Increasing your Circle of Influence
Increasing your circle of influence can be anywhere. It could be at your work, kids' school, family or community. For simplicity, I will refer this article to work and the initiatives. A leader exercises his/her initiative within her Circle of Influence (those things which you have control/influence over) and Circle of Concern (those things which concern or interests you).
Everyone always has a choice. There are 7 levels of initiative from the lowest level at "Wait Until Told" to just "Do It", which is at the center of your ability to control and influence.
The 7 levels of initiatives are:
i) Wait Until Told
This lies outside your Circle of Influence or your job. Someone else is already doing the job. Making recommendations here will seem inappropriate and causes your Circle of Influence to shrink.
If you have someone who can do something about it, that's different. Here you can move higher up the level of initiative.
At this stage, people often fall into the meta-sizing emotional cancers: criticizing, complaining, comparing, competing, and contending. Note that competing is healthy in settings such as athletics and market place but not in a working environment.
ii) Ask
It is reasonable and logical to ask questions within your job description but outside your Circle of Influence. If the question is well thought out with thorough analysis, it can increase your Circle of Influence.
iii) Make a Recommendation
Here you are at the outside edge of your Circle of Influence, and it may not even be your job. The steps in Making a Recommendation outside your Circle of Influence are:
a) Analyze the problem.
b) Come up with the alternative and recommended solutions.
c) Develop recommended steps to execute solutions.
d) Create an awareness of reality.
e) Recommend in a way that only require a single signature.
iv) "I Intend To"
At this initiative, it is only one notch above Making a Recommendation. Analysis has been carried out and action has been approved.
v) Do It and Report Immediately
Here you are on the edge of your Circle of Influence and within your job description. You report immediately because people need to know. The information received could affect consequent decisions or follow-up actions are needed.
vi) Do It and Report
This level of initiative pertains to self-evaluation in a performance evaluation. Here you are within your job description and Circle of Influence.
vii) Do It
Here you are at the center of your job description and your Circle of Influence. You are convinced you are right.
Taking initiative requires vision, some standard to be met or some improvement to be achieved. It requires discipline and passion to direct your work to the end.
No matter what issues, concerns or problems, you can always empower yourself by taking initiative. Being diligent is key. As you take this initiative-seizing approach, people in formal positions will have increasing confidence in you.
-The 8th Habit, Stephen Covey