Increased Climate Protection in the Transportation Sector

Increased Climate Protection in the Transportation Sector

Opportunities for a Mobility Turnaround to Bring Climate Protection Targets Closer

Transportation is one of the largest emitters of CO?e in Germany - about 20% are attributable to it. According to the Federal Climate Protection Act, these emissions must be cut to 85 million tonnes CO?e by 2030l which is almost half the level of 2019. However, the climate protection measures currently adopted fall far short of this target. This makes drastic CO?e reductions in the next few years all the more important.

The good news is that the necessary concepts and technologies for more climate protection are available. The problem is rather the implementation. Politicians in particular have a responsibility to set the appropriate course. Read below about positive developments that give hope for a climate friendly course in transport.

Green mobility in cities

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Oslo wants to become the world's first emission-free capital by the end of 2023 - and climate-neutral by 2030. Among other things, the electrification of public transportation by the end of next year will contribute significantly to this. In the Norwegian capital, this also includes ferries and buses. In addition, cycling and electric cars will be strongly promoted.

The city expects that its investments will not only be worthwhile for people and the environment but will also result in cost savings in the future. Learn more here!

What happened to the German 9-euro ticket?

On Friday, the long-awaited agreement on the successor to the 9€ ticket was reached. The plan is to introduce a digital "Deutschlandticket" -Germany ticket, for public transport valid throughout Germany at an introductory price of €49 per month with a monthly subscription that can be canceled.

However, it remains to be seen whether the ticket will be introduced at the beginning of the year. Read more.

...we don't want to diminish our good news, but we still want to remain realistic: One could have expected more from the 9€ ticket successor. The main criticism: 49€ is still a lot of money, especially for low-income earners, so they probably won't be able to benefit from this ticket.

???Earthly Delights

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France bans short-haul flights

In 2020, France was in the news for wanting to ban short-haul flights. The EU Commission then examined whether this was compatible with European law. Now it has approved the ban and even extended it to connecting flights! All connections that can be reached by train in less than 2.5 hours are affected. However, the ban is limited to three years and France must present a report on the experience after 2 years.

???Number of the week

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cents per kilometer! This is how much money you get in Bergamo (Italy) since October if you cycle to work or university. A device is installed on the bicycle that counts the kilometers on previously saved routes. Up to 30€ can be earned in this way, which can be redeemed as vouchers in local shops. More than 50 shops are participating and more than 500 devices have already been installed.

In Berlin, there are also initiatives to further incentivize cycling. From January 1, 2023, bicycles and other two-wheelers can be parked free of charge in Berlin's car parks. It is obvious that this will not only be well received. Read more here.

???Challenge of the week

Alternatives for commuters

About 68% of the employees in Germany normally drive to work. Clearly, anything is better than sitting alone in the car and driving to work. As an alternative to the car, you can usually choose between public transport or cycling. Where public transport or cycling is not possible, it might be worth considering carpooling. This not only saves CO?, but also money if everyone shares the cost of fuel.

Take a look at our challenge catalogue, where we have prepared four different commuter challenges for you. You're sure to find one that suits your commute.

  • Commuter - Carpool
  • Commuter - Bicycle instead of car
  • Commuter - public transport instead of car
  • Commuter - Bicycle instead of public transport

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