Increase Productivity With Meditation
By Coco des Rosiers

Increase Productivity With Meditation

How connected to your happiness do you feel ? Does it feel like it's a part of you ? Or is it something that can only be attained by something you do ?

Can you recall a moment of happiness and just hold it in your thoughts for a couple minutes ?

You might be wondering why I would ask if you could do this. And the answer is simple : Happiness, - joy to be exact, - results in being more efficient with our time and even results in higher quality results, so what better way to attain your success than to go about it with efficiency and get greater results, right ?

The research on happiness conducted by Professor Andrew Oswald, Dr Eugenio Proto and Dr Daniel Sgroi from the Department of Economics at the University of Warwick, showed happiness results in a 12% increase in productivity.

And get this, Google saw a 37% increase in productivity when their "Googlers" were given a happier environment.

Now, you may be asking yourself, 'What does happiness - joy - have to do with meditation ?' Well... this answer is simple, too. By meditating, you are pausing to observe your natural thought process, and focussing on the milestones you have already achieved, or are going to achieve, and, as a result, you are recognizing that happiness can be found in all you do. You just need to stop, recognize it and be grateful for it. And when you get into the habit of this practice, you no longer need to seek happiness outside of you, because you know it's right within you.

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Here's a thought to reflect upon : In this very moment, everyone in your life is synchronized with your belief system (and you with theirs). If you're a leader, are successful in all you do, and have nailed that work-life balance, you are in happy company... It's probably easy to take 2 minute pauses and find joy in your life. Great job !

But if you are coming up with reasons why you're missing milestones... I invite you to keep reading... The whole purpose of this newsletter is to give you a tool to navigate your way to your happiness, hence, your success with ease.

Through the years, I have seen, time and time again, that there really is no reason why you - or anyone - cannot attain all you seek in life. After all, it just about finding the joy along the way.

Easier said than done, you say... Well, not really. Remember, it only takes 28 days to create a habit.

So I invite you to ask yourself, 'Why do you meditate ? Or want to meditate ?' In fact, I invite you to jot down your answer or make a list, and you will probably discover a pattern; which is attached to a belief or string of beliefs. And 'Boom', you just practiced the first step of meditating !

The second step is to just add in a sense of accomplishment to that... which is a form of happiness. (Can you appreciate ALL your accomplishments ?)

If you can, then that triggers the third step : gratitude... and low and behold, you've accomplished the 3 steps of meditating !

Isn't it wonderful that you needn't climb a mountain and hid in a cave ? There's no need to follow the footsteps of the monks to attain the benefits of meditation. Our lives are unique, so, naturally, our experiences are just as unique. But your rewards are equally as great. Any and ALL insight you've gained from this simple process are the keys to your success in life.

So should you want a greater reward, then review each step with curiosity; recognize and be thankful for each contribution these steps have to your well-being. When you do, science has shown that this practice lowers anxiety, decreases stress hormones, promotes heart health and even lessens pain.

To value is to observe and feel EACH of these 3 steps as an accomplishment. I encourage you to take note as to how much you value each of these steps. And if there are any steps that you think you can be disregard, ask yourself why...

Why ? Because, in order to feel fulfilled we need to recognize and value each step of our natural thought process. If you think a step can be disregarded, then that looming feeling that there is something missing in your life, is lost in that overlooked step... Something that will bring you happiness.

Wonders await you ! You just need to recognize that they are right where you are.

Drop me a line in the comments or DM and let me know how it works for you !

Until next time… Peace. Love. and Razzamatzz !

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Coco des Rosiers, M. Ed. and Chief Rebel @IlluminateAbundance

If you're looking for personalized 1:1 Sessions to zero in on your Success and Meditation, I currently have a few more spaces open :


