Partners meet for the last time in Romania

INCLUSIVE IMPRO THEATRE - Partners meet for the last time in Romania

Commitment, perseverance, friendship and spirit of collaboration: these were the words that have marked, during these two years, the Erasmus+ project “Inclusive IMPRO-Theatre“, co-funded by the European Union .?

The project partners met for the fourth and last time in Timisoara, Romania, hosted by the project coordinator: Liceul Moisil of Timisoara.?

Together with all the members of the consortium (coming from Romania, Greece, Italy and Ireland) the partners discussed what has been done so far and what, instead, has remained to be completed in view of the official closure of the project that will take place on 28 February.?

The partners also shared their impressions of all the experiences so far and the feedback was unanimous: it was very pleasant to work together on a project like this, full of interesting activities and with a clear and precise objective.

It was a great honor and pleasure to participate as an organization representing Italy in such an important and innovative project: in fact, the main purpose of “Inclusive Impro-Theatre” is to promote social inclusion in schools and prevent early school leaving through non-formal and innovative educational tools, such as improvisation theater.??

Many workshops, many meetings, many emotions: there are many interesting news for the near future, always keeping in your heart the experience lived together.?

Follow the IMPRO project for news, informations and updates on official social media channels (Facebook,?Instagram) and on the?website.?



