The Incredible Evidence of God’s Love for Man
Divinah Nyabera
Research Writer and Copywriter@ FreelancerKenya | Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Have you ever paused for a moment just to think about God’s love for you? How wonderful, how deep this love is? What the world could be if God withdrew His love for humankind? This is the greatest love man has ever experienced. The bible says that God is love and has generously poured this love out to His children. We experience God’s love in every situation of our lives.
How do we really know that God loves us?
There is much evidence in the bible that clearly depicts God’s immeasurable love for humanity.?Here, we shall look at two major ones illustrations of God’s love.
God’s Love in Nature
Nature testifies of God’s love. Look at the wonderful and beautiful things of nature. Think of their adaptation to the needs and happiness of man, and all other creatures.
?The sunshine that gladdens the earth and the rain that refreshes. The mountains and the plains, the seas and the land all speak of God’s love.
God’s love is written upon every opening bud. Beautiful birds chirp as they sing sweetly of the love God in the trees. Delicately tinted flowers fill the air with the perfect fragrance. The lofty forest trees, with their green foliage, testify of the God’s tender care and His desire to make His children happy.?
The Lord covers the heavens with clouds, causes rain to on earth and grass to grow on the hills. He makes snow like wool and scatters frost, commands winds to blow and waters to flow. How marvelous!
You witness God’s love when you see animals feeding. It gives an assurance that He will take care of you, too. God is the Lord of all seasons (summer, winter, spring and autumn). He carefully takes His children through the extreme cold and hot seasons.
The beauty and complexity of God’s creation reminds us of God’s limitless love for us. Take a moment and spend some time admiring God’s creation. You can go for a mountain hike, sit at the beach and watch the waves and tides of the ocean, watch a thunderstorm or just play in the rain. The presence and peace of God will fill your whole being.
God’s love in Christ’s Death
What manner of love the Lord has given unto man, that he shall be called His son? After his fall from the Garden of Eden, man was condemned to death. God, in His fullness of love and mercy, set out a plan to save, redeem, and exalt the fallen humankind.
“For God loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life,” John 3:16 declares God’s amazing love. Jesus left the glory of heaven to die so than man could be saved.?
Jesus preached the gospel to the poor, healed the brokenhearted, set the captives free, and caused the blind to see and the lame walk. Love, mercy and compassion were His way of life. He became a man that He might reach man’s needs. The poorest, humblest and children were not afraid to approach Him.
Jesus on His earthly journey always spoke the truth, but in love. He was never rude, nor did He utter a severe word to a sensitive soul. In all men, He saw fallen souls whom were His mission to save.?
It was in His mission to save humankind that Jesus lived, suffered, and died. God permitted His beloved son to come down from the Heavenly glory to a sinful world darkened with the shadow of death. The son of God took upon Himself the burden of sin. He felt a separation from His father in heaven. The burden of sin broke the heart of the son of God.
God made this great sacrifice because of the great love for man. His begotten son was the medium through which He could pour His infinite love for fallen humankind. God suffered with His son in order to reconcile the world to Himself.?
The agony of Gethsemane, the dead on Calvary, the heart of infinite love, paid the price of salvation. Jesus died that man might live. What matchless love!
God has bestowed immense love for humanity—love so rich and pure, measureless and strong. Such is manifested in all nature around and in the humiliating death of Jesus (God’s only son) on the cross. In the same way, He wants man to extend this love to fellow humans and Himself. To love God, man only needs to keep His commandments. He says in John 14:15, “If you love me, keep my commandments.”