Increasingly Stringent Regulations for Packaging Industry

Increasingly Stringent Regulations for Packaging Industry

In supply chain management, packaging protects finished products throughout the entire process and ensures smooth operation on a daily basis.

There are several issues facing the packaging industry today. One is that food and beverage packaging contains toxic chemicals. Several studies indicate that toxic chemicals can cause health problems.

Packaging has also become a major contributor to global pollution. It is now one of the planet's primary concerns.

As long as regulators do not firmly implement the laws and the industry does not comply, this will continue to be the case. The governments of different countries have created and enacted laws to address these serious concerns. Global packaging regulations have been established to ensure sustainability and compliance in all industries. There are packaging regulations for perfume, food, cosmetics, apparel, and many other products.

You know how crucial it is to comply with these regulations if you work in the supply chain. As long as you avoid greenwashing, sustainable packaging is not only good for the planet but also good for your business. Adding sustainability to your overall goal gives eco-conscious customers a variety of eco-friendly products to choose from.

Throughout this article, you will learn about these regulations and their implications for your business.

What makes global packaging regulations important?

The global packaging regulation prohibits the use of PFAS in food packaging.

PFAs (perfluoroalkyl substances) are chemicals used in various products. A number of studies have found that PFAs can have harmful effects on human health.

As a result, global packaging regulations are essential because they:

  • Ensure the safety of end users.
  • Ensure that environmental laws are followed by producers.

A growing number of people are becoming interested in food from other countries as the food industry becomes more globalized.

In order to keep items fresh for a longer period of time, you need more durable packaging that can withstand longer shipping times.

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Food packaging examples

It is important for producers to comply with packaging regulations. Otherwise, they could face environmental problems such as:

  • CO2 emissions
  • Increasing landfill overcrowding
  • Littering pollution


Global packaging also requires safety. International regulations ensure the safety of packaging materials. As a producer, your packaging must:

  1. Ensure the safe handling, shipping, and storage of materials;
  2. Ensure that the product is not tampered with or contaminated;
  3. Ensure safety; and,
  4. Maintain the product's integrity.

Sustainable development

Natural resources are used up when you use traditional packaging methods. Global packaging regulations are crucial for sustainability.

The benefits of sustainable packaging include:

  • Natural resources are conserved.
  • Your business can continue to operate for a long time because of it.

Quality packaging

Packaging needs to be of high quality. If you are in the packaging industry, you need to make sure your products are:

  • The product is sturdy and of high quality to ensure its safety.
  • Shipments from the manufacturer to the retailer are reliable.
  • Protective to prevent damage while it sits on the shelf.


There are two reasons why global packaging needs to be efficient:

  1. A functional and user-friendly package is what consumers are looking for.
  2. Packaging that is light and small reduces costs and conserves space.

A variety of plastic packaging directives exist in different countries

Most countries have implemented policies and mandates to eliminate single-use packaging.?

We have compiled a list of the plastic packaging directives in selected countries, along with their most important points.

Directive on Single-Use Plastics (SUP) in Europe?

Known as the SUP Directive, it aims to reduce pollution caused by single-use plastics.

In May 2019, the European Union implemented a directive to phase out single-use plastics. This directive:

  • Single-use plastics are no longer permitted.?
  • Reduces marine pollution and contamination.?
  • Reusable materials make recycling easier.?
  • Members of the EU and producers operating within them are covered.?
  • Supply chain companies at every stage are included.?

PFAS ban on paper and cardboard food packaging in Denmark

Danish food packaging will no longer contain PFAS as of July 2020.

When PFAS is used in the manufacture of paper or cardboard, the country bans its sale.

According to this directive:

  • Fluorinated substances must be prevented from migrating to food by effective barriers in PFAS packaging.?
  • A dairy commodity is not the only one covered.
  • The regulations apply to food and beverage manufacturers who use PFAS in their packaging. They also apply to paper and cardboard packaging.?

United Kingdom: UK Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT)?

Effective April 2022, UK PPT aims to promote the use of recycled plastic and to improve the levels of recycling and plastic waste collection.

The PPT directive:

  • Prohibits plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled plastic.
  • Taxes plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled plastic at £200 per tonne.
  • Has a 10-tonne registration threshold and requires businesses to register if they manufacture or import 10 or more tonnes of plastic packaging.
  • Applies to packaging producers and importers.
  • Covers imported goods and biodegradable and compostable plastics.
  • Affects around 20,000 businesses across various industries.??

Packaging law in Germany

For waste packaging materials, Germany enacted the packaging act.

All manufacturers and international retailers who sell packaged goods to end users in the country are subject to the law.?

There are the following provisions in the Packaging Act:

  • For companies that ship goods in sales packaging to German consumers, they must pay a license fee based on the volume and materials used in packaging.?
  • In order to place sales packaging on the market, companies must register, participate in the system, and report data.?
  • Failure to comply with the conditions could result in written warnings, fines up to €200,000, or a ban on sales.?

Plastics Ordinance of the German Federal Republic

As of 2021, the ordinance implements the EU Directive 2019/904, which reduces the environmental impact of certain plastic products. It aims to:

  • Ban certain single-use plastic products that can be replaced with environmentally-friendly alternatives.?
  • Ensure that single-use plastic containers with plastic lids can be marketed only if the lids remain attached to the containers during use.??
  • On packaging or on the product itself, ensure that containers allowed on the market are marked.?

The French Environmental Code / Circular Economy Law

A new law imposed new obligations on plastic waste that affect production and consumption.

As a result of the Circular Economy Law, the following existing measures have been strengthened:

  • Plastic single-use products will be gradually banned.
  • Plastic bags intended for sale should be banned from importation and manufacture
  • Plastic usage limits

The French government aims to ban single-use plastic packaging from the market by 2040.

By 2025, 100% of plastic will have to be recycled by the country. The Circular Economy Law also sets targets for reducing, reusing, and recycling SUPs.

France's Packaging Law

Businesses that sell packaged goods to France are required to register their packaging with a recycling scheme in accordance with the EU Packaging Waste Directive. Financial contributions to a recycling organization are required of manufacturers, importers, and retailers.

From the moment the first package arrives in the country, registration is mandatory.

If you sell less than 10,000 goods to France per year, you will have to pay a flat fee of 80 euros, and you will receive a unique identification number from the French environmental agency ADEME.?

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Act on Environmental Management in the Netherlands

In July 2021, the country prohibited the sale of single-use plastic products unless there were cheaper, more sustainable, and less harmful alternatives available.

In accordance with the Environmental Management Act, the following applies:

  • Litter from plastic packaging such as food containers, bags, and wrappers must be cleaned up, transported, and processed by manufacturers and importers.
  • In order to raise awareness about single-use plastic packaging's environmental impact, producers should cover the costs.
  • Single-use plastic packaging must state that the product contains plastic that is harmful to the environment if thrown away.
  • Packaging material producers who market or import more than 50,000 kg per year must contribute to the Packaging Waste Fund.
  • Plastic packaging manufacturers and importers must ensure that 75% of their packaging is recycled and at least 70% is reused.?

Waste Plastics and Packaging in Spain

There are several regulations regarding plastic packaging and waste in Spain.

(Packaging and Packaging Wastes) Act 11/1997

  • As a result, the environment is protected and the impact of packaging and packaging waste management is reduced.?
  • As part of the program, packaging waste is prevented and disposal is reduced by reusing and recycling packaging.?

Plastic bag reduction royal decree 293/2018

  • In order to minimize the consumption of plastic carrier bags, the Royal Decree was issued.
  • Specifically, it aims to reduce the negative effects of plastic waste on aquatic ecosystems.?
  • In addition, it intends to prevent the loss of material and economic resources due to the abandonment of plastic bags and their dispersion in the environment.?

Plastic tax law 7/2022

As part of Law 7/2022, Spain introduced the Plastic Tax law on non-reusable plastic packaging, which will go into effect in January 2023.

  • Plastic containers that are not reusable
  • A semi-finished plastic product intended for the production of non-reusable plastic packaging
  • Non-reusable containers may be closed, traded, or presented with plastic products

Plastic packaging that isn't reusable is subject to the Plastic Tax law in the following circumstances:

  • There is a production or manufacturing of plastics in scope.
  • A plastics company acquired an intracommunity company.
  • Imported packaging like this is available.
  • In Spain, this packaging was introduced in an unusual way.

An amount of EUR 0.45 / KG is imposed, and the tax base is determined by the weight (in kilograms) of the specified non-reusable plastic. In addition to sole traders, producers and importers of goods packaged in plastic are subject to the plastic tax. The amount of taxation for non-reusable plastic will be determined and calculated by a third party.

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What Happens if You Don't Follow Global Packaging Regulations?

Failure to comply with global packaging regulations could have dire consequences for your business.?

If you are convicted of a criminal offence, you may face prosecution, heavy fines, or even an increase in taxes. In some countries, civil sanctions are an alternative to prosecution.

Your goods may not be able to be sold

The packaging and labeling of your products are governed by regulations. If your products are not compliant in any way, you cannot sell them.?

Until you figure out how to solve this problem, these items will languish in your warehouse.

Violations will be fined

Those who fail to follow the rules will feel the consequences, and if they fail to register with agencies, they could incur further financial penalties.?

It is expected that producers will cover costs of necessary treatments under many regulations, and their failure to comply will result in fines. Producers must comply at local levels and enforce initiatives.?

Businesses have been fined over £250,000 in the UK after failing to comply with packaging regulations. As proof, many businesses have neglected packaging regulations.?

Sales loss

Having a non-compliant packaging will have an impact on your sales and profits. Non-compliant products are unsafe and can cause harm. They can also lead to:

  • It is possible for retailers to reject your product. You may have to recall your product.
  • There is a possibility that your product may not even leave your warehouse or factory.
  • Customs authorities would have rejected it if it left.

This is why following regulations will help you to ensure that everything is in order. It will ensure that you are heading in the right direction.?

Ketsana Pack is here to help you

To protect products, packaging is necessary. However, the industry must find better ways to reduce waste. Sustainable packaging with recyclable materials is the goal.?

Globally, governments are creating rules for managing packaging waste to support this practice.

As part of your packaging business, you must be aware and compliant. The key is to find a balance between ethics and cost-effectiveness.

Ketsana Pack is t your service to provide you with eco-friendly packaging that follow the packaging regulations. Contact us to start your packaging project today.

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