Increased gastroenteritis trend recorded in HealthPlix EMR
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Increased gastroenteritis trend recorded in HealthPlix EMR

The wet season in India is often accompanied by unfavourable aspects of various health conditions like gastroenteritis that substantially affect the quality of life. Although gastroenteritis can occur at any time of the year, its prevalence surges, showing relative rise in impact during the monsoon months, creating health concerns for individuals across the country.

In this consonance, the HealthPlix EMR data shows that approximately 62,000* patients reported gastroenteritis. The standard symptoms manifested were loose stools, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. Also, from the EMR data, it was evident that the children within the age group of 0 and 10 years were the most affected (approximately 23%*).

Graph illustrating the increased trend in gastroenteritis as observed in HealthPlix EMR

As prevention is a key for evading any disease, practicing good hygiene and safe food and water consumption habits can significantly reduce the risk of gastroenteritis during monsoon. By leveraging the insights gained from real-world patient data captured by HealthPlix EMR, healthcare professionals can develop more effective strategies for preventing and managing gastroenteritis by effective line of treatment and insisting on proper hygiene and dietary intervention.

HealthPlix EMR serves as an invaluable tool for conducting comprehensive studies on the above condition and contributes to a better understanding of its epidemiology and clinical presentation, ultimately improving the public health outcomes.

*Data from Dec’22 to Sep’23 was analysed.

Note: HealthPlix maintains complete confidentiality of health records and adheres to applicable government guidelines. De-identified data was analysed at a cumulative level.



