Income is bloodline for business!
If your income is less than your out go then your cash flow becomes your down fall! These words were shared with me nearly twenty years ago by my then mentor the late great Manly Mc Williams. He was a broker with Hospitality International back when I was a franchise development manager.
The reason this statement is relevant today is because this brief paragraph touches on so many that reflects business and income. First look at income, out go, cash flow and profitability. Next what's mentioned is real estate, hotels, franchise development, training, and mentorship.
You may ask what does this have to do with your business? The answer is simply, Do you have a mentor? Do you have specific income streams? Do yo have a balance sheet? Do you own real estate? And finally, when you conduct business, do you tract your expenses?
If you answer no to any of theses questions, perhaps you will see the need and value to address these issues. Often we over think these kinds of things or miss them altogether. By focusing on the basics is what takes you to the next level! For more on addressing your company needs go to