Inclusivity and support
Patiently waiting for the corn trucks.

Inclusivity and support

We can achieve much more.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of navigating visa applications and language barriers, I was entranced by a mesmerizing sight: a flock of pigeons patiently awaiting the arrival of corn delivery trucks at a bustling intersection. What struck me most was their remarkable discernment—these birds only descended upon trucks that had offloaded their sacks of corn, never the full ones. It was a testament to their innate sense of restraint and respect for resources, demonstrating that they were neither greedy nor destructive in their pursuit of sustenance.

?As I watched these feathered creatures gracefully maneuvering around the trucks, I couldn't help but marvel at their impeccable timing and cooperative spirit. Despite the flock's diverse ages, sizes, and genders, they moved in perfect harmony, each playing their role without pushing or shoving. It was a symphony of motion orchestrated by nature's wisdom.

?Reflecting on this scene, I couldn't help but draw parallels to human behavior. The pigeons were a poignant reminder of the power of collective action and mutual respect in a world often driven by individualism and self-interest. Just as they exercised restraint and discernment in their interactions with the environment, we can also strive to be mindful stewards of our resources and empathetic members of our communities.

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, may we draw inspiration from the wisdom of these humble birds. May we learn to tread lightly on this earth, show restraint and respect in all our interactions, and cultivate a world where inclusivity and cooperation reign supreme?

Sweetly feeding on corn grains left after offloading.


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