Inclusive and Continuous Archeology in disruptive processes
Lecturer / PhD / Researcher. Social Anthropologist & Archaeologist. Specialist in Social Innovation and Creative Economy. Smart Heritage Territories, Smart Communities.
This volume is composed of articles resulting from the reflections accomplished by the Scientific Commission “Archeological Heritage Policies and Management Structures” during the XVII World Congress of the UISPP (Union des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques) that took place in Burgos, Spain, in September 2014.
As President of this Scientific Commission, I am pleased to present this volume, which contains discussions from various countries and continents with the aim of analyzing the role of Archeology in the 21st century, considering the global challenges established by UNESCO’s 2030 Agenda. It reflects the application of an inclusive and continuous archeology, linking the past to the present and at the same time focusing on the future.
The Scientific Commission “Archeological Heritage Policies and Management Structures” was created in 2012 as a result of the joint event held in 2011 in Florianopolis, Brazil (the XVI World Congress of the UISPP and the XVI Congress of the Brazilian Archeology Society/ SAB), where I was the Scientific Coordinator for UISPP. Its scientific goal is to exchange experiences on archeological heritage policies and management structures on a global level. Models, good practices, and local solutions contribute to the development of heritage management through a better understanding between specialists and the local groups involved, respecting the regional, national, and global diversities and individualities.
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