Increase the demand for task results based on facts, not abstractions
Marcel JB Tardif, MBA
CEO - PerformInfo Inc. Auteur, Conférencier, Coach de dirigeants 26 519 abonnés + 3 900 post 560 articles
Managers (2) are in the habit of setting performance targets (annual task performance objectives) (3), arbitrarily increasing (4) the level of performance expected on the assigned task. If the employee produced one hundred service units last year, the supervisor would ask the employee to make ten more this year. Since the technical requirements of the task remain essentially the same, the increase in production required will appear reasonable, as a target result, to both the supervisor and the employee. Almost everyone will agree that this level of job performance requirement is acceptable everywhere in the industry. However, the organization's budget will also have increased by ten percent. This will make getting the job done even easier, even more so where budget envelopes have been more generous. This was not considered in the work planning system, nor the performance appraisal system.
However, this is a very poor method of calculation (5) for establishing the level of performance on the expected job, since neither the supervisor nor the employee will have considered the addition of an extra year's experience on the part of the performer of the task concerned (6). In terms of the learning curve (7), the latter should be able to master the task assigned to him better, if not entirely, then at least in proportion to the spread, over the time of employment, of the degree of arduousness attached to it (8). In short, if a task is so arduous that it takes the average employee three years to master it fully, then at the start of the third year, the performance target will have to consider the fact that the effort required to complete it fully will no longer be one hundred or sixty-six percent, but only thirty-three percent.
Increasing production expectations by ten percent on a task whose conditions, in terms of required resources and work execution context, have not changed substantially, will mean that the employee can even reduce his real effort to perform it by twenty percent. And this will be all the easier, and more certain if the budget for it has increased by ten percent (9). An appreciable loss (10), rarely accounted for, on the capacities, potentialities, and opportunities to exceed the activity to be rendered in the organization (11). Instead of multiplying statistical controls, to create the illusion of a well-managed work process, the economically intelligent organization will revise its activity management modes, methods, and practices, to take account of its real capacities, potentialities, and opportunities to exceed the previous level of return on its business (12).
If, on the other hand, internal or external constraints mean that the degree of arduousness has been increased, or reduced, in an observable way (14), the supervisor should take this into account when setting the target result at the start of the new exercise. The same should be done when assessing work performance at the end of the year (15). On the other hand, increasing the budget in no way implies that, in calculating the target result, the supervisor has considered changes in the organization's management modes, methods, and practices, nor the market constraints that have a direct, profound, and ongoing influence on the task in hand. Market positioning strategies, task execution structures, resource allocation processes, and other work-related systems should all be considered, before, during, and after job execution. Otherwise, the organization will be swimming in the most absolute unknown of its real potential for task execution, and in the even more absolute unknown of the real return on work accomplishment (16). Producing figures is not the same as managing activity, whatever the proponents of tight control over people and actions, inside and outside the organization, may think. In business, accounting rhetoric is more declaratory of presumed performance than probative of confirmed superior results in resource management.
Instead of arbitrarily setting performance targets (17), the organization should base them on the potentialities, capabilities, and opportunities associated with the task at hand. In this way, it would focus on a sensible optimization of its means and ways of achieving results, rather than playing the guessing game every year... of how much to increase its revenues or how much to reduce its operating expenses. Stretch, on the job, is not about increasing preferential work performance in the abstract, but about making the most of the organization's available resources (18). And by resources we mean not only budgetary envelopes, but also learning and the modes, methods, and practices of activity management within the organization. All this, from the perspective of a fair comparison of the organization's capabilities, potentialities, and opportunities, firstly about itself, and secondly about its market competitors (19). A comparison that is not so much overlooked as completely ignored by most organizations, whatever their sector of activity. Measuring in a vacuum (21) is like “stretching” in a vacuum: an exercise in pure managerial futility, in an organization... that claims to be “high performing” on all dimensions of its business management (22).
1) Task “stretch” is simply the demand for additional results, compared with what was achieved in the previous exercise. Stretch should not lead to task overload, but to a higher level of demand, considering the passage of time in performing the same work, and the conditions that add to (or subtract from) the employee's potential output. That said, an honest method of counting performance on assigned work must also consider the inhibitors of the task (those that make it more difficult to carry out) ... just as it does for the gas pedals of the task (those that make it easier to carry out).
2) Strictly speaking, it should be the staff's immediate supervisors who set the annual performance targets for the tasks entrusted to them. This should be done based on the organization's overall performance expectations. The unfortunate fact is that, all too often, results targets are decreed by management, and applied uniformly across the entire job category. This is perfectly inconsistent, given that the task is never the same from one department to another, and depends greatly on the nature and scope of the new projects on which the organization must act. And yet, the work-planning regime, like the work-evaluation mechanism, is so deficient that very few organizations have a suitable management method for their activity performance system.
4) The most widespread practice in the world of work is to set a scale for increasing task output, based on previous production data. This is undoubtedly an explicable mathematical referent but by no means an intelligent and responsible way of gauging the capacities, potentialities, and business opportunities of the organization concerned. Task performance should not be an arbitrarily fixed figure based on what has been produced in the past, but an estimate of possible performance that considers the state of progress of the organization's experience at work, and the state of the organization's endowment of various ways and means of facilitating (or not) the execution of work.
7) Given that there is generally no system of knowledge management, let alone career progression, in an organization, it should come as no surprise that there is no way of calculating on-the-job learning either. Many employees will confirm that their employer pays for their external training but are never concerned about integrating their newly acquired knowledge into the workplace. Worse still, it happens, often, that the knowledge “thus financed” by the employer has little or nothing to do with the task taken on or the promotion prospects of the staff benefited by such so-called “professional” training arrangements.
8) The spread of the degree of hardship corresponds to the years of experience over which the degree of initial requirement to perform the assigned task is depreciated, so to speak. The more years go by, essentially repeating the same job, the more the person performing it should have mastered the basic requirements. In other words, the initial job will no longer be the same, in terms of effort, since the requirements for its execution will have diminished about the time it takes to repeat it. If we need to generate a return on the work, then we also need to be able to generate a return on how the work itself is measured. This does not mean overloading staff, but using them economically and responsibly, since the purpose of service in a competitive organization is to make the best possible use of the resources available to make the activity in question more competitive (profitable).
9) Of course, this is a mathematical calculation, which does not consider any other set of factors influencing the performance of the assigned task. The point of this paper is precisely to point in the direction of an evaluation based on everything that will affect, positively or negatively, the conditions of execution of the assigned task. Otherwise, job performance appraisal is likely to be based on a demand for increased production... with no valid economic basis.
10) Given the slim profit margins in some industries, we must seriously question the rationale behind a performance planning and measurement system that is so inconsistent with the idea of making optimum use of the resources available to get the job done. Measuring, especially in the current blur of work performance planning-assessment regimes, is not management, but statistics. It's not even intelligent accrual accounting, since accrual accounting should consider the factors involved in getting the job done, which should include spending to lighten the load.
11) No one is talking about work overload, but about the renewal of a task that remains essentially the same, even though the customers served are now different. Some task data will differ, at the margin, without altering the essential nature of the work. The assessment of expected performance, at the end of each new exercise, must therefore consider changes in the ability of the staff concerned to master the task. To this must be added the task's acceleration and inhibition factors. Otherwise, the organization will underestimate its capacities, potentialities, and opportunities to deliver the activity it will initiate with each new work cycle. It's this kind of short-sighted management approach that causes so many organizations to claim to be “high performers”, when in fact they rank last in the world of true performers.
12) Too many organizations confine themselves to a panoply of production measurement indicators and forget to measure the productivity that should flow from responsible management of their capabilities, potentialities, and opportunities for improved work performance. Measurement is “statisticized”, whereas measurement should be managed.
14) We're not talking about naked eye observations, but observations with a critical eye. If the mathematization of production can be envisaged (“bean counting”), why can't the economics of productivity be practiced (“better counting”)? This would require fewer unnecessary controls on system outputs, and more application to changing the modes, methods, and practices of activity management... everywhere on the circuit of task accomplishment in the competitive organization. ?
15) However, performance management methods are disconnected, from the beginning to the end of the production cycle of the assigned task. Numbers abound, but intelligence in business cycle management is in no way served by what is practiced... abundantly, repetitively, and blindly.
16) The unfortunate thing is that, as soon as the targets set have been exceeded, the organization congratulates itself on its “performance”. It doesn't question the fact that the “first-in-class”, with comparable means and methods, has achieved ten times the result on the resources committed to carrying out the same activity. This demonstrates that the typical organization is not engaged in extraordinary (optimal) management but in routine (minimal) management. ?
17) Of the 10 percent type, because others in the industry will have done the same. Benchmarking has its limits, not to say its shortcomings (its costs). ?
18) The organization's total resources are managed based on the management modes, methods, and practices it endorses, applies, and extends or refocuses, revises, and reforms.
19) What we're talking about here is not benchmarking, but optimality in the return on the resource committed to the activity. Only the “first-in-class” organization precisely defines the level of optimality possible for the activity in question. It's a mistake to think that all organizations can ever be at the same level. In the market economy, the entire pyramid of organizations in the market is decanted by performance level. Only one organization is at the top, while a large number are at the base of the pyramid... before falling off!
20) Speaking of sectors of activity, the one that's in the worst shape of all in this respect is the damn public sector. It's all about political projection (claims of superior performance), and nothing about the economic measure of things (improved service to the population).