The Incomparable Christ
In these final days, God has spoken to us through his Son.
Through the Son he made the universe and everything in it.
The Son reflects God’s glory; everything about him represents God exactly. ??????? ????????????????????? Hebrews 1:2-3a NLT
Christ is Heaven’s Vicar—God’s One and Only Son, totally like the Father. ????
No one else exactly reflects God’s kind nature and His holy purpose. ????
Worshiping him with all our heart is the recipe for effervescent joy. ????
He is the Way, Truth, and Life—the Sculptor of the universe.
Christ is Heaven’s Vitality—God’s Resurrection, triumphing over death. ????
No one else can create life from nothing. ????
Marveling at his awesome creativity is the secret of appreciating beauty. ????
He is the Good Shepherd—the Sustainer of all creation.
Christ is Heaven’s Virtue—God’s Goodness, guiding us mercifully in the maze. ????
No one else can be our Center of Gravity when everything falls apart. ????
Depending on him when perplexities crowd our heart is the recipe for calm.
???? He is the Lamb of God—the Savior of sinners.
Christ is Heaven’s Vindication—God’s pardon, dismissing hell’s case against us.
???? No one else can forgive transgressions and make our soul white as snow. ???
? Trusting his love when guilt burdens is the only way we can learn to sing. ????
He is the King of kings—the Sovereign of eternity.
Christ is Heaven’s Victory—God’s authority, presiding over the final judgment. ????
No one else is worthy of reigning over every nation and every heart. ????
Submitting to his plan is the road to discovering a purposeful life. ????
He is the Light of the world—the Star of bright morning.
Christ is Heaven’s Vision—God’s promise, painting a bright future for believers.
??? No one else can solve the world’s intractable problems. ????
Hoping in the Prince of Peace is the ultimate antidote to despair. ????
He is the Alpha and Omega—the Song in the night.
Christ is Heaven’s Vocabulary—God’s Holy Alphabet, all He has to say to earth.
???? No one else perfectly understands the heart of God. ????
Paying careful attention to his voice is the path to timeless, infinite wisdom.
???? He is the Word of grace and truth—the Spokesperson for God.
? By Pastor Johnny R. Almond ??????????????????Day 354, Gentle Whispers from Eternity
Book available at
Professor Department Chair Higher Education Communication Arts
11 个月Indeed, Pastor!