INBOX INSIGHTS: Take Care of Yourself, Emerging Trend Identification
Trust Insights
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Take Care of Yourself This Week
This week in the United States is a hard one. We’ve been building toward this presidential election for months. As I write this, the election is not yet over. As you read this, the results will be in. We need to figure out what to do with ourselves in the meantime.
I struggle with high-functioning anxiety. “Struggle” is the wrong word. I have a solid handle on it and can recognize when I need a moment to breathe. I am tuned into the signals that my body gives me, letting me know that my anxiety is rising. When those moments happen—and they happen daily—I focus on what I can control.
Make a To-Do List
This doesn’t have to be a list just for work. Write down things that you know you can do. This might be taking a shower, emptying the dishwasher, or putting on pants. If those things feel too hard right now, that’s okay. Start with what you can do. Take five deep breaths. Great! You’ve crossed something important off your list. Try it again. Wow! You’re doing amazing! As much as we would like the world to stop spinning, it keeps on going. If you’re leading a team, managing clients, or just trying to get through the day, focus on what you can control. There are a lot of unknowns that will bog us down. To keep things moving forward, make a list and keep your eyes on that. This will help you and your teams keep the trains on the tracks and block out the other distractions.
Reach Out
When you’re in a moment of stress or anxiety, you can believe that reaching out to someone is a burden on them. We tend to keep things to ourselves, but isolating, especially now, can do more harm than good. During the pandemic, many people developed higher anxiety because of the isolation. Check in with your team members and give them the space they need to process things. We all have feelings about what’s happening, and we will all deal with them differently. If you see team members struggling, reach out to them. Let them know they can take some time off. Yes, there are things that need to get done, but your team’s mental health is more important. Prioritizing your people will serve you better in the long run.
Let’s keep it short this week because there are plenty of things pulling your focus. Regardless of the outcome of the election this week, the aftershock will last for a while. Businesses will be unsure how to move forward. How we make decisions will have even more dependencies. The stress that we’re feeling this week will likely extend for the next few months.
In business and in your life, please take care of yourself. Recognize when it’s too much. When it is, take a step back and give yourself a break. It’s the terrible analogy of the oxygen mask on a plane. You have to put yours on first before you can help others.
How are you taking care of yourself and your people? Reach out and tell me, or come join the conversation in our free Slack Group, Analytics for Marketers.
- Katie Robbert, CEO
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In this episode of In-Ear Insights, the Trust Insights podcast, Katie and Chris discuss the new RAPPEL framework for AI prompting, designed to simplify and improve your interactions with AI. Discover why priming the model is crucial for accurate results and how this framework helps you avoid common pitfalls. Learn how RAPPEL streamlines the process of creating effective prompts and how to use it to scale your use of AI. Unlock the secret to repeatable AI success by learning from each interaction and building better prompts for future use.
Last time on So What? The Marketing Analytics and Insights Livestream, we did a Halloween special on AI-powered share of voice. Catch the episode replay here!
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Data Diaries: Interesting Data We Found
In this week’s Data Diaries, let’s explore more on the topic of trend identification, especially emerging trends.
One of the great challenges of emerging trend analysis is… well, it’s emerging. Traditional quantitative methods like anomaly detection, breakout and trend identification, etc. tend to fall down because an emerging trend is still emerging. There may not be enough quantitative data to identify it as a trend.
The challenge, of course, is discerning signal from noise. Emerging trends are weak signals - a few sparks that might catch fire, amidst a whole lot of irrelevant stuff that isn’t going to catch. And these sparks can be lurking quietly in the background for a very, very long time.
Consider the emergence of generative AI as an example. When was the transformers architecture, which powers tools like ChatGPT, first invented? Everyone thinks generative AI began with ChatGPT in November of 2022, but the research paper that started it all debuted in June 2017, a full 5 years earlier.
So how do we identify emerging trends? Mainly through qualitative data, things like conversations and observations, knowing our audience and our domain really well. Spotting interesting things that don’t exactly fit the known patterns.
Here’s what a couple friends had to say over on LinkedIn.
Deborah Carver: “I watch what people do and say in person, rather than what they do and say on the internet or in media. I especially pay attention to the actions of people who are not like me, especially those who are younger. How people behave and what they embrace usually takes a few years to surface via data, but it’s often evident if you’re paying attention on a personal level.”
Ashley Faus: “It’s counterintuitive, but I look at adjacent disciplines or outlier generations. What’s happening in the design world? What’s happening in the engineering world? Because marketers love to grab principles from those professionals and tweak ’em for our purposes ?? Same thing with outlier generations. Not the current upcoming generation, but what about my grandparents in their late 80s? What about my nieces and nephews in their toddler years? What’s happening in their worlds? Because someone has discovered a problem that they need solving, and that’s gonna have butterfly effect at some point.”
Missy Voronyak: “Consuming a lot of news and content, especially following people who are early adopters/thought leaders. Paying attention to new things and then if it’s repeated a second or third time it might take off as a trend.”
When we look at these and many other answers, they’ve all got the same underlying theme: paying attention and ingesting lots of information, some of which may not be directly related to what we want to know about.
Could we use generative AI to find, at the very least, a starting point for emerging trend identification? We sure can. One of the key principles for doing so, given the feedback above, is to look for the non-obvious. This is where generative AI’s often-cited bland content comes in handy.
Through a process known as contrastive prompting, we can first have a large language model like ChatGPT or Google Gemini tell us what the obvious trends are, then provide it data (such as conversation data, public forums, etc.) and tell it to look for emerging trends, explicitly excluding the obvious.
Here’s an example. We asked Google Gemini what the obvious trends in social media marketing are:
This list seems perfectly reasonable. We’ve seen SO many of these “trends” appear on trend lists year after year. They’re far from emerging. So given 90 days of social media marketing discussion from online forums, what might we find remains after we wash away all the obvious?
That’s not terrible. Certainly, it’s not the usual stuff that you see on the obvious trends list. With a bigger dataset and more original data, we might uncover additional trends, but at the very least, there are some interesting tidbits in here that go far beyond “Make Tiktoks!”
As the trends lists roll out over the coming weeks and months, examine them with a critical eye and consider using generative AI and techniques like we’ve described here to identify your own emerging trends.
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Imagine a world where your marketing strategies are supercharged by the most cutting-edge technology available – Generative AI. Generative AI has the potential to save you incredible amounts of time and money, and you have the opportunity to be at the forefront. Get up to speed on using generative AI in your business in a thoughtful way with our new offering, Generative AI for Marketers, which comes in two flavors, workshops and a course.
Workshops: Offer the Generative AI for Marketers half and full day workshops at your company. These hands-on sessions are packed with exercises, resources and practical tips that you can implement immediately.
Course: We’ve turned our most popular full-day workshop into a self-paced course, available now and updated as of April 2024!
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