Increased UVC Usage In Healthcare
TMG Health Technologies
A Life-Changing Innovation - Rapid UVC Decontamination combining hygiene & disinfection of frequently-touched-equipment.
A few months ago, #TMGHealthTechnologies was asked to implement testing and assist in writing the IFU (Instructions For Use) on the latest battery-powered respiratory masks and imaging products. Our model RDS 32a desktop and mobile UVC decontamination system has become the go-to solution for fast, efficient, repeatable disinfection protocol of health electronics, devices, and non-critical, multi-use patient tools.
Disinfection of respiratory and imaging components has been typically accomplished by the application of chemical germicides that have resulted in shortened product life cycles, damage to the product casings and electrical connections. [See ECRI Top 10 Technology Hazards 20191] Because these classes of products are shared amongst healthcare workers and are required use in the diagnosis and care of patients, they are used repeatedly and often. Simplifying the disinfection process to a 30 second, chemical-free, warranty-friendly, single UVC cycle is of great benefit to the operator in efficiency and time saved. It is also beneficial to the facility because it creates a repeatable standard of disinfection that results in both supply and life-cycle cost savings.
The RDS-32a by TMG Health Technologies provides a 30 second solution for the deactivation of virulent pathogens that is independently certified for performance and efficacy. This non-chemical disinfection method does not damage sensitive equipment and accommodates its repetitive, multi-patient use. The consistent use of UVC germicidal irradiation in short 30 second cycles has tested safe for items including plastics, rubber seals, tubes, straps, electronics, batteries, and filters.
TMG Health Technologies welcomes the opportunity to test (without charge) equipment, products and packaged supplies from other manufacturers used in a healthcare facility for the evaluation of UVC as a disinfection solution and will assist in the formulation of an official IFU. Contact them?HERE.
The RDS-32a is independently certified to provide more than twelve-times the germicidal dosage required to deactivate the Covid virus, its variants, and other major pathogens in 30 Seconds. Hospitals and healthcare providers who have utilized the RDS-32a Rapid UVC Decontamination System consider it a game-changing innovation as a disinfection tool that simplifies the disinfection protocol to the time it takes to clean hands. Learn more at
1] ECRI Institute Executive Brief, Top 10 Technology Hazards of 2019: # 9 “Cleaning fluid seeping into electrical components can lead to equipment damage and fires.”
TMG Health Technologies is a biosafety company dedicated to the art and science of infection prevention, providing fast, convenient decontamination solutions that lead to improved patient outcomes, cost containment, and operational savings. Our patented M2D Technology eliminates disinfection errors by providing a certified, repeatable high-level standard of disinfection for Electronics, Wearables, Non-critical Patient Tools, Personal Effects and Unused, Unopened Patient Supplies