Incompetence is ok ?!?

Incompetence is ok ?!?

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Incompetence is ok… long as you know!

By Will Farrugia Director Of Training Florida Firearms Training.

Yes believe it or not being incompetent with a firearm is just fine, as long as you acknowledge it…Let me explain: When it comes to proficiency with a firearm, there are only three levels we need worry about / three points / 3 stages that a shooter can be. They are progressive levels that change with time, correct repetition and diligence.  

Stage 1. Conscious Incompetency: This is the first level of competency that we go through when learning something new. It is where we KNOW we don’t KNOW what we are doing. We need someone or something to teach / guide us to do it the correct / safe way. For example, remember the first time you climbed behind the wheel of a car! Hopefully there was a competent person sitting in the passenger seat that guided you through, adjusting your seat, controls of the vehicle, mirrors, processes, etc. and taught you how to drive, at least the basics. You knew that it was complicated, that you did not know what you were doing and needed time and help to learn…that is by definition Conscious Incompetent. That’s ok, it’s where we all begin.

Stage 2. Consciously Competent: The second level of competency that we go through when learning something new. It is where we KNOW we can do the task correctly, IF we think through each step. Again think about when you took your driving thought about each and every move you made, mirror, indicator, mirror, gears, break, speed, distance to the car in front of you, breaking time. etc….And as long as you thought through each step you were competent in that task! Congratulations…you passed your driving test!

Stage 3. Unconsciously Competent: This is the third and final level of competency that we go through when learning something new. It is where we KNOW we can do the task correctly, and we do said task without any thought process. For example, you have been driving now for over 5 years, think of the last time you drove your car, did you have to think through how to drive, when to break, when to speed up, when to change lanes, indicate, swerve to miss the idiot in front that just slammed his breaks on for no reason?....No of course not, you drove your car while talking on your phone, drinking your morning coffee, eating your donut and shouting at the news caster on the radio. In other words you drove the car without thinking about the process required to do so. In other words you are now Unconsciously Competent at the task of driving. 

So what does this have to do with shooting? Well think about it, at what point in the three stages above do you think you are ready to “fight” with your firearm, to use that firearm to defend yourself and those around you, WITHOUT hitting bypasses….without screwing up? Stage 3 right. Correct. Until you are at stage 3, Unconsciously Competent with your firearm (that means loading, unloading, clearing malfunctions, drawing from concealment, holstering to concealment, moving and shooting, engaging multiple targets while moving.. all WITHOUT thinking it through, just doing it)...Then and ONLY then are you ready to carry that gun in public, around other people. Then and only then do you stand a chance of winning a reactive close quarter gunfight. If you have to think through any of the actions required to FIGHT with that firearm, you are NOT ready to carry it. Until then your firearm is just a child’s security blanket…it might make you feel safe having it on you, but it is going to do nothing to stop the monsters from getting you!

Get trained, Practice Perfectly, Get to Stage three…. 


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