Increase Your Bottom Line by Simply Telling Stories
Wayne Williams
A Creative Digital Marketer, crafting your brand's story, then spreading it around town!
Now obviously, story telling isn't something new to marketing, but sometimes we all need a reminder. (a nudge, a kick in the butt, a push...okay you get the point)
Storytelling is something we all do naturally, starting at a young age, but there’s a difference between good storytelling and great storytelling. ?We tell stories everyday.? Around the water cooler in the office. (if you still go to the office!) Something as simple as how your weekend was, is a story.
We as human's are wired to tell, and listen to stories.?
They Intrigue us, entertain us, make us sad, and can just bring out raw emotion.
As we all know your potential clients aren’t just buying your service or product, they’re investing in you, the business owner.
If they can relate to you on a personal level, all the better.
How do you get them to do that? Tell them stories. Stores about you, your business, your day to day struggle, your family (whatever you’re comfortable with!)
Some of the most successful social media business accounts are the ones that tell the best stories.
Just in case you haven't heard about the amazing business book "?Building a Story Brand", by Donald Miller. I'll tell you about it. It's not a new book by any means, (published Oct. 10, 2017) but it is a good one.
"More than half-a-million business leaders have discovered the power of the StoryBrand Framework, created by New York Times best-selling author and marketing expert Donald Miller. And they are making millions."
The stories you tell also don't have to be elaborate, crazy over the top, hero's journey style,...etc. They just need to be relatable to your target audience.
Stories help connect you with potential clients/customers.
So go ahead, market your business through relatable stories!