INCREDIBLE opportunity for you!
I received a call the other day from a dear friend…he is a pastor who, like many others, was bemoaning his current situation. His problem consisted of:
- Stagnating Church
- Decreased Finances
- and Increased Pressures
He complained about the new, rapidly growing church in his town. He attributed their success to the use of some modern-day church marketing methods. He acknowledged he did not really understand these new methods; however, he would need to learn. It was imperative that he begin to utilize these methods if he wanted his church to remain relevant. I tried my best to encourage him, as I have many others using words of wisdom from the Word. However, I really wanted to do more. It was then that I remembered Jacob and his course.
I had the privilege of meeting Pastor Jacob long before he planted his thriving church. He was gifted, and definitely called! But honestly, he did not exhibit signs of being a great man of God. He was ambitious and certainly sincere, but exceptional? No, he was more typical than exceptional. However, I was impressed with how successful he had become; both as a church pastor and as a church planter. It was really amazing!
So, along with many others, we began asking him for the secrets of his success. It was not the luck of the Irish, he is German-Italian. Actually, he had an inauspicious start to say the least. He will have to tell you his story sometime, but I digress. Jacob began putting his thoughts to paper and shared them with friends.
Frankly, his coaching really works, and I am really into what works! That is, as long as it does not violate biblical principles. But rather than defy those principles, his program actually reinforces them; it is both practical and duplicatable. The result? He is building the church for the glory of God.
Free for attending the webinar!
If you want to build your ministry and take it to another level, I want to encourage you to check out this course. It is well worth the investment! As an extra incentive for checking out the course, I want to offer you a special gift, a copy of my E-book, “The New Apostolic Reformation”.
Many blessings.
Dr. Stan