood and the mind. Corporations make millions off this airbrushed, digitally enhanced media. Even the movies we watch are doctored frame by frame by technicians to make eyes bluer, torsos trimmer, veins pop, and other enhancements. 

My own entry into weight-training began after a disappointing taping of my right arm revealed that I was more than a few protein shakes away from the cure. Along with a likewise afflicted neighbor who helped scrape together the $8.95. (We were 12 and had paper routes.) After six weeks of meeting the postman, the package arrived. We would spend three afternoons a week for the entire summer following the program. 

Seven years later on a pilgrimage to see the Night of the Champions, while eating at a Worcester Hotel restaurant, my friend, who in his haste for autographs had locked his keys in his car, thought he saw Mr. Universe, (the author of the course purchased for the 8.95), eating at the same restaurant. We all agreed that this 180 lb., 45-year-old man sitting in a booth eating alone, although bearing a striking facial resemblance, albeit a jaundiced version, was not Mr. Universe. 

That evening faith restored while sitting in a pitch black auditorium, lit by a single bulb, center stage, the guy from the restaurant, metamorphosed into a 400 lb. Terminator look-alike exoskeleton covered by a thin plastic substance fabricated to look like human skin. Middle age notwithstanding, when the skin is thin enough, and the lighting just right - anyone can look like they're from a video game. 

Our group of four was so motivated to hit the weights we barely stopped to smash the side window, before driving home. I mean that's what we as teenagers wanted to look like, and we knew you had to lift weights to do it.

The purpose of this article is to spread the word, incredible physical transformations are possible with the application of sound scientific principles and the aid of the miracles attached to one's own arms. 

As to science, how can adaptation to exercise, be overcome? How can a trainee's goals be realized? How can motivation be maintained? The answer is Program Modification, changes in training stimulus must be of primary concern to bypass the survival mechanism of adaptation and instead make it work for us. 

By changing the stimulus and making the body continually seek to adapt to a new stress in a training situation, we can use the bodies own defenses, its own absolute need to survive in our favor. You can create the body you've always wanted. You do need resistance training, and you may have already guessed it - dieting alone, in my humble opinion, does not work.

Progress becomes far more accessible when the body is tricked into performing its primary function, namely survival, and to our training benefit. Just imagine the concept of working out is that easy. New trainees would have no battle with motivation because no one and I mean no one leaves a winning table during a hot roll. When changes for the better are seen in the mirror the trainee is intoxicated with success, and the desire to work out becomes even stronger, a good habit formed and the process self-perpetuating.


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