Oscar A. R. Chow
GM & Founder of ZERO1, a professional services company providing strategic solutions to Startups, Fortune 500 Companies, and the Public Sector.
A few months ago, my team came across the perfect candidate for a role. We knew he was having difficulty finding a job because he left comments discussing his job search journey on various LinkedIn threads. However, when we tried to contact him, it was impossible to get in touch because he was completely inaccessible online — there was no way to contact him. We had no choice but to leave replies to his comments and messaged him across other social media platforms. He enthusiastically replied over a month later and wanted to learn more about the job, but the only problem was that we already filled the role. This story is not unique, and unfortunately, it happens pretty frequently. Today, we will discuss 6 quick tips to increase your accessibility, so you can avoid missed opportunities and maximize the number of new job options in your inbox.
I have found that candidates who receive the most job opportunities have (1) executed the tips discussed in my previous posts and (2) implemented at least one of the following recommendations. When we come across a qualified candidate with any of these tips in place, it increases the likelihood that we’ll reach out to them.
If you don’t have an email in your About Section or basic instructions on how to contact you, you may be missing out on new opportunities. You don’t have to advertise that you’re looking for a new opportunity, but basic instructions make a huge difference.
INSTRUCTION EXAMPLE: "If you would like to discuss my expertise or professional background, please feel free to say hello [email protected]?or at 555.555.5555"
PRO TIP:?Consider creating a separate email address that is dedicated to tracking new opportunities. Additionally, you can use inbox filters to categorize incoming messages from recruiters so no opportunities fall between the cracks.
Next to your profile photo, there is a “CONTACT INFO” link that will display your details. By default, LinkedIn generally restricts showing this information to your 1st Degree connections only. However, if a recruiter is not connected with you, it may be difficult for them to get in touch. Consider increasing the visibility so that everyone can see it, which may increase the amount of new opportunities that you receive.
INSTRUCTIONS:?Click on your Profile Icon at the top of your LinkedIn page > Settings & Privacy > Visibility > Who Can See Or Download Your Email Address > Select Your Preference
If a recruiter is not a 1st Degree connection, they must purchase InMail credits to message you. Imagine if a recruiter only has a few InMail credits left, and they think you might be a good fit for the job but are not quite sure. They may pass on your profile and search for someone more qualified to avoid wasting an InMail credit. You want to prevent this and encourage them to message you! One of the ways to do that is by turning on the OPEN PROFILE setting. This suggestion only applies if you are a premium member and have the Gold LinkedIn badge to the right of your profile photo. Open Profile is a premium feature that allows anyone on LinkedIn to contact you for free and will increase the amount of messages you receive, which may include new job opportunities.?
INSTRUCTIONS:?Navigate to your Profile page > find the Gold LinkedIn Badge > Click on the Pencil icon that’s next to it > Open Profile > Turn It On
If you don’t have access to the Open Profile feature, at least check to ensure that you have your InMail feature enabled because you may be missing out on opportunities if you have deactivated it by accident. The candidate we discussed earlier accidentally had his InMail feature turned OFF, making it incredibly difficult to get in touch with him. Remember, people pay to send you InMails, so be sure to check it regularly because it may have your next career move waiting for you.
INSTRUCTIONS: Click on your Profile Icon at the top of your LinkedIn page > Settings & Privacy > Data Privacy > Messages > Turn On InMail Messages
PRO TIP: If you are inundated with InMail messages, consider adjusting your notification settings to make it more manageable. Additionally, LinkedIn can forward your InMails to your email inbox, where you can capture & categorize them with an email filter.
Adding your resume provides a few benefits. First, it provides additional context about your expertise. Many candidates don’t fully build out their LinkedIn profiles, so attaching a resume helps a recruiter quickly determine if they are qualified for the role. Secondly, and most importantly, it provides the candidate's contact details. LinkedIn provides a few areas where you can attach your resume, but including it on your public profile in the Featured Section allows it to be found quickly.
INSTRUCTIONS:?Navigate to your Profile page > scroll down to the section titled Featured > Click on the Plus symbol > Add Media > Upload Your Resume
Accessibility is a two-way street, so responding to inquiries helps to build your professional network for the future, and timely responses show that you're engaged. Even if you’re not interested in a role, draft some generic responses that you can use that are professional yet insightful. Every good recruiting company keeps notes on the various candidates they encounter & their needs. Your replies will be welcomed and will warrant more opportunities and follow-ups that are aligned with your goals.
FOLLOW-UP EXAMPLE:?“Thank you for reaching out and considering me for this opportunity. I’m not interested in making a career move at this time, but I may be interested in exploring new opportunities early next year. Feel free to follow up then, and I would be happy to reconnect & discuss your open roles.”?
CAREER GOAL EXAMPLE: “This sounds like a great opportunity. However, I don’t think it’s aligned with my career goals. Can you kindly keep me in mind for X, Y, and Z opportunities, please? I would be excited to discuss these types of opportunities when they come across your desk.”
In Closing, many of these tips are simple, but over 90% of people we encounter don’t have any of them in place. If the candidate I discussed earlier implemented just one of these tips, he would have secured a job. Often, the small things we do make a big difference, and increasing your accessibility may help you land your next job opportunity.
Next week,?we are going to discuss Building Relationships.