Increase the odds.

Increase the odds.

How can I make professional changes in my favor, when so much of my situation depends on external circumstances?

Since we are influenced and to some extent driven by external circumstances, it is quite common to find ourselves professionally derailed.? As the external situations change, we may sense that our deeply felt cause is amiss. While our performance value is being assessed by comparison to what is available, we should not concede to such assessments. We should be consciously aware of the liberty we have to take advantage of opportunities that coincide with our strong points. To assess incoming opportunities, we need to be sure not only about our capabilities but also, about what inspires us. ?

Consider everything around us as an assembly of countless particles of various sizes continuously in motion. These motions are triggered by interrelated events, and consequentially they produce different outcomes. It is often difficult to fully identify the characteristics of these new formations, but in most cases, they represent a new opportunity.

These new formations gain momentum in size by the energy and the velocity invested in them. ?They tend to attract more support from people willing to adopt change as part of their socio-economic well-being.?

As gullible individuals, we tend to quickly accept the promising advantages that such formations offer, but in reality, such new constellations benefit primarily the sources, (or conglomerates) that created them. In deciding on whether to adopt or refrain from affiliating with a new formation, we need to consider not only the foreseeable benefits but also our capabilities. It is best to periodically take inventory of various power clusters within ourselves: Knowledge power, social abilities, social connectivity, the ability to innovate, physical power, and our economic flexibilities. In an ever-changing ecosystem, making adjustments to the application of each power asset is important. ?

“If others can manage their economic situation, by adapting new opportunities and working “out of home” are such options also available to me? It turns out that these; “ do-as-you-wish and enjoy unlimited success options” are steered by media-based conglomerates, where you might invertedly become a Ponzi to a scheme. So, what viable options are there?

The misconception of populism. The idea that a rapid gain in popularity leads to commercial success, is hyped by unverified media exposure. Encouraging to build exponential popularity has become a mantra that is supposed to apply to individuals as well as companies. Social media platforms invent means to connect to achieve their commercial goal. These measures are coated with attractive propositions whereby anyone regardless of skills and capabilities can become a successful entrepreneur. But unless the scheme matches one’s capability it may not deliver on expectations.

How to unwind from deceptive social media propositions? Pre-conditions only come to light when an initiative in a scheme has already taken place. These preemptive calculations are based on presumptions of opportunities, but they can also turn into liabilities. Here too the pursuit of a personal purpose is instrumental in detouring from propositions that are not meant for us to be pursued. Aggregate efficiencies are meant to perpetuate the circular motion of a specific economic model. While this serves AI-driven enterprises, it is not designed to be a business booster for all individuals.??

Everyone is looking for something special. Instinctively and unintentionally, we abide by a frame of reference that guides us through the evaluation of the first impressions and beyond. This has a profound effect on what we believe in, and what we choose to do. By overemphasizing ego-centricity, we tend to discard commitments towards people we work with. It should be noted that significant progress cannot be achieved in isolation which is why winning at all costs is unsustainable.

The psychological energy needed to support the search for a fitting cause.? As individuals, we have several emotional indicators, we just don't know which ones we are destined to pursue. In most cases, activation happens by trial and error, whereby the uncertainty of reaching a set goal interferes with our decisions. While working day in and day out toward achieving the set goals, we are being deprived of the cognitive space that would enable us to seriously consider alternatives.?As scary as the untried might be, it is in the “untried” that we find the answers to emerging challenges. In this context, another variation of the current professional pursuance does not count as the “untried”.?

In general, we are not taking full advantage of the liberties we have to modify and abstract. ?Exploring the untried takes mental exercises in venturing. Such mental exercises can happen when conducting constructive discourses with trusted people. It takes liberation from self-imposed constraints.? Affirming that under changed circumstances any challenge is surmountable.??

Becoming superfluous is a gradual process that can be preempted. A "built-in guard" of digressing mitigating circumstances enables one to identify an imminent change in the socio-economic environment. To be cognizant of such a situation and start taking proactive actions can avert a progressive digression. It requires a determination, and a mental energy similar to the one generated toward "becoming professionally indispensable."? ?

Being in a position to pursue one's profession is a daunting undertaking but under certain circumstances, it could lead to becoming a "perfectionist" at what you do.? And if your professional achievements become known to decision-makers who are looking for advancements, you will become professionally thought after. It feels fulfilling to be professionally respected and needed. ?Becoming professionally indispensable can be explained as follows: A conversation between the CEO of a renowned enterprise and the HR manager: “We need to get Mani Chaitanya to work with us at our headquarters.” HR manager’s response: “But sir, Mani Chaitanya, lives on the other side of the planet, she doesn't have our citizenship, and she...” The CEO interrupts: “I don’t care, just get here over here!” ????????????????????????????????????????????

The best way to achieve such a position is to identify a cause that you have always wanted to pursue. One example of becoming professionally desirable is Professor Erdal Ar?kan. A Turkish professor in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. Erdal became known for his implementation of polar coding. In 2008 Ar?kan improved the implementation of the polar codes system that provided the solution of Shannon's channel capacity problem.? In 2010, Huawei recognized the potential of polar codes to optimize channel coding technology, so the company invited Professor Erdal to join Huawei in China. Huawei Chairman Eric Xu spoke at an event: "5G standards are the result of a worldwide effort to drive progress in wireless communications technology.???

The 3rd wave of cognizance. ?By definition, the third wave of cognizance occurs after the obvious scenarios have been examined and dealt with. These faint and distant mental waves are being ignored because they don’t seem to relate to anything that is of immediate concern. But they may reveal conditions that should be taken into consideration. In some cases, the third cognizance will lead to new feasibilities.? ???

Diversification beyond expectation. Daring to think through what no one else dared to, is risky, but it pays off. A redefined perspective will lead to augmenting the conventional professional cause. This readjustment will be a continuous guide to addressing the changing economic situation.

As unpredictable as the future is, there are certain indications that we can count on. Advancement in knowledge and skills will accelerate. Relevant innovations and inventions will spearhead socio-economic development. Over time, foresight seems to get a little better mainly because of better access to information and, we learn how to correlate past events with emerging indications. The gap between what we see coming and the unexpected is astonishingly large. The second half of the 21st century will be characterized by innovative products and services of the third kind. To overcome this barrage of intrusion brands would need to distinguish themselves as being technologically superior and immune to plagiarism.


Increasing the odds is one chapter of the Footloose Mind Liberator concept.

Best regards, Alex.


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