Increase adoption and ROI of e-learning at your organization
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Most companies are continuing to shift their training spend online, especially in the aftermath of the COVID crisis. This shift is putting increased pressure on L&D leaders who must now evaluate and implement LMSs and LXPs and drive engagement and gamification to increase adoption of these.
However, online learning platforms have in-famously low adoption and completion rates. On average, it is common for employees to complete less than two courses a year. It is even harder to link this engagement to results.
Over this past year, we have implemented several corporate e-learning solutions with high adoption and results.
The most important learning for us has been that a single e-learning methodology cannot work for all learning needs. Even if you use the same LMS/LXP, its form factor needs to be customized to employees' learning objectives – exploration, skill development, and results.
Exploration platforms are vast libraries of content for browsing and knowledge gathering. It is challenging to push for high engagement rates on these platforms or link engagement to business results.
Skills-based learning involves mapping curated learning paths (often with some custom content) to titles, levels, or individuals. This form factor typically has a higher engagement rate than exploration platforms, especially when linked to career progress, certification, gamification, peer-to-peer learning, and blended learning.
Results linked training involves mapping learning paths to specific projects or goals, such as initiative acceleration or higher adoption. The target metrics for such courses are less about engagement and more about project KPIs (although the latter often leads to the former). You can increase this form factor's engagement by linking the courses to similar add-ons as skill-based learning. Additionally, an emphasis on learning-by-doing can be powerful.
Do reach out to me in the comments or at if you would like to discuss this further over a virtual coffee. I would love to understand what e-learning objectives you have tried and your experience with them.