Increased Passenger Demand, LTAG Progress on Aviation Emissions and an Interview with Augustus Tang
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Flying is the Business of Freedom #FlySafe #WeAreAviation
Hi and welcome back! In this week's edition we have updates on an ICAO high-level meeting, the regional challenges of surging passenger demand and a reminder that you can now register for the World Financial Symposium.
We welcome progress by states towards a long-term aspirational goal (LTAG) of net-zero aviation carbon emissions by 2050 in line with the Paris Agreement’s temperature objectives.?
Representatives from 119 countries convened at ICAO headquarters last week?for discussions and briefings in preparation for the 41st ICAO Assembly later this year.
In October 2021, IATA member airlines committed to net zero emissions by 2050.
Learn more about why it is so important for states to carry the momentum of this High Level Meeting through to a formal agreement at the 41st ICAO Assembly.
"A formal agreement at the 41st ICAO Assembly would underpin a common approach by states to decarbonize aviation. That’s critical for the aviation industry."
-Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General
News in Brief
Augustus Tang, CEO, Cathay Pacific, insisted the industry must invest in environmental initiatives despite short-term challenges.
"Climate change is a bigger crisis than the pandemic because it threatens the long-term future of the industry. At the very least, it could cause significant disruption unless we make real changes to lower our carbon emissions," said Tang.
Tang also addressed his concern over talent loss to other industries, in this wide-ranging Airlines. interview.
The recovery of air transport is well underway and the industry is now facing new challenges, including high energy prices and labor shortages. The recovery path has varied across countries due in large part to a patchwork of different travel restrictions, with some countries stricter than others.
Demand has ramped up strongly in both North America and the EU, however, the challenge to adjust capacity to meet this higher demand differs significantly by geography.
Airlines operating in the EU and Canada, for example, have had to ramp up into a much greater proportional increase in demand this year.
Read more about passenger demand surge in the #WeeklyChart.
Still have questions concerning how IATA Dangerous Goods training is evolving from traditional learning to?competency-based training and assessment (CBTA)?
Senior Product Manager,?Eli Mandelawy?continues to answer the most important questions that you may have in Part 3 of our explainer?series.
Thanks for reading! Safe travels and please consider sharing this newsletter.
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2 年
Passionate about universal vtol platforms. / Wind energy-wind generators
2 年My?l? ?e nap?d elektryczny w lotnictwie mo?e nie zda? egzaminu, bardziej jest mi bli?ej do wodoru LH2 jako paliwo lotnicze. Jego ma?a masa w?asna oraz du?a g?sto?? energii, zapocz?tkuje znaczne zmiany w lotnictwie, zapocz?tkuje powstanie systemów pionowego startu dla platform hsvtol oraz dronów cargo o du?ym ud?wigu z wykorzystaniem silników turbo?mig?owych. Cz??? ?rednich i krótszych po??czeń zostanie wycofanych z lotnisk-kolosów, przejm? je platformy hsvtol, drony cargo oraz niewielkie l?dowiska na peryferiach miast oraz stref przemys?owych. Zestawmy wszystkie czynno?ci i straty zwi?zane z lotem samolotem, od momentu dojazdu na odleg?e lotniska do celu podró?y, podobnie z wys?aniem ?adunku ze stref przemys?owych. Teraz mamy l?dowisko na peryferiach miast, dojazd komunikacj? miejsk?, odpadaj? wszelkie op?aty, straty paliwa zwi?zane z dojazdem na stanowiska postojowe oraz powrót na pas startowy, na rozbieg do momentu oderwania od pasa. Podobnie z lotniczym cargo, ?adujemy na platform? hsvtol lub drona i roz?adujemy w miejscu docelowym. Ró?nica jest du?a, projekt w znacznym stopniu przygotowany tylko wsz?dzie s?ysz? ?e nie da si? tego zrobi? bo gdyby si? da?o dawno by?oby to zrobione. Skoro o tym pisz? znaczy ?e si? da.