Increasing Your Income: Minimise your Financial Stress this Holiday Season and in 2017
Janette Valoisie M.S.U
Digital Marketing Storytelling Expert For Legacy Builders| Outbound Prospecting | Inbound Marketing Done 4 U System For Startups
The holiday season tends to be a very stressful and demanding time for most people. Add to that the financial tensions that come from an advancing, technological society and you can be sure many homes are living in quiet anxiety this year.
Traditional jobs and the old paradigm that most of us still operate have led us to believe that taking time away to be with our loved ones has a negative impact on our financial supply. I witness many wonderful coaches, consultants and other professionals being enslaved by finances. But does it really have to be so?
Renewing old, unproductive paradigms:
The mere fact that we have ridiculous statistics showing that only 3% of the global population gets to enjoy something like 97% of the global wealth means that something new must be done by the modern, ambitious entrepreneur.
Having a business is great! Whether you’re selling commodities or service-based solutions in your business, the fact of the matter is this: As we enter 2017, your business must not be the only income stream you rely on.
You must become proactive with your money paradigms and ensure you’re not working with a poverty consciousness that chains you and makes you dependant on just one line of income. Trading time for money has been the prevailing paradigm in our modern civilization. It has brought nothing but perpetual lack and financial ill health. The whole reason so many people want to quit their jobs is because they seek greater financial and time freedom.
...But do you know that switching careers or jobs will bear no lasting effects on that desire if you don’t change that money paradigm that ties your finances down to your physical labor?
Think about this...
Being tossed from famine to feast and back into famine is no way to live in our modern economy:
The festivities are often the season where sales explode, bars and restaurants are over-crowded and shops become stuffy from too many "show offs". Which is then followed soon after by adults who feel "emptied out" and financially frustrated at the start of the year.
The ecstasy of holidays and fun are always followed by a huge financial depression. Being tossed from famine to feast to famine is the commonly accepted way of life for the average individual. It seems like there is no other way out, but there is!
While riding a taxi from the airport in Paris to our hotel a few days ago, I engaged in a conversation with the driver while my daughter drowned in her book and my boyfriend worked on his laptop. They had arranged for a surprise birthday in Paris and scooped me out unexpectedly. In my excitement, I could neither read nor finish up my work, so I decided to have a little prosperity talk with the nice driver. He mentioned how busy the holidays are but also how costly.
On the one hand his income increases but so do the expenses needed to ensure his family enjoys a happy Christmas. And of course each time he's considered taking a vacation the gnarling pain in the pit of his stomach due to the big pinch it would have on his bank account as a result of his absence from work has resulted in 5years of no vacation.
His youthful dream to go on a Safari in Africa and to visit Bali seem to be drifting further away with the passing of time. Of course I wasn’t just going to let this man leave my presence without knowing what's possible for him in this day and age! So my response to him after keenly listening to him was simple...
Anyone who goes to work for money is still a slave to money. One must never go to work for money because financial prosperity needs to ever increase whether one is reporting for duty or on a plane ride headed for Bali!
As you are about to learn in this little post, there is an emerging economy that even the average individual can take advantage of which will enable him/her to stop being solely dependent on a job or a business.
In other words, trading time for money regardless of what you do cannot be your only source of income if you desire to thrive in the coming years. In essence this was the conversation I ended up having with the Parisian Taxi guy who was surprisingly very open minded and eager to learn about the possibility of creating extra channels of income that would continue to serve him even when he wasn’t sitting in front of a steering wheel!
With all the new entertainment facilities, travel opportunities, toys, gadgets and so on that seduce us, I have no doubt more expenses will be incurred this year than ever before. Sales keep going up each year even though majority of the population seem stuck in a financial rut.
Much of the information you will find in helping you to deal with holiday financial stress has more to do with savings; good deals, creating strict budgets and minimalists living. Yes you could choose to go that route but I want to insist that the abundant mindset {which is what every entrepreneur needs} has to do with increasing your income so you can enjoy more of what you really love. As such, the best solution doesn’t come from working harder or cutting down, rather it’s from learning how to work smarter.
How can you work smarter and increase your income this holiday season and throughout the New Year?
It’s simple really…We call it the MSI technology.
Multiple streams of income is a technology that will permit you to multiply your present income by providing services beyond that which you’re presently providing at your primary income stream.
It’s about creating additional value adding services, which must always produce additional income.
Just imagine if this holiday season you went around shopping, dining, travelling or whatever else you enjoy doing, under the certainty that money was still coming in despite your absence from the office. How good would it feel lying by the pool or sitting by the fire place with your loved ones knowing that by the end of the month you’ll have more money than you’ve spent in your holiday shopping?
This isn’t supposed to be something exceptional; it’s the lifestyle of opulence that you were meant to enjoy while on earth.
Through MSI you will earn many times what you are presently earning at your primary income stream. What’s even better is that you will continue earning whether you’re on vacation, sleeping or working in your chosen industry.
Virtually all wealthy people operate under the concept of MSI. This isn’t about getting another job or working longer hours. This is about adding a new dimension of excitement and fun to your life while at the same time increasing your financial prosperity.
Few of us have grown up in abundant homes where MSI’s were ever mentioned or taught. Which makes it very unlikely for us to pass it on to our children. This is why the best gift you can give yourself at the start of 2017 is the chance to learn the various MSI’s that you can incorporate in your everyday life so that by next Christmas, you will be among the elite who get to be, do, have and give whatever you desire in the certainty that financial abundance is ever flowing in whether you are physically working or not.
How different would your life be if you could learn to make this one shift?
There comes a time when each of us is faced with the decision to either take a big step forward or to retreat and settle for the status quo. A time where taking a leap of faith becomes essential... Our changing times and the rapid growth of artificial intelligence is pressing on us more than ever before to make that decision; if not for us, then certainly for our children. The question is, will you be wise enough to set yourself up for success before the old methods come crumbling down?
I know how different my life has become since I learnt how to genuinely create soulful passive income that was in harmony with my life’s purpose and the income goals I desired. Which is why I am inviting you to be part of an amazing business retreat happening in January 26th-29th 2017 where only 20 participants will have the chance to spend an entire weekend with international experts who will show you how to create soulful passive income, grow your business and experience time and money freedom.
Self-sufficiency is above all else what every entrepreneur desires. No one deserves it more than us given the dedication and perseverance we put in. But we must relinquish our stubbornness and need to create new results through old methods. To get new results, one must take a new approach...
It’s a very small intimate private group retreat because we love giving our members V.I.P treatments so if you desire to radically transform the state of your finances, act right now and secure your spot.
Increasing your income through this technology we call MSI will be the biggest shift that will change everything in 2017. Take this little quiz Here and we'll show you how to genuinely create soulful passive income from anywhere in the world.
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????With Love...