Inclusive Recruitment Guide
UVU Women in Business Impact Lab
Collaborating with community partners to support the advancement of women in the workplace.
A diverse workforce positively impacts employee engagement, reduced turnover, better decision-making, and increased productivity when organizational cultures are characterized by equal pay, opportunities to voice one’s perspectives and participate in decision-making, and open communication (Rocio et al., 2018). Barriers to achieving diversity include lack of prioritization, metrics, and time on the part of leaders (Affirmity, 2023).?
Worker attitudes toward the value of DEI (diversity, equality, and inclusion) initiatives vary with few ranking it as very important, women viewing it as more important than men, and more than half of respondents in a U.S.-based national survey feeling that their organizations pay sufficient attention to it (Pew Research Center, 2023). However, most respondents also agreed that success is easier for those who are White and male compared to those who are women, Black or Hispanic.?
Organizations can attract a more diverse applicant pool, and consequently, build more innovative organizations by implementing effective hiring strategies.?
Gender-neutral job descriptions?
Gendered-coded words impact who applies for a job; women may not apply if a posting has masculine-coded language (Gaucher et al., 2011). They may feel the position is not a good fit or that they will not be competitive. In contrast, the impact feminine-coded language on men is less pronounced. It does not lessen the appeal of the job or create feelings of not belonging. Examples of masculine-coded words are leadership, analytics, determined, and decisive. Feminine-coded words include responsibilities, support, connect, and cooperation.?
Gender language decoders for job advertisements can help resolve this issue. Employers can copy and paste their postings into a decoder and receive a report of masculine- and feminine-coded language. They can then adjust their postings to invite a broader range of applicants. A few such tools are highlighted below:?
For further information, see:
Mitigating bias in interviews?
Biases in the interview process need to be identified and avoided. Common, but often unrecognized, biases include the following:?
Bias-free interview processes include the following practices:?
For further information, see: