Inclusive Agribusiness

Inclusive Integrated Farming model (IIFM)

Green without borders( GWB) is a social enterprise platform focusing on agribusiness innovative integrated farm system models (IFSM), simulating processes of the performance of crops & livestock, with major environmental impacts on production costs and farm profitability for sustainability.

Our inclusive integrated Farming Model is a symbiotic relationship between the value chain players/ actors, and in itself a market oriented led development ( MOLD). Producers are small scale in nature, capacity building is imparted by Green without borders in partnership with tertiary institutions, the tertiary institutions hone their students skill and industry-related value chain development, research for their interns/ student also consumers/ market for produce. The same principle applies for primary schools and tertiary institutions.

The rationale behind primary & secondary schools, is to equip the young pupils and students agribusiness skills, since as per statistics 70% don not go further with academics, the skills learnt will be a soft-landing, for self actualization/ empowerment.

For corrective institutions, in-mates benefit from various agribusiness programs and skill, once realized, finding a job as an ex-convict, is tough, the stigma is real, armed with the agribusiness skills integrating in the community is faster and appreciated.

The value chains Green without borders undertakes we emphasis agribusiness- commercial related, innovation- value addition, and sustainable – Food secure and better incomes.




