Increase UX with Audio UI
A new and unappreciative feature in a lot of UI I come across is fun sound and haptics. Now listen, I know a lot of us have our phones sound turned off so we do not hear a ring or text tone every 3 minutes - but imagine an app where you can explore the depths of and enjoy the deep ui the creators made?!
Recently I have been exploring sound and how to intergrate it in my UI. Like said before it is rare we have our sound on because we are at work, in public, or just don't need to listen to our phones. I have came across a couple apps with great audio and haptic feedback that makes me want to play with that certain feature for even longer even if I have no purpose to be doing so (??).
Here are some ways and reasonings I have thought of/found in app design recently:
Microinteractions: Adding that Charm and Personality
Loading Screens: Turning Waiting into an Experience
Scroll Feedback: Guiding Users Through Navigation
Accessibility: Enhancing User Engagement
Emotional Connection: Allowing Feelings With Sound
There is a growing amount of new inspiration on social media. Creators are taking big leaps in improving UI and making it fun again! Please don't hesitate in creating something new or experimenting with new UI elements.